This story has to start at the beginning: August 18, 2017 was the day we found out I was expecting baby number 8. Movement had alerted me to that I might be pregnant in spite of not feeling pregnant at all and we were right. But I thought I was maybe 24 weeks or so. I ended up having to get emergency medicaid, which put me at 33 weeks! All of this was a huge surprise, but so exciting and amazing. It took another 2 weeks to get an appointment.
I ended up going to a group chosen because they accepted my insurance and women who were farther along in pregnancy. I knew nothing about them, I just had to trust God knew what He was doing and would take care of us.

Oh, how He took care of us! This group was wonderful! They are primarily midwives and are very hands off, exactly what I hoped and prayed for! My due date was set for October 9, just over 4 weeks from my first appointment day! Can we say shortest pregnancy ever! (For me at least.) A one hour GTT was performed as well. This was elevated, so a 3 hour GTT was scheduled for the next week with my ultrasound and next appointment. The 3 hour GTT was terrible, but we were able to see our baby, which was a huge blessing. Excess amniotic fluid was seen on the ultrasound, as with my previous pregnancy. The 3 hour GTT confirmed Gestational Diabetes, which recommends delivering in the 39th week. This was not what I wanted to hear, as I so desired to not be induced again. I prayed and had everyone I know pray for me to go into labor. I had contractions and even dilated some, but labor never started, and I was scheduled for induction.

October 4th came and early in the morning Jim and I headed to Kennestone Hospital, a whole new experience for us. I ended up waiting for about an hour before I was taken to a room. Tonya took us back around 8 am. I got changed and hooked up to the monitor. The midwife who was leaving checked me, with no further progress made she ordered pitocin to be started. Next order of business was getting an IV started. The WORST part of giving birth hands down. It took two tries, but thankfully a previous ER nurse was able to get it started on the second try.
Around 10 am the pitocin was started. Not long after this Carson, my midwife for the day, came in to meet me and see how I was doing. She was happy with the level of contractions, so we talked L&D and shared previous experiences. She was wonderful! She allowed me to stand up and attempted to get a cordless monitor working on me. During this time Jim got our essential oil diffuser going and my labor playlist running. We turned down the lights and I walked around the best I could while talking and singing praise. It was such a wonderful time. Tonya also told us how Kennestone is mama baby friendly as well as natural friendly, which was a huge blessing! I even got a lunch tray! I couldn't believe it. It was exactly what I needed to keep me going in my labor.
Around noon Carter checked me for herself and there was no progress. She realized we should have done something different, but with the pitocin we could not do a cervidil as well. We talked about a Cook's Catheter to put pressure on my cervix from both sides and decided that would be the best option. They got the catheter in place and I stood back up to keep the baby in place, as he kept popping up out of position when I sat or lied down.
The Cook's Catheter was the right decision. It made the pressure and contractions stronger, doing it's job! Within a couple of hours the catheter fell out, meaning I was around 5 cm dilated. We debated on whether or not to just have her break my water and get it done, but the baby was still too high to safely break it. With the Cook's Catheter out, the labor was less intense for awhile but still consistent.

Around 3 Carson checked me and I was 6-7 com and mostly effaced! Yay for progress! We decided to wait on breaking my water even though it might have been possible. We wanted to be sure the baby was in a good position before doing that. Carson asked me if I wanted to get in the shower. I asked, "I can do that!?" (This never would have been offered at the other hospitals I delivered at with me being on pit.) They put me on a telemetry monitor and let me get in the shower. This was amazing and completely made my labor. It really helped me relax even though I was standing.
The contractions continued to get stronger and I was hopeful. Around 5:30 pm my lets started to give out. I had been standing almost constantly since 10 am. My feet were incredibly sore! I decided to get out and attempt to lie down for a few minutes. I was so tired!

Lying down was not the best thing. The baby bounced back up and labor decreased, so I stood back up again. Around 6:30 Carson checked again. There had been no progress and the baby's head was too high again to break my water! I did not know what to do. I was struggling badly. Carson and Tonya suggested I kneel on the bed so I was upright but off my feet and would hopefully bring the baby back down. They fixed the bed for me and I was able to kneel comfortably on it. I had a contraction, which put pressure on my bladder to relieve some pressure. We thought maybe the baby was being held up by my bladder, so I went to finish emptying my bladder. IT WORKED!!!!! The baby came back down and Carson was able to break my water by leaking at 7:10 pm!
With my water broken and the head well applied, I was able to sit in the bed! What a relief after standing for 9 hours! They put me in high fowlers so I could be upright and still relax. I had to say good-bye to Tonya who had been amazing! Sarah came in after her. I got situated and dozed off and on for about half an hour as the contractions got stronger.
Around 7:50 pm I felt like I needed to pee, so I got up to go to the bathroom. As I reached the door I had a strong contraction hit and my legs started to give way. I grabbed on to Jim and Sarah walked in and caught me. She told me I needed to get back in bed. The baby was pressing hard! I kept apologizing for getting up as she put me back in the bed with Jim behind us with the IV pole. She called for help but everyone else was tied up. They got me back in bed and Carson came in. Baby was right there. Carson and Jim got gowned up and I pushed.

At 8:10 pm, Jim delivered our baby, put the baby on my chest and laughed, "It's another boy!" We were so amazed and happy God had given us another boy! The whole room was laughing with amazement. How much joy was in my heart at having another son!
It took him a minute to really perk up. They worked on him and he started to pink in the warmer. They brought him to me for kangaroo care, hoping that would help him to level out. Jim and I finally got a good look at him as he rested on my chest. We decided to name him Isaac, "he laughs". The whole situation was wrought with laughter from only finding out 6 weeks before I was pregnant to welcoming our 7th boy into our family. Jim had also been wanting to name a son Isaac and now seemed like the perfect time. It took a few minutes to come to a decision about the middle name, but we decided on Maxwell, Jim's dad's name, Jim's brother's middle name, and meaning "from the great well," which Isaac had been with such high fluid level. It was perfect, Isaac Maxwell Manor.

While on my chest Isaac was grunting terribly and was clearly struggling to breathe. They came back in to check him out but he was obviously struggling. These nurse parents, especially NICU dad knew something wasn't right. They took him to the nursery and soon admitted him to the NICU. That was so hard, but we knew it was the best thing. We decided to sleep that night and get started with pumping in the morning. Best decision!!!

We went to see him in the morning and took a little colostrum. They put him on CPAP so he could not nurse and I continued to pump. My parents brought the kids to see Isaac the next day. It was good for them to see him but they struggled with Isaac being hooked up to things. They were a little scared, but God used it to teach all of us to pray and trust him.
For 10 days we went back and forth, pumping and praying for healing. Finally on October 14th, Isaac was able to come home! We were so thankful.
It's been a crazy, almost 4 months since Isaac's birth, but God has been so faithful. Father, thank You for Isaac. He is such a blessing to our family! Please save him and grow him in You. Let him know Your laughter. Let him be a great joy to all who are around him because he is overflowing with Your joy! Thank You for how You have used Isaac already for Your glory. Please continue to use his life to point others to You!
Thank you to Nichole Begerow for our newborn photo!