- Getting 4 hours of sleep
- Taking a nap
- Getting adjusted
- Getting the ball rolling for taking care of lead outside
- Going dress shopping with the girls
- Frozen yogurt
- Time to read and pray
- Free Chick-fil-A breakfast sandwiches
- Nehemiah having a good doctor appointment
- Time to nap
- A little time with Jim
- Gabriel greeting Nehemiah in the morning
- Lillian doing catechism with Nehemiah
- Taking J, L, R, and N to see "Inside Out"
- Thinking about emotions more and what mine are doing
- Sleeping in
- Panera for lunch
- Hanging out
- Watching the kids and my sisters dance
- Sam dancing with everybody
- Great sermon on prayer
- Remembering prayer is about relationship
- Restful afternoon
- Taking a short nap
- Robin bringing us dinner
- Watching the women's World Cup final
- Nehemiah doing 2 four hour stretches
- All of the kids napping in the afternoon
- Pizza and a movie
- Nehemiah only getting up once to eat
- Going to playgroup for a bit
- Starting Nehemiah's calendar
- Going to CG
- Talking with Jim and spending some quiet moments together
- Working on journals
- Nice and productive date night with Jim
- Ice cream pie
- Sharing my heart
- Hearing great news from Robin
- Sleeping until 9
- Lazy day at home
- Reading together
- Jamey reading to his siblings
- Gabriel sleeping in the bunk bed
- Nehemiah sleeping 6 hours
- 9 hours of sleep
- Meeting with Dawn
- Meeting Josiah
- Yummy sandwich
- Jamey getting school work done
- Relaxing family day at home
- Having Ryan over for dinner
- Watching "Mom's Night Out" for a double date night in
- Learning about God's Kingdom and what it means to pray for it to come
- Attempting to take family pictures
- Getting to sleep until 10:30
- Robinette's bringing us dinner
- Writing some blog posts
- Good conversation with Jim
- Nehemiah sleeping 7 hours
- Going to playgroup
- Good conversations with friends
- Fun girls night
- Getting more blog posts written
- Family outing to Krispy Kreme
- Groupons
- Sam turning 15 months
- Getting a few more pictures made
- Making it through Jim's first day back at work
- Everyone napping but Lillian
- Lillian reading all the books downstairs
- Sarah and Klyde coming to hang out
- Making it through Jim's second day back at work
- Encouraging words from Audrey
- Sara and Kelsey bringing a delicious dinner
- Positive answers to prayers
- Getting our to-do lists done
- Going to the library for a bit
- Great sermon on Radical Faith
- Reception for the Honay family
- Being around international missions people
- Making it through the day on little sleep
- Time with God
- God never leaving me
- All kids napping for 4 or more hours
- Book Club
- Jamey changing Sam's diaper
- Kids' playing well together
- Sleep until 9
- Really sharing my feelings with Jim
- The kids playing on a sprayground and enjoying it
- Nehemiah sleeping 8 hours
- Fun time at CG
- Making it through the day without extra hands
- Jamey caring for Nehemiah
- Wanting to be with Jim
- Being able to share my heart with Jim again
- Having a God who knows and understands me perfectly
- Reading with Becca
- Dancing
- Talking with Jim about irrational feelings
- Learning to be OK with the unknown
- Kids playing in the water at the park
- Time to talk with Ashley
- Meeting another co-op mom
- Time to work on things
- Good date night
- Talking with Jim
- Meeting with other women to talk about food and glorifying God
- Productive afternoon
- Relaxing evening
- Learning more about prayer
- Taking a nap
- House napping
- Reading with Jim and talking
- Signing up for co-op classes
- Sleep
- Really productive day
- Cleaning and organizing
- Getting coffee with Jim
- Just talking and laughing together again
- Breanne bringing us dinner
- Spending time with Audrey, Gemma and Jasper
- Getting calendar and journal done
- Nehemiah turning 1 month
- Jen bringing dinner
- Getting stuff ready for yard sale
- Sam making it through a long day away from home
- Julianne bringing dinner
- Half-priced cheesecake
- Jim and I growing in communication
- Nehemiah sleeping 7 1/2 hours
- Sam giving Nehemiah kisses
- Really encouraging visit with the Felix family
- Making it the majority of the day by myself
- Getting emails written
- Nehemiah sleeping 7 hours
- Taking 6 kids to the park solo
- Reading with Becca
- Talking to Brit
- Finding out she is expecting a healthy baby girl
- Jamey telling me I'm the best mom in the world even when I get mad
Friday, July 31, 2015
July Blessings
July has been full of challenges, but also full of blessings as God teaches us everyday. It's nice to look back during this crazy month and see how God has given us so much that we don't deserve.
July Evaluation
Due to circumstances this past year, I'm not really changing my goals. Some will go that are not top priority, but I'm keeping the ones that fit with the overarching goal of having a God-centered life and the things I see Him leading me to right now. So thus far this is how it goes:
- Spend at least 10 minutes praying daily- Yes, I'm working more directed prayer into my day
- Spend at least 10 minutes reading and reflecting on the Bible daily- Yes!
- Memorize verses with the kids - Not doing real well with this right now, a little hear and there
- Memorize Scripture- Not much
- Go out for a date once a week- Yes
Go on a night away once this year- Yes we went away for our anniversary!- Read 3 books together this year- Have started 2 books this past week
- Discuss plan weekly on
SundaySaturday afternoon- Doing much better with this on Saturdays and have begun making weekly schedules.
- Spend 30 minutes of one on one time with each child every week- still need to work on this
- Go to playgroup each Tuesday- I think we made it to all of them for at least a little while
- Write in individual journals at least 3 times this year- Staying on top of them
- Finish Jamey's 1st year Scrapbook- Finally went through some of the stuff and looked at what I need to do with what I already have, nothing additional
- Keep up with cleaning schedule- gotten off on this with adjusting to the newest one
- Keep up with my calendar- Much improvement and continual scheduling
- Being fully present when with my family- Getting better at this, but still struggling
- Continue sending out Prayer List- Yes
- Read a book a month for myself- I've made it half way through "War and Peace" and read "Very Funny, Elizabeth" with Lillian
- Journal 5 days a week- Yes! God has really been giving me opportunity to do this in the morning
- Write (books) 3 days a week- Did not work on this
- Edit novel to prepare for publishing and research publishing options- No additional work on this during the month
- Finish Rosetta Stone Russian level 1 - Have not worked on this
- Continue to meet once a month with writing group- This did not happen this month
- Blog 3 days a week- Between both blogs this happened
- Go to water aerobics once a week- Not able to do this post-partum
Maintain weight until birth- Did well with this, still gained some but far better than other pregnancies- Lose weight after giving birth- Have started this, but it's slow
June 28th we welcomed Nehemiah into our family, which was a joyous time. July has been adjusting to having a new family member. When in transition, many of these things go to the wayside temporarily. It has been a challenging month in many ways, but has also helped us in growing as a family. God is teaching us so much as we transition to a family of 8. I'm still working to keep up Childbirth Conversations and seeking what else God would have me do in the months to come. Mostly we are seeking what God wants our family to look like and how He wants us to spend our time and resources. God has been so good to us as we work through things. We still have so many questions, but daily God is helping us to overcome and figure things out.
What was July like for you?
What was July like for you?
Monday, July 27, 2015
Praying With Jesus
This week Sojourn completed their sermon series on the Lord's Prayer, looking at the passage as a whole, Matthew 6:5-15
What is the goal of the Christian Life?
A life with God restored by Jesus
Being made fully alive
Remade into the image of Jesus
A transformed life right here, right now
The Orientation of Prayer
God and His Kingdom is where our prayers are to be oriented. Before we start asking for things, lets praise God and orient our prayers towards Him. Prayer is about orienting ourselves with God and the life we are doing together.
Let's get away from performed righteousness and establish a relationship and intimacy with God. We are being invited to live in another world, a world with God in His Kingdom.
Orienting our prayer towards God and His Kingdom confronts the language of choice. We subordinate our will to God's will who is over all things. This is asking for His Kingdom to come.
The Ordinariness of Prayer
We are to ask for what we need and seek forgiveness. These are everyday things and makes prayer part of the everyday life we live. Asking for daily bread reveals a heart of one who has seen provision. We are confident that God will give us what we need for today. We can trust God!
We live in a world of abundance that is given by God who loves us and takes care of us.
The Outcome of Prayer
We are bearing witness to a King and a Kingdom. In prayer we are making a connection between a the Kingdom of God and the ordinariness of life. God has given us life and His Kingdom comes in our everyday life.
5 “When you pray, you are not to be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and on the street corners [a]so that they may be seen by men. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full. 6 But you, when you pray, go into your inner room, close your door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you.
7 “And when you are praying, do not use meaningless repetition as the Gentiles do, for they suppose that they will be heard for their many words. 8 So do not be like them; for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.
9 “Pray, then, in this way:
‘Our Father who is in heaven,
Hallowed be Your name.
‘Your kingdom come.
Your will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven.
‘Give us this day [b]our daily bread.
‘And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.
14 For if you forgive [e]others for their transgressions, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15 But if you do not forgive [f]others, then your Father will not forgive your transgressions.
What is the goal of the Christian Life?
A life with God restored by Jesus
Being made fully alive
Remade into the image of Jesus
A transformed life right here, right now
The Orientation of Prayer
God and His Kingdom is where our prayers are to be oriented. Before we start asking for things, lets praise God and orient our prayers towards Him. Prayer is about orienting ourselves with God and the life we are doing together.
Let's get away from performed righteousness and establish a relationship and intimacy with God. We are being invited to live in another world, a world with God in His Kingdom.
Orienting our prayer towards God and His Kingdom confronts the language of choice. We subordinate our will to God's will who is over all things. This is asking for His Kingdom to come.
The Ordinariness of Prayer
We are to ask for what we need and seek forgiveness. These are everyday things and makes prayer part of the everyday life we live. Asking for daily bread reveals a heart of one who has seen provision. We are confident that God will give us what we need for today. We can trust God!
We live in a world of abundance that is given by God who loves us and takes care of us.
The Outcome of Prayer
We are bearing witness to a King and a Kingdom. In prayer we are making a connection between a the Kingdom of God and the ordinariness of life. God has given us life and His Kingdom comes in our everyday life.
God gives us a life worth living.
Monday, July 20, 2015
A Radical Faith
This Sunday Sojourn had Brother Bob Russell, former lead pastor at Southeast Christian Church, come and preach on a radical faith. It was excellent and reminded me of how I really want to live. I want to have a radical faith!
We need radical Christians who die to themselves. Our nation is becoming hostile toward Biblical truths. If we are going to be effective in passing on our faith to others and the next generation we need a radical faith that stands out in the world. When we capture the radical truths from Scripture, we will then be able to stand when the truths of God are challenged.
Luke 9:23-26
A Radical Faith Follows Jesus Exclusively
The Truth of Scripture is that Jesus is the Only God, not just one of many gods. Acts 4:12
We are exclusive because we say that it is God's way, not our way
Our faith is inclusive, though, because no one is barred. Anyone can become a follower of Jesus.
Only Jesus claimed to be God and proved it by His miracles, His death for our sins and His rising from the dead. Jesus is who He says He is!
A Radical Faith Demands Self Denial
This is more than a mental ascent. It is how we act.
We Deny Carnal Desires Romans 13:14
We all have two natures in us. We are made in the image of God and desire to be like God; this is the Spirit. But we are polluted by our sinful nature; this is the flesh. The flesh and the Spirit are always at war within us.
Galatians 5, Are we willing to lose our life for Christ?
If you do what you want all of the time you will hurt many people including yourself
"If you act the way you wish you felt, you will eventually feel the way you act." William James
We Deny Out Intellectual Pride
1 Corinthians 1:20-21
We need to humbly accept the truths of God like a little child.
In our pride we have no room for God. The fool says in his heart there is no God.
If we believe the truths of God we will be rejected by the intellectual community.
We Deny Worldly Ambitions
Luke 9:25
The world measures success by possessions, wealth, achievement, beauty, etc.
This is not our aim. We find our satisfaction in God, in His peace, joy, and love.
He is our treasure. Where our treasure is, that is where our heart is.
Where is your heart?
Some books to check out on this topic are, Radical by David Platt, Crazy Love by Frances Chan and Not A Fan by Kyle Idleman
We need radical Christians who die to themselves. Our nation is becoming hostile toward Biblical truths. If we are going to be effective in passing on our faith to others and the next generation we need a radical faith that stands out in the world. When we capture the radical truths from Scripture, we will then be able to stand when the truths of God are challenged.
Luke 9:23-26
23 And He was saying to them all, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me. 24 For whoever wishes to save his [a]life will lose it, but whoever loses his [b]life for My sake, he is the one who will save it. 25 For what is a man profited if he gains the whole world, and loses or forfeits himself? 26 For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when He comes in His glory, and the glory of the Father and of the holy angels.
A Radical Faith Follows Jesus Exclusively
The Truth of Scripture is that Jesus is the Only God, not just one of many gods. Acts 4:12
We are exclusive because we say that it is God's way, not our way
Our faith is inclusive, though, because no one is barred. Anyone can become a follower of Jesus.
Only Jesus claimed to be God and proved it by His miracles, His death for our sins and His rising from the dead. Jesus is who He says He is!
A Radical Faith Demands Self Denial
This is more than a mental ascent. It is how we act.
We Deny Carnal Desires Romans 13:14
We all have two natures in us. We are made in the image of God and desire to be like God; this is the Spirit. But we are polluted by our sinful nature; this is the flesh. The flesh and the Spirit are always at war within us.
Galatians 5, Are we willing to lose our life for Christ?
If you do what you want all of the time you will hurt many people including yourself
"If you act the way you wish you felt, you will eventually feel the way you act." William James
We Deny Out Intellectual Pride
1 Corinthians 1:20-21
We need to humbly accept the truths of God like a little child.
In our pride we have no room for God. The fool says in his heart there is no God.
If we believe the truths of God we will be rejected by the intellectual community.
We Deny Worldly Ambitions
Luke 9:25
The world measures success by possessions, wealth, achievement, beauty, etc.
This is not our aim. We find our satisfaction in God, in His peace, joy, and love.
He is our treasure. Where our treasure is, that is where our heart is.
Where is your heart?
Some books to check out on this topic are, Radical by David Platt, Crazy Love by Frances Chan and Not A Fan by Kyle Idleman
Thursday, July 16, 2015
The 5 Year Plan is Up...
...And we are still in Louisville.
It's been said numerous times that if you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans. I don't even know who gets the original credit for this because it's such a well known statement. How much I feel this today.
Five years ago we packed up our small family of four and headed to Louisville with our five year plan in mind. Our plan was to come here, for Jim to finish seminary, maybe have a couple more kids, and be on the international mission field in Moldova by this year.
Well, we are still in Louisville, Jim is not finished with seminary yet (he has 6 classes left), we have had 4 more children, and we are not actively headed to Moldova. We still plan to go overseas, but currently, God's specific plan for us in this area is unclear.
What is clear is that God's plan for us is to make us individuals and a family that seek His face, seek to be more like Jesus, and spread His Name to anyone and everyone so that God alone will be worshiped and adored.

Three years ago, my sister, Becca, moved up here to go to school, help out and learn. It has been fun and difficult learning in this relationship and watching her grow in her relationship with God as well as growing together not only has biological sisters, but Sisters in Jesus.
We are continuing to learn and grow as we seek what God would have for our family. This past year in particular has been challenging as God has brought sin to light and taught all of us more of His design for family and what that means for us. We know there is still much more to learn before we head overseas and don't know if it's a year away or another five. But we know that God will not send us on, until He is ready for us to move on to another place.
For now we are still here, exactly where God wants us, whether the day is good or bad, going smoothly or is the hardest day we have faced yet. God is with us and growing us right where He wants us.
So here's to another year in Louisville and what God will bring with it.
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Your Kingdom Come
The second sermon in our series on prayer was preached by Pastor Mike Cosper on God's Kingdom.
Matthew 6:9-13
What is a Kingdom?
A kingdom is a range of effective will or the realm of authority.
We all have a kingdom and each of our kingdoms exist in and/or under another kingdom. My kingdom has limits. In our kingdom we experience resistance. (If you are a parent, you are quite familiar with this.) We have authority and are under authority. This is the nature of kingdoms.
The Kingdom of God is where what God wants done gets done
Creation displayed this perfectly. When God created the world everything worked together under His perfect dominion. Then sin enters the picture in Genesis 3. In verses 17-19 we see a new kind of resistance that comes from sin. Life is now frustrating. We were put over creation and now creation resists our dominion.
Satan has unleashed the kingdom of darkness and death on the world. Death has reigned since Adam (Romans 5). We pray "Your Kingdom come" from a place of oppression.
We see the Kingdom of God best displayed in the life of Jesus.
Jesus hangs out with sinners and the oppressed. The life and ministry of Jesus is a direct assault on the power of death. This is seen throughout Scripture. Two examples in Mark are from Jesus casting out the Legion of demons and raising a little girl from the dead. Wherever Jesus goes, the kingdom of darkness is being rolled back.
We need to seek life in the Kingdom of God Matthew 13:44
The Kingdom of God is a mystery to the world and it looks foolish to those outside of it. (Colossians 3:3)
Intimacy with God is cultivated in hiddenness. Seek your Father. We are not to do this on display for everyone to see. We live in a culture where everything is on display. Let's seek to hide ourselves in Christ for our benefit!
Let's be compelled by the beauty of God's Kingdom.
Are we willing to sacrifice all to gain the Kingdom?
In our culture we become an outcast by saying something about what others do. Our culture has put so much value on authenticity and being your authentic self. This is our cultures ultimate moral value. We are primed to think this way; "What matters is what I want."
Are we prepared to follow God even if He disgraces us in the face of our culture? Are we willing to give up our desires to follow God's ways?
If we never disagree with our God, we might be worshiping an idealized version of ourselves.
To help seek the Kingdom of God there are practical things we can do.
Gather with the church
Open the Bible and read a chapter from the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John)
Ask God to see His Kingdom
Pray the Lord's Prayer
How are you seeking God's Kingdom in your life?
What do you need to give up?
Matthew 6:9-13
“Pray, then, in this way:
‘Our Father who is in heaven,
Hallowed be Your name.
‘Your kingdom come.
Your will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven.
‘Give us this day [a]our daily bread.
‘And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.
‘And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from [b]evil.
A kingdom is a range of effective will or the realm of authority.
We all have a kingdom and each of our kingdoms exist in and/or under another kingdom. My kingdom has limits. In our kingdom we experience resistance. (If you are a parent, you are quite familiar with this.) We have authority and are under authority. This is the nature of kingdoms.
The Kingdom of God is where what God wants done gets done
Creation displayed this perfectly. When God created the world everything worked together under His perfect dominion. Then sin enters the picture in Genesis 3. In verses 17-19 we see a new kind of resistance that comes from sin. Life is now frustrating. We were put over creation and now creation resists our dominion.
Satan has unleashed the kingdom of darkness and death on the world. Death has reigned since Adam (Romans 5). We pray "Your Kingdom come" from a place of oppression.
We see the Kingdom of God best displayed in the life of Jesus.
Jesus hangs out with sinners and the oppressed. The life and ministry of Jesus is a direct assault on the power of death. This is seen throughout Scripture. Two examples in Mark are from Jesus casting out the Legion of demons and raising a little girl from the dead. Wherever Jesus goes, the kingdom of darkness is being rolled back.
We need to seek life in the Kingdom of God Matthew 13:44
The Kingdom of God is a mystery to the world and it looks foolish to those outside of it. (Colossians 3:3)
Intimacy with God is cultivated in hiddenness. Seek your Father. We are not to do this on display for everyone to see. We live in a culture where everything is on display. Let's seek to hide ourselves in Christ for our benefit!
Let's be compelled by the beauty of God's Kingdom.
Are we willing to sacrifice all to gain the Kingdom?
In our culture we become an outcast by saying something about what others do. Our culture has put so much value on authenticity and being your authentic self. This is our cultures ultimate moral value. We are primed to think this way; "What matters is what I want."
Are we prepared to follow God even if He disgraces us in the face of our culture? Are we willing to give up our desires to follow God's ways?
If we never disagree with our God, we might be worshiping an idealized version of ourselves.
To help seek the Kingdom of God there are practical things we can do.
Gather with the church
Open the Bible and read a chapter from the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John)
Ask God to see His Kingdom
Pray the Lord's Prayer
God does not demand anything of us that He did not demand of Himself
Jesus obeyed perfectly and drank the cup of wrath so that we can drink salvationHow are you seeking God's Kingdom in your life?
What do you need to give up?
Monday, July 13, 2015
Our Father In Heaven, Hallowed Be Your Name
Sojourn started a 4 week study on the Lord's Prayer last Sunday and the first two sermons have been amazing. I'm a week behind on the first, but must share. The Passage for each week is found in the Lord's prayer found in Matthew 6:9-13:
Jesus is giving us an example of how we are to pray, not specifically what we are to pray. Before this passage, Jesus gives 2 warnings about prayer.
1. Do not make a public spectacle of prayer
2. Don't pray to just babble to God, or treat prayer as some magical incantation to try and manipulate God
The Foundation of Prayer
Adoption is the foundation of prayer. God is our Father and prayer is how we get to know Him better, developing intimacy with our Father. When Jesus said this back then, it was shocking to His audience that He was inviting them to call God Father, and He extends that invitation to us today.
Our confidence in prayer and desire to pray is based on adoption, not performance. God desires for us to relate to Him the way our kids relate to us. We can go to Him with anything because He is our Father. He knows what we need before we say it, so we are free to just talk to God. Have a conversation with Him. Don't try to bargain with God.
Prayer is all about relationship. We need to be poor in spirit to recognize how much we need God.
Prayerlessness points to our sinful need/delusion of being in control. When we pray we are acknowledging we are not in control and that we need God.
Priority in Prayer
Our primary purpose in prayer is adoring God. "Hallowed by Your Name" reminds us that we are to adore and revere God above all people and things. God is not just our number 1 priority, He is to be far above all of our priorities. We are to love and adore God so much that our love for all other things seems like hatred.
When we so desire things outside of God, our view of the world is skewed because our perspective and those things become hallowed instead of God. God is over all things and He alone is to be hallowed.
Which of these principles do you struggle with?
Let's grow in prayer together!
“Pray, then, in this way:
‘Our Father who is in heaven,
Hallowed be Your name.
‘Your kingdom come.
Your will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven.
‘Give us this day [a]our daily bread.
‘And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.
‘And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from [b]evil."
1. Do not make a public spectacle of prayer
2. Don't pray to just babble to God, or treat prayer as some magical incantation to try and manipulate God
The Foundation of Prayer
Adoption is the foundation of prayer. God is our Father and prayer is how we get to know Him better, developing intimacy with our Father. When Jesus said this back then, it was shocking to His audience that He was inviting them to call God Father, and He extends that invitation to us today.
Our confidence in prayer and desire to pray is based on adoption, not performance. God desires for us to relate to Him the way our kids relate to us. We can go to Him with anything because He is our Father. He knows what we need before we say it, so we are free to just talk to God. Have a conversation with Him. Don't try to bargain with God.
Prayer is all about relationship. We need to be poor in spirit to recognize how much we need God.
Prayerlessness points to our sinful need/delusion of being in control. When we pray we are acknowledging we are not in control and that we need God.
Priority in Prayer
Our primary purpose in prayer is adoring God. "Hallowed by Your Name" reminds us that we are to adore and revere God above all people and things. God is not just our number 1 priority, He is to be far above all of our priorities. We are to love and adore God so much that our love for all other things seems like hatred.
When we so desire things outside of God, our view of the world is skewed because our perspective and those things become hallowed instead of God. God is over all things and He alone is to be hallowed.
Which of these principles do you struggle with?
Let's grow in prayer together!
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