Saturday, November 28, 2015


Today my fourth child is 3 years old! How quickly the time has gone. Gabriel surprised us by coming a week before he was due, and he has continued to be a go-getter ever since then.

Gabriel is such a fun spirit. His name, we later found out, means mighty man of God, and is he ever strong willed. Though not extreme, he still seeks to please, but Gabriel is a determined little boy. He is rough and tumble and full of energy. His smile and laugh are contagious. He loves to learn and thinks he can do everything the older ones can.

I love to hear Gabriel talk. He is so excited about life and want to tell you about everything. He talks to his siblings and loves on them. Gabriel loves to dance and sing. He is just about anything you would expect a 3 year old boy to be.

As rough and tumble as he is, Gabriel is still sensitive and easily gets his feelings hurt. He loves hugs and kisses, but only when he wants them.

Giraffes are Gabriel's favorite animals. He also loves cars and puzzles. I am so thankful to see a love for reading in him already.

We started him with a preschool program this year and he gets so excited about learning. He loves to write and gets out his writing board for fun to practice writing.

I am so thankful God has given this precious boy to us. He is such a blessing to our family. God has used his life so much already.

Father, thank You for our precious Gabriel! Please make him into a mighty man of You and a man after Your own heart.


Photo shoot by Becca Camp

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