Monday, July 27, 2020

Heidi by Johanna Spyri

After James read Heidi as part of his literature studies, he told me he wanted me to read it. When I asked why he told me he really liked it and thought I would like it too.

He was right!

I can't believe this classic was not required at any point during my schooling! This is a delightful classic that kept me reading and on my toes.

If you're not familiar with this story, it follows a girl named Heidi as she goes to her grandfather's in the mountains, to her becoming a girl's companion in Frankfurt and then back to the mountains. I want to replay it all, but if you're reading this and have never read Heidi, I don't want to spoil the delight of this story.

This book is easy to read, but also makes you think and challenges you. I love the simplicity of words and yet the beautiful imagery that takes you to this scenic place. I found myself frolicking in the fields, staring at big buildings, and climbing the side of a mountain. You can see it all and sit in the homes from modest cabins to grande mansions. And you feel. As Spyri describes what is happening with the characters you are right there with them, feeling what they feel, seeing what they see, wanting what they want for them. It's beautiful!

I think my favorite thing about this book is seeing the capability of young children. We meet Heidi at age five and she already sees so much, knows so much and can do so much. At this young age she's cleaning, making her bed, caring for goats and exploring the world around her. Today we so quickly dismiss young ones as if they are incapable of doing many things, but this book reminds us that so much is learned so early and that they want to learn. Heidi also shows us a great zeal for life that is contagious. I wanted to be there with her, exploring the hills and the city, enjoying all aspects of life.

I also appreciated the way the book showed the beauty of the simplicity of life. Throughout the story, I was consistently reminded of remembering what is important in life and to seek God in all things. The book is not specifically Christian, but the undercurrent of faith is present. I absolutely see the truth, "Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also" resonating throughout the text.

I highly recommend this beautiful book to anyone. I look forward to reading this with all of my children in the future.

5 stars for this classic

Reading Challenges:
Back to the Classics Challenge 2020 This book is for my Classic by an Woman Author

In other challenges I'm using this as a Book Recommended by Someone Else in the 2020 Reading Challenge with Tim Challies
With The Modern Mrs Darcy 2020 Reading Challenge I'm using this as a Book in Translation

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