Monday, July 13, 2020

Esther Elizabeth

It started as a normal morning. Jim got up and made breakfast. I woke after a wonderful weekend of fellowship, foot flex point massage and time in a pool to still no labor contractions. I had dreamed that I had the baby, but when I woke nothing new was happening. Since no contractions were there Jim called his floor and told him he needed to come in to work. No sense wasting a day off if the baby was not coming or here.

We ate breakfast as a family, had our Bible reading study time and did morning chores. During Bible time I found it hard to concentrate and all of the children were struggling as well. We read and sang but my brain was not really there. We went to respective chores. Malachi and Isaac came with me to fold laundry. I turned on my labor playlist which I'd been running off and on throughout the week. The song "Sons and Daughters" by Iron Bell Worship was on and God spoke to my frustrated heart, reminding me He was there with me and that He loves me and delights in me because of Christ. I sang and folded clothes and let the truth of being God's daughter wash over me.

It was then that I started to feel some discomfort in my pelvis. It was nothing major, just enough to say something might be happening. I continued to sing and teach the littles how to fold and put away clothes. I had an appointment at 10 am to check on my blood pressure, which had started creeping up a couple weeks earlier, so my parents came to watch the kids while I went to my appointment. By the time I was ready to go and my parents got there, I was uncomfortable enough to feel unsafe driving. I told my mom and we got everything together in case things intensified or we decided it was better for me to stay.

A little after 9 am my bags and camera were in the car and my dad drove me to my appointment. I was definitely contracting regularly while we drove, but they were mild and around 10 minutes apart. With all of the Covid restrictions, my dad stayed in the car and I went in to my appointment. Walking in the contractions backed down until I put my back pack down. I didn't want to sit down so I walked around the waiting room in an area where others were not while I waited. I definitely had a deep contraction that made me wonder if my water would break while waiting. It didn't and I was called back.

I told them I was contracting so they put me on the monitor for an NST and everything looked great. Contractions were still more than 5 minutes apart and mild. Dr. Barratt checked to see if I had dilated since my last appointment but I was still only 2-3 cm at that time, which didn't surprise me. So then the debate: Do I stay or do I go home and see what happens?

I knew I was in early labor but all of my labors have varied so much I didn't know how quickly I would progress. Also, with my hemorrhage with my last baby there was concern there. After back and forth, Dr. Barratt looked to see who was in delivery today. When he told me Dr. Almquist that sealed the deal as she is the other doctor in the practice that I really like and I didn't want to risk it being a long labor and ended up with someone I didn't want the next day. I told Jim I was going to L&D. Of course I forgot his clothes while packing, so he made a quick run home since I wasn't in rip roaring labor yet to change a grab a couple things that I had forgotten .

I got to the labor floor a little after 11 am and got checked in. While I was going to the unit my contractions stopped, which made me question my decision for a minute. But after getting in my room and changed, the contractions started again stronger than they were before, but still not bad. I walked around my room while I waited for my nurses and Jim to come.

The nurses came first. They put me on the monitor to make sure everything still looked good and did my admission assessment. Dr. Almquist came in and we discussed the plan: get pitocin started so we have a good labor pattern, break my water and have a baby. This has become my norm, so I was fine with it. Since I was already contracting on my own, I knew I wouldn't need much pitocin. My veins were not wanting to show up for the party, but finally they were able to get an IV going with one stick around 12:30 or so. There was no pump in the room so they had to go track down equipment.

Jim made it to the room not long after this. I was so thankful to see him! He got my oils going in the diffuser and made the room as comfortable as possible. I was still contracting on my own but able to sit down. A little after 1 pm they hooked me up to fluids and got the pitocin going. I was still OK at this point but really tired, so I took about a 30 minute nap while it took effect. Around 2 pm there was a nurse change due to other things happening on the unit. Dr. Almquist came in to check on me, make sure the pit was going and meet Jim. The plan was still the same, just needed a consistent labor pattern, which was almost there. They bumped the pitocin up and I stood up as I was getting to the "I don't want to sit point." I also needed to pee about every five minutes.

Within an hour I was in a good labor pattern, my contractions were deep and strong and I was so ready to have a baby. Thankfully the contractions were not painful. I swayed and prayed as I waited for the contractions to do their job. Around 3:20 pm Dr. Almquist came in to see about breaking my water. I laid down for her to check progress. I was 8-9 cm, completely effaced and baby's head at a +1. Just checking my cervix caused my water to break. She said, "I'm going to get my gear because I think we're going have a baby. Let me know if you need to push." I had a few contractions that were normal, move the baby down contractions. I was so ready to meet my baby.

While I waited for the urge to push I prayed for strength to push so I wouldn't need to push much. Finally the urge came. Just a little bit. A little bit more. Then the big one. One big push and the baby came smoothly. Jim said laughing, "It's a girl!" I said, "Really!? A girl!" He said, "YES!" I couldn't believe it. We finally had another girl. I laughed and talked to her as they put her on my chest. I marveled at this little miracle that all of our children, family, and friends had been praying for.

Jim said, "Esther is finally here." We have had the name Esther Elizabeth waiting in the wings for 9 years. Esther is such an amazing story of courage and how God uses His people to work out His plans. My middle name is Elizabeth and it means consecrated to God or oath of God. We pray this little girl will have the courage to follow God where ever He leads and she is consecrated to Him as she is His gift and blessing to us.

We're so thankful for Esther and her precious life. She is such an answer to prayer in so many ways and God provided exactly what we needed to go into labor and have a quick and nearly painless delivery. To God be the glory for such an amazing miracle and blessing!

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