Saturday, February 22, 2020

Our 11-Year-Old James

The child that first made us parents is 11-years-old today.

I'm not quite sure how that can be possible and yet at the same time it feels as if James has always been here. James is such a huge blessing to our family as he is quick to help in any way he can. He loves taking care of the babies and is pretty good at changing diapers. He plays with them, reads to them and carries them on his shoulders. H absolutely loves being a big brother and, by God's grace, be an amazing father one day. God is giving him a lot of prep! He also is wonderful at doing the dishes, taking care of trash and recycles and mopping the floor.  I am so thankful for this and I know his wife will be grateful as well.

James also enjoys learning. Within that he enjoys learning almost anything, however he has to be convinced sometimes he needs to learn it. Bible, Birds and Latin are his current favorites to study. God continues to grow James in knowing God and His Word. He blew us away the other day by telling us that the first beast in Revelation is a combination of the four beasts in Daniel's vision which I had just learned myself studying Revelation. The Holy Spirit is working deeply in James to teach him even when we fail to and that is such a blessing to know that we serve a mighty God who is faithful to teach us as we learn. Right now James is greatly enjoying the study of birds that is part of his science this year. He walks around with his books and studies the birds hanging around our yard. He tells us the names and what they sound like to the best of his ability. It's a lot of fun watching him teach his siblings. He continues to excel in Latin and teaches all of us what he can and tells us English words that have a Latin root.

Recently James has been seeking what he wants to do for work when he becomes an adult. It has been a blessing hearing his thoughts, helping him see how God has made him, where his strengths are and showing him where he needs to put his efforts to learn what he wants to learn. Right now he is leaning toward architecture and inventing. We will see how God continues to work in him in these areas as James grows into manhood. It is so much fun to watch him grow.

James also continues to work on his book and drawings. His imagination is so fun to listen to. For fun he is reading The Lord of the Rings currently reading the first book, The Fellowship of the Ring. He compares what he's reading to the movies and corrects all of the mistakes the movie made. James has also been learning to play the drums with a friend at our local Body and is getting very good at it! He is learning to hear the rhythms and follow the beat well and knows which drum needs to be hit at what time. It's so fun watching him grow in this.

God has made James a natural leader, which is fun to see. By God's grace, James will be a Godly leader in his home, work, church and community. At this age he is learning how much he still has to learn, but James is learning that to be a good leader, you have to be a good follower of Jesus. I'm so excited at how God will use this.

Father, I thank You for our precious James that You have entrusted us with. You have given him such a zeal for life, for learning and it's amazing to watch him grow. I pray as he moves into a young man that James will grow in wisdom and grow in love with You, Your Word and Your way, hiding Your Word in his heart that he may not sin against You. Give him a deep love for others and a beautiful humility that comes from knowing who he is before You and a great strength from knowing who he is in You. Grow him in Christ-likeness and make James a man after Your own heart. Thank You for all You have done and are going to do. In the mighty Name of Jesus I pray these things. Amen!

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