Monday, August 15, 2011

Family Day and Nesting

Today we had a great family day, still a family of 4 before the craziness starts. Jim begins classes tomorrow and some time in the next 3 weeks or so we will become a family of 5! It is amazing to think that at 27 I will have 3 children. My family was 6 growing up and it never seemed odd to me, though it was definitely larger than most of the families around us. But the thought that we will be a family of 5 soon is completely blowing my mind. It is exciting and scary all at the same time, but I know God has a wonderful purpose in it.
Today was a wonderful day! We spent the whole day together as a family and it was a wonderful and beautiful thing! We started the day with breakfast, family worship and school. Today we decided to be like hobbits and have a second breakfast of Chick-fil-a biscuits! I had forgotten how yummy they are! We took care of business at the school and decided to go to the zoo since the weather was so nice today. It was also an attempt to "walk the baby out". Lunch was at Dairy Queen, then home for naps. While the kids rested Jim and I did some cleaning and organizing. After post nap baths we decided for dinner out at McAllister's and returned home just in time for Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy (or Jepy as Jamey calls it). Finally bed time for the kids and Jim and I finished up what we had started in the afternoon. It was wonderful!
The weirdest thing for me right now is nesting. With the other 2 I never nested, but this time I feel like I will never get this place cleaned and organized enough for the baby to come. It is bizarre! But somewhat exciting as well as it has made me much more productive recently. There are some cleaning things that I physically cannot do so Jim has to take care of them, but I am getting things I can do done and that is a wonderful feeling. I am still working on organizing my whole time better, but that is a process as is everything in life. And I know about the time I have it "figured out" something will have to change. Life is such an adventure, but I'm thankful for the adventure I am currently on.

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