Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Year 15 of Marriage

It's been 15 years since we said "I do."


It completely blows my mind when I think of that number. It seems impossible in a way, but at the same time more than possible. Everyday is a new adventure in life and learning what it means to follow God as one flesh. 15 years of being one according to the Word, yet the first one where it has hit a level of depth we have never had before.

This year God has been teaching us to trust Him for everything, especially our marriage and the depth we have. But also what it means to be one flesh in everything. It doesn't mean we are the same. Far from it! But it is that we use all of who we are to work together for the glory of God and bringing His Kingdom in little ways to earth though raising children, serving His church, and portraying Christ and His Church to the world in our marriage.

15 years to learn that!

And yet, by God's grace, there will be many more years with even greater depth of learning these things and more.

Is that possible? I know the answer is yes! How exciting it is to see where God will take us in the years to come.

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