Thursday, June 16, 2022

Abundant Simplicity

This book has been sitting on my shelf for sometime now. Jim gave it to me several years ago and I'm not even sure where I heard about it to begin with, but decided it was time to read it as I really want to read all the books on my shelf as soon as possible. 

I read this book in January as we waited and planned for our most recent blessing. It was a good time to read it as we had been going through things and figuring out what we needed and what we didn't and purging those things that were not needed or not special to us. We still have a ways to go in that regard as needs are constantly changing, but this book did give encouragement in living simply and helping me discern some of those things. 

On the whole I enjoyed and appreciated the book. As I said it was encouraging over all. It did point to God and Him being our abundance and not looking to things of the world to fill us up. She shared several examples of ways people have done this which were exciting and definitely extreme for our culture. 

But they also spoke to your "typical" American family. There were things about massively downsizing, and yes I love the idea of tiny houses, but for our family this is not and likely never will be a reality. She did say that living abundantly simple will look different for different people, and that with God you needed to figure this out. However, as is often the case, being in a different type family it felt like what she was talking about was unattainable because of our family size. (I am aware this is not true, and merely my perception.) 

I would recommend this book as a great place to begin evaluating what's in your life and what God wants to be in your life. There are many things I still need to evaluate, and I will likely revisit this book again as we go through the ever changing definition of simplicity in our home.

4 stars for this read

Reading Challenges:

2022 Reading Challenge with Tim Challies: A book with a two-word title in the Committed Reader list

My Reading Life Challenge: A Book I've Been Meaning to Read

2022 Intentional By Grace Reading Challenge: By an author you've never read before in Level 2

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