Monday, June 29, 2020

Becoming God's True Woman

This past year our women's mentoring small group at Smyrna First have read this book and it has been a delight to read and discuss with other women.

This book is a compilation of several women authors discussing aspects of of Biblical femininity and is a much needed resources in the feminist culture of the US today. This book is broken into four parts to give a good overview of different parts of womanhood discussed in the Bible.

Part one discusses God's creation of womanhood and discusses finding our identity in who God created us to be as women. Starting at creation different Biblical passages are shared and show us how God created us to be women and that it is a good thing that we are created in His image, different from men. Our identity must be found in who God created us to be, knowing Him as Father and understanding how He sees us.

The second section discusses the challenges we face as women and living out true womanhood in a fallen world. We take an in depth look at Mary, mother of Jesus, to see the portrait of a true woman. While Wolgemuth takes some liberties in this breakdown, it is a very good description of what it means to be a woman after God's own heart. There is also a much needed discussion on discretion and what it means to live modestly in all areas of our lives.

In the third part we are reminded of the joy of living in submission to our husbands and the freedom we have in being their helpers. There is a great look at the joy of living in submission to our husbands as we live in submission to God. We also get a good look at the Trinity and the beauty of submission within it. The Holy Spirit is called our Helper, the same word used for wives. It is a privilege to live out the helper role and fulfill our God given purposes.

Part four goes into the joy of being bearers and nurturers of life and the privilege of bringing up another generation for the LORD. Whether biological, adopted or younger women in your life another way, we are all called to teach, train and encourage those younger than us in the fear and admonition of the LORD, teaching them His ways and His Word. This is our Titus 2 responsibility. This section was so encouraging as I'm learning to raise a daughter in Biblical womanhood and femininity for the LORD.

I highly encourage and recommend this read. Some of it may be hard to hear as it is completely counterculture to our feminist society, but even parts of this show women of feminists who have realized something is desperately wrong. This book is an excellent overview of the way we are to live as women of the Word.

5 Stars for this compilation.

Reading Challenges:
For the Tim Challies 2020 Reading Challenge this is my book Targeted at my Gender in the Light section of the challenge
For Jami Balmet's 2020 Christian Reading Challenge for Women this is one of my books on Biblical Womanhood

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