Thursday, January 23, 2020

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

I decided it was time to reread the Harry Potter series as our kids are getting older and asking about reading them. I have always enjoyed the movies but honestly don't remember my first read of these books. This first book was even better than I remember!

I was laughing throughout and enjoyed every moment of this book. I remember why I enjoy reading books and why I have to treat books separate from their movies because as usual the book far exceeds the movie. The books tells you all of the little details you miss or they don't put into the movies and gives you a more complete picture of the story world.

J.K. Rowling is a very skilled writer and weaves such an incredible and involved story that you are entranced from the beginning. I really enjoy how she contrasts the two worlds so starkly as well as puts such a difference between Harry and the Dursley family, with whom he lives. It is fun discovering the wizard world with Harry as he gradually learns who he is, who his parents were and what he is to do. Because this is a seven book series this book only gives you a slight glimmer into the full story, but it also does a great job standing as a book alone.

There are many lessons and talking points when reading with your kids. Good vs evil is a theme throughout. The kids in this book often disobey the rules and must deal with the consequences. There is also things that could be considered ambiguous, which makes for great discussion as you look at what the characters do and why. For example, is there ever a time in the fight against evil to break the rules?

I really enjoyed this book and I look forward to sharing it with my older kids in the near future. I do think kids need to be well grounded in reality and truth to be able to enjoy this book and learn the lessons this book has to offer.

I would give this book 5 stars.

Reading Challenges:
I'm using this book for the Modern Mrs. Darcy Reading Challenge as one of the books by the same author
For Tim Challies I'm using this book as a book of my choice in the Light section

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