Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Great Commission for All Part 2

Another way you can be a part of what God is doing around the world is to give. Give time, money, resources, whatever you have to give.

Give time to pray either alone or with others for the work being done.
Give time to talk with a missionary and encourage them through Skype or phone.
Give time to spread the word about what great things the Lord is doing so that more can join in.
Give time to make a short trip to another place.
Give money to aid in projects the missionaries are doing.
Give money to help the people they are ministering to.
Give money to pay for sending care packages or buying things to send to the workers.
Give resources to help them when they come home for a time. Ex) cars, furniture, place to live, food, gift cards, etc.
Give your talents to help spread the Word in different ways.
Be Creative!

I want to delve in a little more on making a short trip for a moment. This is a practical way to "go". There are many ways to go about this, but I would encourage every believer to do this at least once in your life. It will open your eyes to the reality of the rest of the world in a new way. Whether you go with a medical team, as Jim and I have done in the past, or do to VBS/kids camps or conference, you will see the world in a new way. I think many times this is what hinders people from going: they are afraid to be changed. But I tell you, a life in Christ brings about change and Jesus cares about all of these cultures. We are told there will be people from every tribe, tongue and nation around the throne of God praising His Name and I trust that it will be so. But how will they hear if no one goes? Do not be so afraid of what it will do to you that you miss what God is doing in others.

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