Thursday, November 28, 2019

Our Seven-Year-Old Gabriel

Our precious Gabriel is seven-years-old today! This boy marched to his own drum to enter the world, and he still marches to his own drum.

Gabriel is so full of life and loves everything about life. It's amazing how he finds enjoyment in the smallest detail and gets so excited about it. I already see God working in his life to really appreciate all that God has made and tell anyone who will listen about it. There is always a story to tell, a finding to show. He really helps me and others appreciate all aspects of life. His enthusiasm and smile are contagious. It's hard to not feel happy around Gabriel.

This boy loves to learn and figure out puzzles. Gabriel can do puzzle books in a day if he sets his mind to it. He is learning so much and loves math in particular. His brain just gets all of the problem solving so well, which is a blessing. He also enjoys Bible and is growing in memorizing Scripture. He struggles with confidence, but I see God growing him in this as well.

Gabriel loves to work hard. He is quick to help and take on chores. He is a great dish washer and dryer. He is very meticulous generally speaking and does a great job making sure every part of his job is done.

Gabriel also loves to be outside. He runs, climbs, rides, cuts bamboo, digs, you name it, he does it. Now that our kudzu has died he's ready to get out there and dig it up! When he puts his mind to it, he can do any project he puts his mind to even though he is smaller.

Gabriel is also taking an interest in cooking and baking. He enjoys putting things together and helping Daddy and/or Lillian in the kitchen. I look forward to see how he grows in this.

Gabriel is so much fun! I can't explain to you how much joy and laughter he brings to our family. I watch him grow and thank God for giving Gabriel to our family. He does march to his own drum, but he still marches in the midst of our family and adds so much color everyday.

Father, I thank You so much for our sweet and lively Gabriel. He is such a joy to be around and adds so much to our life. He is such a blessing from You and I pray that Gabriel will be a mighty man of God as he is named. Please continue to mold his heart and save him by your grace. Thank You again for Gabriel. In the Name of Jesus I pray, Amen!

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