Sunday, January 29, 2012

Old Testament

Last semester I took a New Testament/Old Testament Survey class as part of SWI. Unfortunately it is a 6 week class and so we spent only 3 weeks on each part. Might I point out that that is not nearly enough time to cover that much Scripture! But it is what it is. I learned so much in that 6 weeks. I read the whole of the New Testament in about 8 weeks and portions of the Old Testament. This class seriously challenged me in the Old Testament. I have read the entire Bible at some point in my life, but like many Christians just saw the Old Testament as history and not Scripture so much. I believed it was all true but again as history. Dr. Betts pointed out to us that in the New Testament whenever they talked about the Scriptures being good for teaching, rebuking, admonishing, guiding etc, that they were referring to the Old Testament. The New Testament had not been put together! Hello, why had I not realized this before? This has challenged me to go back and read the Old Testament through thoroughly and closely to see what God has to tell us about Himself and about Christ before the New Testament existed. It has been an interesting ride thus far, being challenged and stretched. Learning how the Old and New Testaments work together. I have a lot of questions that I am reading and researching about and discovering more about our "Jewish Roots". I pray for clarity and guidance and that I would live a life pleasing to the Lord. It is a daily battle to know what all that means, but I know it comes back to the greatest commandments, Love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and love your neighbor as yourself.

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