So much has changed in 2 years. This picture was taken the day after we moved at our local Chick-fil-A. Jamey was 16 month and Lillian was 2 months. They were so little then.
Today they are 3 years and 2 years respectively. They are learning so much. They both speak in full sentences, know letters and numbers, dress themselves (sort of), walk, run and jump. Such a difference from 2 years ago. Here they are asking about sacrifices as they check out a scene at the Creation Museum from our trip there in June. They talk it all in. I love that they want to memorize scripture and read the Bible. I pray God will continue to foster this love in them and call them to Himself from a young age.

This past year God blessed our family with a third miracle, Reuben, who is now 10 months old. He is the rambunctious one in our bunch. He is into everything and wants to do everything his older siblings do. He is also our snuggle bug and loves hugs and kisses and when he wants attention he is good at demanding it. He laughs hard and cries hard. He has quite a strong personality and it will be fun to watch him as he continues to grow.
God continues to teach us and grow us. It is a continual process and there are times when it seems like it will take me forever to learn, but I am learning that it will take me forever, and it is by God's grace that I am growing and moving forward at all.
When we moved here we had a plan and thought we knew exactly what we were doing/going to do and when. 2 years in we have a vague idea and that is all. We are currently living in the same apartment we moved into originally, but soon we will be moving into a house. God has showed us we are going to be here a few years more than we thought, and so He has led us to buy a house. We know we are here to learn as much as we can before we go to our next destination. We are still hoping it will be Eastern Europe, but right now it is hard to see exactly where we will be and what specifically we will be doing. We know that God will show us in time, but today we walk by faith step by step until our path is clear.
In the mean time, Jim continues to take classes. I am taking classes through the seminary wives institute, which has been a huge blessing. We started a basic preschool homeschooling curriculum this year which helped Jamey to flourish and Lillian is following close behind. I have been reading more in general and hoping to foster more reading in our home.
In November we were able to make a brief trip to Asheville, NC to see our family, particularly Pappy after finding out he had advanced cancer and did not know how much time he had.
In December we were able to return to Smyrna for a visit to see family and friends and attend a wedding.
In June we returned to Asheville to say good-bye to Pap.
It has been a crazy year, but God has been faithful to us throughout.
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