It has been a busy week as we work on making our house a home. Needless to say I am behind on my blessing count and I know I will forget some, but I will record those I can, to the best of my knowledge, remember.
136. Being able to walk to church from the house
Reuben trying ice cream cake Not fond of the cold |
137. Jim and Daddy figuring out how to get the bunk beds together
138. Celebrating Reuben's birthday with the family
139. Ice Cream Cake!!!!!
140. Never Ending Pasta Bowl at the Olive Garden
141. Shoes for Reuben (Thank you, Nana)
142. Getting the entertainment center anchored
143. Pictures and Nick-Knacks put on entertainment center
144. Movies organized on shelves
145. Going through books and sorting
146. Jamey's willingness to help
147. Jamey moving two boxes of books across the office room by himself (strong boy)
148. Getting kids clothes sorted and organized
149. Kids shoes sorted and organized
150. Kids toys sorted and organized by location
151. Successfully moving Lillian to "toddler" bed
152. Going back to cloth products
153. Having paper products for the transition
154. Watching the kids play together
155. Fun laughter
156. Jamey and Lillian pushing Reuben in the "baby" swing and Reuben giggling
157. Big kisses from Reuben
158. Lillian asking to rock with me
159. Jamey asking for hugs and kisses
160. Jamey praying (this week he is thanking God for airplanes)
161. Women's Prayer for the nations
162. Erin Owen opening her home
163. Talking to Chelsey about International missions
164. Opportunity to teach the little Romanian and Russian I know :)
165. Jim working extra
166. Fall Family Festival at Southern
167. Free Chick-fil-A
168. Spending time with friends
169. Wearing the kids out on inflatables
170. Free pictures
171. Hearing Jamey beginning to make connections about Spiritual things, God and humanity
172. Lillian saying Bible verses and answering questions about God
173. Coupons
174. Walking to playgroup
175. Becca cutting and painting my nails