Thursday, January 3, 2019

Welcome 2019!

I'm still in awe (shock!) that it's year 2019 AD. This blog has been far more silent than I intended the last two years, but being in a state of constant transition for two years has been taxing and wearing to say the least. But as challenging as it has been, I really can't complain. God has been faithful through it all and He has brought us through stronger in faith and more ready to do those things He has called us to do.

It's been two years since I last shared my goals for the year and as I look at them I see how we have grown in all of the areas we desired to grow in. Some we met the specific goals stated and others we did not, but found alternatives that worked. With that, we also failed miserably in some areas, but in all of it we have learned and grown so much.

I only did one evaluation post in 2017, which shows the type of year it was. And it's been that way ever sense then until now. But by God's grace, we are now in a new home, Jim has a new full time job that is mostly consistent in days and times and we're finding our new normal in this season.

So with that I'm feeling the need and desire to reevaluate life again and set goals.

But this year, I'm evaluating and planning differently. I liked the way I did it before. It was nice, neat and very easy to check off my list to say if I succeeded or failed. While there is nothing wrong with this, and there are many things preferable about it especially for my personality, the last two years have taught me that this is very limiting and when things go completely off plan it's easy to feel like a complete and utter failure when you're not.

No success is isn't measured by some list of meager goals we put on ourselves. Success is measured by living out the life God has for us to live. That is what the last two years have taught me and so much more.

Yes, I want to read my Bible for at least 10 minutes everyday. But God doesn't love me more if I do. If I have done the tasks He has given me that day through the power of His Spirit in me, it's a good day.

This year is the first time I've chosen a word for the year. As I reflected over the past two years and prayed for God to show me what it is He wants for me there was one word that was abundantly clear:


There are many things that God has asked me to do, called me to, projects I've started with His leading and have not seen through. Whether from uncontrollable circumstances or fear and laziness, (usually the latter) I have not completed tasks that He has given me in many areas of my life. So this year is a year of completion.

Yes many of the goals I made shared in 2017 still stand, but I want to accomplish them in light of the bigger goal of living the life God has for me for His Kingdom and His Glory. Whether completeing small everyday chores or reaching major objectives and dreams that He is giving to me, it is all for Him and by His strength living in me.

Welcome 2019! I can't wait to see what God does with you!

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