Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Malachi is 2!

What can I say? These two years have flown by since we welcomed Malachi into our arms. Sometimes it seems like he really was just born yesterday.

And yet, here we are two years later and he is so big! And every bit of 2!

Malachi is spunky and energetic and keeps everyone smiling. But he is also mischievious and likes to push the boundaries. (Original sin anyone???) So far, by God's grace, he has been quick to learn, and I pray that continues.

Recently his vocabulary has exploded and he is picking up on everything from body parts to animals, letters and counting. Malachi is so eager to learn and it is such a blessing to see this love in him. He also happens to be an excellent eater, which is a huge blessing. He loves fruit and hot dogs and any kind of dessert. Chocolate is his favorite.

Currenly Malachi is really into reading. He wants to read all of our books over and over again. He is picking up so much just from reading and it's such a blessing. He is also beginning to be trained in prayer. He has not yet begun to pray on his own, but He will repeat and recite prayers. He also enjoys singing especially "This is the Day" and "The Doxology." I love to hear this boy sing!

I also love hearing "Good morning, Mama" when I come to the table for breakfast. His little voice is so precious. He also has all of his siblings names down, which is amazing. Malachi especially loves taking care of Isaac with James. He is growing into his big brother role well.

While very sweet and caring, Malachi is also all boy! He loves to wrestle, body slam and run into people full force. He jumps, climbs and gets into whatever he can. He has very little fear. He loves tickles and time with family as well.

We are so thankful that God gave us this precious boy! He adds such joy and laughter to our life.

Father, thank You for Malachi's precious life. Even now at this young age, begin breaking his heart for sine. Open up his eyes to his sinfulness and show him how much he needs You. Please pour out Your grace and save him that he may bring You glory all the days of his life. I pray in Jesus Name, Amen

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