Wednesday, November 28, 2018
6 Year Old Gabriel
This year has been a whilwind and Gabriel turning 6 this year is unbelievable! He was our first baby born in our house in Louisville and it was such an amazing birth. He came in his own way and he continues to walk in his own way.
Gabriel is such a fun and spirited boy. His name means "Mighty Man of God" and he is quite mighty in spirit. He is always learning, seeking investigating. He is a determined boy and full of spunk and life. But even with all that might of character, he is a sensative soul that loves people and life. He is emotional but not overly so. He knows what he is and he will not say differently. Gabriel's mind is always set and he is clear in what that is. This is such an amazing quality in such a young boy.
It has been such a blessing to see God working in this mighty boy. God named this child so clearly and we pray regularly that God would take that might and turn it for God's glory. We are beginning to see that in Gabriel, which is such a blessing. He tells us of the things of God and talks Scripture with the family. He tells us what God does and says. How we see the might Holy Spirit working in his life! We pray that he will be saved soon!
Along with the things of God, Gabriel enjoys all types of learning. Workbooks are his idea of fun. He also enjoys puzzles, reading, good food and a good movie or educational tv show. He is also beginning to really enjoy the kitchen. Recently he has been doing parts of meals including peeling, mixing, pouring and putting things in the oven! He loves to eat! (most things that is) And he will tell you exactly what he wants.
We cannot express enough gratitude to God for this young man. He adds so much to our family and I'm so grateful that God gave him to us!
Father, please continue to work on Gabriel's heart. Please save him by Your grace and show him the way everlasting. Let him be mighty for You and you alone! You are so gracious and merciful. Thank you for Gabriel's life and letting him be a part of the Manor family. He is such an amazing boy and by your grace he will be all that You created him to be. In Jesus Name, Amen!
Thursday, October 4, 2018
Isaac is 1!!!!!
Oh, be still my heart! Our little baby, Isaac is one year old today. How? It's seems as if I had just learned I was pregnant and would be having a new little one in just a few weeks. My "shortest" and probably best pregnancy ever resulted in this precious little boy joining our family. And what a gift of laughter he has been throughout.
As his name says, Isaac loves to laugh! And he has the best laugh. I can't even describe it, it's just beautiful and completely his. He loves silliness and goofiness and just having fun. James can always make him laugh with his crazy antics. He makes himself laugh by shaking his head or other silly games. He loves his tickles too.
This big boy started crawling before 6 months and has had one foot ready to walk since then. This week he has been taking a few steps here and there and his crawl now looks more like a gorilla. Isaac loves to go and wants to play with the big boys. He is also getting good at climbing and is ready to tackle the playground as soon as he can walk.
With all of this exploring, Isaac is into everything. Currently, bookshelves are his favorite, much to my chagrin. But he is also learning to bring things to me and carry what he needs.
Isaac was such an amazing gift to our family during a time of great trial, stress and transition and I'm so thankful God has giving him to us for this time.
Father, Thank You for Isaac and is precious life. Begin stirring his heart now for You, that he may see his sin at a young age, repent and receive Your amazing grace in Jesus. May he bring You glory all the days of his life. Make him a man after Your own heart. In Jesus Name, Amen
As his name says, Isaac loves to laugh! And he has the best laugh. I can't even describe it, it's just beautiful and completely his. He loves silliness and goofiness and just having fun. James can always make him laugh with his crazy antics. He makes himself laugh by shaking his head or other silly games. He loves his tickles too.
This big boy started crawling before 6 months and has had one foot ready to walk since then. This week he has been taking a few steps here and there and his crawl now looks more like a gorilla. Isaac loves to go and wants to play with the big boys. He is also getting good at climbing and is ready to tackle the playground as soon as he can walk.
With all of this exploring, Isaac is into everything. Currently, bookshelves are his favorite, much to my chagrin. But he is also learning to bring things to me and carry what he needs.
Isaac was such an amazing gift to our family during a time of great trial, stress and transition and I'm so thankful God has giving him to us for this time.
Father, Thank You for Isaac and is precious life. Begin stirring his heart now for You, that he may see his sin at a young age, repent and receive Your amazing grace in Jesus. May he bring You glory all the days of his life. Make him a man after Your own heart. In Jesus Name, Amen
Friday, September 7, 2018
Reuben is 7!
Another seven year old! How can it be??? It's been seven years since Reuben joined our family outside the womb, officially making us a "large family" by many people's standards today. And how grateful I am that God used this little boy to move us into this phase of life.
Reuben is usually very mild mannered, quiet and likes to keep to himself. Gentle with others he loves being a big brother and helping take care of the little ones. His smile is contagious and he can make anyone laugh. He goes with the flow and rarely causes a fuss. He is such a joy to our family.
But with all of his natural bent to be "good", Reuben is very prideful and always sure of himself. So when he does believe there is injustice, especially toward him, he lashes out. But he is very sensative along with that to others who are hurting and he does not like to see anyone upset. He's a very tender soul.
This past year, Reuben has been learning how to read and is now amazing at it. It's always a pleasure watching a child strive to learn something and then sore when they finally get it. That has been Reuben this past year. He now does most of his school work without needing a lot of extra direction or help, which is a huge blessing! He also enjoys reading for fun now and will read for an hour with a stack of his "Star Wars" books.
Reuben also loves to watch. He watches movies, games, TV shows, sports. You name it, he will watch it.
But his mind is also ready to build. He loves to build anything out of anything. Legos, magnets, K'nex, blocks, tracks, paper. If it can be made into something else, Reuben will figure out how to make it and make it right.
Reuben is still growing in learning Bible and prayer and little by little we see God working on his heart.
Father, thank You for the precious gift of Reuben. Thank You for his love of learning and building. You have given him an amazing mind. Please turn his mind to You and You alone. Show him You are the One Who is good and right. Show him without You nothing is good. Convict his heart of pride and arrogacne and make him wholly Yours in Christ. In Jesus Name. Amen
Reuben is usually very mild mannered, quiet and likes to keep to himself. Gentle with others he loves being a big brother and helping take care of the little ones. His smile is contagious and he can make anyone laugh. He goes with the flow and rarely causes a fuss. He is such a joy to our family.
But with all of his natural bent to be "good", Reuben is very prideful and always sure of himself. So when he does believe there is injustice, especially toward him, he lashes out. But he is very sensative along with that to others who are hurting and he does not like to see anyone upset. He's a very tender soul.
This past year, Reuben has been learning how to read and is now amazing at it. It's always a pleasure watching a child strive to learn something and then sore when they finally get it. That has been Reuben this past year. He now does most of his school work without needing a lot of extra direction or help, which is a huge blessing! He also enjoys reading for fun now and will read for an hour with a stack of his "Star Wars" books.
Reuben also loves to watch. He watches movies, games, TV shows, sports. You name it, he will watch it.
But his mind is also ready to build. He loves to build anything out of anything. Legos, magnets, K'nex, blocks, tracks, paper. If it can be made into something else, Reuben will figure out how to make it and make it right.
Reuben is still growing in learning Bible and prayer and little by little we see God working on his heart.
Father, thank You for the precious gift of Reuben. Thank You for his love of learning and building. You have given him an amazing mind. Please turn his mind to You and You alone. Show him You are the One Who is good and right. Show him without You nothing is good. Convict his heart of pride and arrogacne and make him wholly Yours in Christ. In Jesus Name. Amen
Wednesday, August 22, 2018
Malachi is 2!
What can I say? These two years have flown by since we welcomed Malachi into our arms. Sometimes it seems like he really was just born yesterday.
And yet, here we are two years later and he is so big! And every bit of 2!
Malachi is spunky and energetic and keeps everyone smiling. But he is also mischievious and likes to push the boundaries. (Original sin anyone???) So far, by God's grace, he has been quick to learn, and I pray that continues.
Recently his vocabulary has exploded and he is picking up on everything from body parts to animals, letters and counting. Malachi is so eager to learn and it is such a blessing to see this love in him. He also happens to be an excellent eater, which is a huge blessing. He loves fruit and hot dogs and any kind of dessert. Chocolate is his favorite.
Currenly Malachi is really into reading. He wants to read all of our books over and over again. He is picking up so much just from reading and it's such a blessing. He is also beginning to be trained in prayer. He has not yet begun to pray on his own, but He will repeat and recite prayers. He also enjoys singing especially "This is the Day" and "The Doxology." I love to hear this boy sing!
I also love hearing "Good morning, Mama" when I come to the table for breakfast. His little voice is so precious. He also has all of his siblings names down, which is amazing. Malachi especially loves taking care of Isaac with James. He is growing into his big brother role well.
While very sweet and caring, Malachi is also all boy! He loves to wrestle, body slam and run into people full force. He jumps, climbs and gets into whatever he can. He has very little fear. He loves tickles and time with family as well.
We are so thankful that God gave us this precious boy! He adds such joy and laughter to our life.
Father, thank You for Malachi's precious life. Even now at this young age, begin breaking his heart for sine. Open up his eyes to his sinfulness and show him how much he needs You. Please pour out Your grace and save him that he may bring You glory all the days of his life. I pray in Jesus Name, Amen
And yet, here we are two years later and he is so big! And every bit of 2!
Malachi is spunky and energetic and keeps everyone smiling. But he is also mischievious and likes to push the boundaries. (Original sin anyone???) So far, by God's grace, he has been quick to learn, and I pray that continues.
Recently his vocabulary has exploded and he is picking up on everything from body parts to animals, letters and counting. Malachi is so eager to learn and it is such a blessing to see this love in him. He also happens to be an excellent eater, which is a huge blessing. He loves fruit and hot dogs and any kind of dessert. Chocolate is his favorite.
Currenly Malachi is really into reading. He wants to read all of our books over and over again. He is picking up so much just from reading and it's such a blessing. He is also beginning to be trained in prayer. He has not yet begun to pray on his own, but He will repeat and recite prayers. He also enjoys singing especially "This is the Day" and "The Doxology." I love to hear this boy sing!
I also love hearing "Good morning, Mama" when I come to the table for breakfast. His little voice is so precious. He also has all of his siblings names down, which is amazing. Malachi especially loves taking care of Isaac with James. He is growing into his big brother role well.
While very sweet and caring, Malachi is also all boy! He loves to wrestle, body slam and run into people full force. He jumps, climbs and gets into whatever he can. He has very little fear. He loves tickles and time with family as well.
We are so thankful that God gave us this precious boy! He adds such joy and laughter to our life.
Father, thank You for Malachi's precious life. Even now at this young age, begin breaking his heart for sine. Open up his eyes to his sinfulness and show him how much he needs You. Please pour out Your grace and save him that he may bring You glory all the days of his life. I pray in Jesus Name, Amen
Monday, July 16, 2018
1 Year Back in Smyrna!
It's been a year since our family returned from a seven year stretch in Louisville. We took a leap of faith returning to Smyrna, just as we took a leap of faith moving to Louisville. In taking that leap I know I expected God to do for us exactly what He did in Louisville: provide a job and a house within a couple of weeks. God did it before, so of course He would do it again!
Reflecting back on it now, I realize how foolish of a thought that was. As I search Scripture and all of my life I remember that God doesn't do the same thing twice! He is always seeking to stretch and grow His people so that they will be conformed to the likeness of His Son, Jesus Christ.
So we returned to Smyrna, 7 years to the day we left. God's perfect number. We moved in with my parents and settled in. Jim applied for jobs, we looked at houses and... Nothing happened. No job offers, no houses that were right, nothing. It was humbling. We prayed, we cried, we wrestled, but still nothing.
A month after returning, we found out we were expecting our 8th baby! Not only were we expecing child number 8, but he was due in 6 weeks! God's grace and provision through insurance and Jim being home with us was evident through it all. Especially since our precious Isaac spent 10 days in the NICU! By God's grace everything was covered and Jim was able to be with us throughout the whole time. What a blessing!
Finally, in December, Jim was offered a home health nursing job that was almost everything we had prayed for and we took it. But the hours we had expected were not there. So we could not move forward with a house and had to stay with my parents longer. Jim worked whenever he could get hours, but it still was not where we could buy a house.
Again, we waited, prayed and asked for God to provide. In March Jim received full time hours and we were finally able to look at houses and that exact house that God had put in my mind came available! In April we closed on our place in Mableton and finally had a permanent home! How thankful we all were.
It took time but in the last couple of weeks we have finally gotten mostly settled and are finding our rhythms.
In the midst of all of it God has stretched us, grown us and made us more like Jesus. He has revealed more of Himself and our relationships to God and to each other have grown deeper. While the entire transition has been extremely difficult, and at times very painful, we have been made better, by God's Grace, for it. It has strengthened our faith and taught us more about the One True and Living God who is always Faithful and His Word and Promises are always True! God is God and I'm so thankful to serve the One True God and I'm so thankful He has brought us to this place.
Reflecting back on it now, I realize how foolish of a thought that was. As I search Scripture and all of my life I remember that God doesn't do the same thing twice! He is always seeking to stretch and grow His people so that they will be conformed to the likeness of His Son, Jesus Christ.
So we returned to Smyrna, 7 years to the day we left. God's perfect number. We moved in with my parents and settled in. Jim applied for jobs, we looked at houses and... Nothing happened. No job offers, no houses that were right, nothing. It was humbling. We prayed, we cried, we wrestled, but still nothing.
A month after returning, we found out we were expecting our 8th baby! Not only were we expecing child number 8, but he was due in 6 weeks! God's grace and provision through insurance and Jim being home with us was evident through it all. Especially since our precious Isaac spent 10 days in the NICU! By God's grace everything was covered and Jim was able to be with us throughout the whole time. What a blessing!
Finally, in December, Jim was offered a home health nursing job that was almost everything we had prayed for and we took it. But the hours we had expected were not there. So we could not move forward with a house and had to stay with my parents longer. Jim worked whenever he could get hours, but it still was not where we could buy a house.
Again, we waited, prayed and asked for God to provide. In March Jim received full time hours and we were finally able to look at houses and that exact house that God had put in my mind came available! In April we closed on our place in Mableton and finally had a permanent home! How thankful we all were.
It took time but in the last couple of weeks we have finally gotten mostly settled and are finding our rhythms.
In the midst of all of it God has stretched us, grown us and made us more like Jesus. He has revealed more of Himself and our relationships to God and to each other have grown deeper. While the entire transition has been extremely difficult, and at times very painful, we have been made better, by God's Grace, for it. It has strengthened our faith and taught us more about the One True and Living God who is always Faithful and His Word and Promises are always True! God is God and I'm so thankful to serve the One True God and I'm so thankful He has brought us to this place.
Thursday, June 28, 2018
Our 3 Year Old Nehemiah
It's been three years since we welcomed Nehemiah into this world! It was a crazy time in our lives and he came fast and furious! But we could not be more thankful to have him in our family.
Nehemiah is petite and full of life! He fully believes he can do whatever his older siblings are doing, whether he can or not. He is quick as a whip and his verbal skills always take me aback! He loves to talk and he is usually very thoughtful and very precise in his words. He is also cute with such a little voice and he knows it. So he is also an expert at manipulation because everyone believes he is younger than he is. If you're around Nehemiah, don't be fooled! Generally, he understands everything you say.
Nehemiah loves to play with his siblings and being a big kid. He is also very sweet and sensitive, which is a huge blessing! Playing outside and reading are 2 of his favorite activities. If it were up to him he would have a full school work day! Nehemiah loves to learn. Currently he is learning basic pencil hold and excels at Mighty Mind Puzzles and Memory Games. He also remembers most of what he hears and enjoys figuring things out.
Nehemiah loves going to his class at church, being loved on by his teachers and time with his friends. He readily reminds us, "Jesus died on the cross for our sins!" How I pray this truth will take root in his heart and God will save him. Singing is also huge for Nehemiah. He will sing anything and it is precious hearing him sing songs of the faith. Sometimes he will dance too! He is just so full of life!
Father, thank You for our precious Nehemiah. Thank You for giving him to our family! He is such an amazing gift. Father, stir his heart for You that he may be a man after Your own heart and be a comfort and help for others. Make Nehemiah wholly Yours by Your grace! In Jesus Name. Amen!
Tuesday, June 12, 2018
Year 14
Yes! 14 years ago, Jim and I said "I do" and began this rest of our life journey together. The 14th year has been major to say the least! We started it on our last mini vacation to Elk Creek Vineyard and a month later packed up everything we owned and moved back to our hometown of Smyrna, GA with Emmie's parents. Just like 7 years previously we took a leap of faith moving to Louisville, we took a leap of faith and moved back to Smyrna. In Louisville we were blown away with how quickly God moved everything after we arrived. Moving back, it was quite the opposite. God was teaching us that slow steady trust that God is not slow as we think of slow, but that He does everything according to His timing and He knows what He is doing even when we don't understand.
How God has grown us in this! How God has grown us together! Everything God works for the good of His people as He makes us more like Jesus, and while we still have a LONG way to go to be fully sanctified, I can say that today we are more like Jesus than we were a year ago.
We are also closer and stronger in our marriage than we were a year ago. We have learned that God alone is the One who sustains us in everything. God alone is the One who provides exactly what we need when we need it. God alone is worthy of all of our praise, honor and glory. And God alone is the only One we can fully trust to never let us down.
While it has been difficult and unpredictable year, we would not trade it because of where we are today, both in our relationship with God and our relationship with each other. The past four years have been filled with pruning, molding, stretching and growing and this past year was another level. We know this will continue until we are with Jesus in Heaven and we pray that no matter what comes our way we will hold fast to our faith in God, not only as individuals but together.
I can't tell how you thankful I am for the past 14 years. They have been full of emotional, physical and spiritual trial, but Jim and I have both become more Godly. I'm so thankful for Jim and how God has grown him in trusting our God.
Father, thank You for 14 years of learning who You have made us! Please continue to grow us in what it means for us to be the couple You have designed us to be. By Your grace we will be even more like Jesus next year. In Jesus Name, Amen!
How God has grown us in this! How God has grown us together! Everything God works for the good of His people as He makes us more like Jesus, and while we still have a LONG way to go to be fully sanctified, I can say that today we are more like Jesus than we were a year ago.
We are also closer and stronger in our marriage than we were a year ago. We have learned that God alone is the One who sustains us in everything. God alone is the One who provides exactly what we need when we need it. God alone is worthy of all of our praise, honor and glory. And God alone is the only One we can fully trust to never let us down.
While it has been difficult and unpredictable year, we would not trade it because of where we are today, both in our relationship with God and our relationship with each other. The past four years have been filled with pruning, molding, stretching and growing and this past year was another level. We know this will continue until we are with Jesus in Heaven and we pray that no matter what comes our way we will hold fast to our faith in God, not only as individuals but together.
I can't tell how you thankful I am for the past 14 years. They have been full of emotional, physical and spiritual trial, but Jim and I have both become more Godly. I'm so thankful for Jim and how God has grown him in trusting our God.
Father, thank You for 14 years of learning who You have made us! Please continue to grow us in what it means for us to be the couple You have designed us to be. By Your grace we will be even more like Jesus next year. In Jesus Name, Amen!
Tuesday, May 29, 2018
Jim is 35!
What an adventure year 35 has been for Jim! He has led his family on a crazy ride as we have followed God to the next phase of His life for us. It has been hard. It has been trying. It has pushed him to the depths of trusting God. And He is still alive!
It can be easy to forget that God is working all things for the good of His people and His glory, but by God's grace Jim has perservered. The man known as Jim Manor today is an amazing man of God, whom I love and trust with our family. God has grown him in leadership and made Jim more like Jesus in all areas of his life.
This year Jim has read a lot while waiting for God to provide a job for him and has learned more about what it means to be the head of his family. With all of this, Jim is working toward getting his blog going: Broken Archer at I'm so excited to see how God uses Jim as he steps out in faith to do something completely outside of his comfort zone! He hopes to get it set up soon and begin writing on it regularly. Come on over and check it out!
Father, thank You for how You are growing Jim in Your likeness. You are amazing! Please continue to stretch and grow Jim. Show him Your kindness in the every day moments. Thank You for how You provide and teaching him that You are all he needs!
I love youm Jimbo!
Wednesday, May 2, 2018
Our 8-Year-Old Baby Girl!
Our sweet one and only baby girl is 8 years old! When did that happen???
It doesn't seem that long ago that we welcomed our precious daughter into our arms during a super fast delivery that taught us so much about trusting God's provision for His people! Today, we are still learning these lessons and teaching them to our spunky girl.
Lillian is so full of personality that comes out in everything she does. She is precise, scheduled and a bit of a perfectionist while still being a bit clumsy and disorganized. She reminds me of me!
Lillian loves doing her school work and works hard to get everything done so she has time to play and help in the kitchen. I think she has learned as much helping Daddy in the kitchen as she has from her workbooks! The kitchen has taught her to read and do a lot of math and still teaches her everytim she is in there. If you haven't figured it out, Lillian loves the kitchen and food. Cooking, baking, eating, she loves everything about the culinary world. She can even do several recipes on her own.
Lillian is incredibly brave and sure of herself, which helps alot when trying new things. By God's grace, He will use these qualities to use her for His Kingdom work. She is quick to correct mistakes in others, so we are working on politeness and respect. She also loves people. She really enjoys a crowd and being with her friends. With all of her brothers, she especially loves time with her female cousins and friends when she gets it.
Currently her favorite color is purple, her favorite subject is Latin and her favorite hobby is cooking. Lillian also enjoys singing, all things school, dancing, music, reading, and the occasional movie. She is also excellent at memorizing and loves to memorize Scripture, though currently it means very little to her. In spite being the only girl, Lillian loves playing with her brothers and telling them what to do. They have begun playing house and enjoy being a family. She is starting to talk about being a mama one day and it's precious to hear her dream.
We are so thankful for this little (or not so little) girl that God has blessed us with.
Father, thank You for the gift of Lillian! She is so precious. Father I pray that You will open her eyes and awaken her from the death of sin and into new life in You. Make her into a woman after Your own heart that desires You and Your way alone. Teach her that there is no good in herself and that without You she is dead. Thank You for how You are working and teaching her even now. I know You love her even more than we do! Make her wholly Yours!
Sunday, April 15, 2018
Four Year Old Sam!
It's so hard to believe that it's been four years since we have welcomed Sam into our family outside them womb! So much has happened since he joined our family, but our lives have been made so much richer because of Sam.
What can I say about Sam? Sam is Sam!
He is so strong both mentally and physically. Sam is a big boy and wants to be a big boy. He tackles his brothers and is in the mix of all the big boys. He is also strong minded. When Sam sets out to do something, he does it. While this can be quite frustrating for us at times, it is becoming an asset as he grows and it determined to learn to do things.
Though Sam is not formally being schooled yet, he does love to learn. He enjoys puzzles and learning letters and numbers. He wants to do everything the older kids do and enjoys playing and learning with his siblings. He is also learning to clean, do dishes and other various chores around the house. He really likes to help and wants to do it all. The learning process is sometimes frustrating, though.
Sam is also very funny. He sometimes says things that make no sense, but is so sure about them you almost believe them too. His facial expressions also add so much to what he says. He is just funny. And so full of life. He adds so much to our family.
Already, God has already used him so much to teach and grow our family.
Father, thank You so much for Sam and putting him in our family. He is such a precious blessing. Please make him a man after Your own heart who loves Your Word and follows You wholeheartedly. Call him out of death into life with You for Your Kingdom and Your glory. Continue to use your precious life in amazing ways. In Jesus's Name. Amen!
What can I say about Sam? Sam is Sam!
He is so strong both mentally and physically. Sam is a big boy and wants to be a big boy. He tackles his brothers and is in the mix of all the big boys. He is also strong minded. When Sam sets out to do something, he does it. While this can be quite frustrating for us at times, it is becoming an asset as he grows and it determined to learn to do things.
Though Sam is not formally being schooled yet, he does love to learn. He enjoys puzzles and learning letters and numbers. He wants to do everything the older kids do and enjoys playing and learning with his siblings. He is also learning to clean, do dishes and other various chores around the house. He really likes to help and wants to do it all. The learning process is sometimes frustrating, though.
Sam is also very funny. He sometimes says things that make no sense, but is so sure about them you almost believe them too. His facial expressions also add so much to what he says. He is just funny. And so full of life. He adds so much to our family.
Already, God has already used him so much to teach and grow our family.
Father, thank You so much for Sam and putting him in our family. He is such a precious blessing. Please make him a man after Your own heart who loves Your Word and follows You wholeheartedly. Call him out of death into life with You for Your Kingdom and Your glory. Continue to use your precious life in amazing ways. In Jesus's Name. Amen!
Tuesday, March 13, 2018
Expected the Unexpected
I know I have been pretty quiet on here since returning to Smyrna nearly 8 months ago. Things have not gone at all how we expected. But then again, how often does God do exactly what we expect?
As God began showing us His plan for us to move back to GA, we had discussions about what we wanted and prayed over what God wanted us to do. We always hope that our desires and the Lord's desires are the same, but let's be honest, often times their not!
We prayed for clarity of vision. As we prayed a few things were clear:
1. God was calling us back to Smyrna First Baptist to be a part of the Body there
2. God was wanting us to take a step of faith and begin a multi-faceted ministry through blogs
3. We were to move July 16, 2017, 7 years exactly from the time He took us to Louisville
4. Jim was to look for something that was a better fit for our family's season
So just like when we moved up, we took a leap of faith that God would provide exactly what we "needed" in a couple months, and we would be resettled into our new life.
But just like God, what we expected did not happen. While we moved July 16 like He said and entered back into the Body of Christ at Smyrna First, the other two were a bit more elusive, especially a job for Jim. He applied, had some interviews and even thought a couple were a guarantee but nothing until December, and that job did not seem like it would really work. But we took it, knowing we needed something and God provided.
Then the hours that Jim was told he would have did not happen. And several times he was canceled due to patients not being at home. We thought, this is never going to work! In this time we started looking at houses again, but the hours we needed to buy a house were not there. Our hands were tied and we could not move forward.
So we stayed, feeling defeated again. Jim had an interview for another job. It looked really promising. He even went to shadow, with a couple of months before it started. He called, he emailed. Nothing! We prayed, "God what is going on???"
What was going on, was God teaching us patience, obedience, endurance, connecting, trust, crying out to Him and relying on Him for everything. During these months our family grew together, worked through tough times together, and learned what it meant to cry out to God together.
Jim and I began working together, combining our strengths to launch 2 of the sites God had been laying on our hearts: Psalm 127 Ministry, the parent site for all of the ministry we desire to do, and Childbirth Conversations, a rebirth of my previous blog. (We would love for you to check them out and sign up for our mailing list!)
Then two weeks ago, Jim found out about a new patient, oriented, and started last week with a five day work week with more than what we need. God has provided! In His perfect timing, God has given us what we need. In fact, all that we envisioned before we came here is coming to fruition, just completely differently than we thought it would be.
We put an offer on a house and by God's grace everything will come through with it soon. God is providing what we need, what He wants us to have.
God is good and His timing is never slow!
As God began showing us His plan for us to move back to GA, we had discussions about what we wanted and prayed over what God wanted us to do. We always hope that our desires and the Lord's desires are the same, but let's be honest, often times their not!
We prayed for clarity of vision. As we prayed a few things were clear:
1. God was calling us back to Smyrna First Baptist to be a part of the Body there
2. God was wanting us to take a step of faith and begin a multi-faceted ministry through blogs
3. We were to move July 16, 2017, 7 years exactly from the time He took us to Louisville
4. Jim was to look for something that was a better fit for our family's season
So just like when we moved up, we took a leap of faith that God would provide exactly what we "needed" in a couple months, and we would be resettled into our new life.
But just like God, what we expected did not happen. While we moved July 16 like He said and entered back into the Body of Christ at Smyrna First, the other two were a bit more elusive, especially a job for Jim. He applied, had some interviews and even thought a couple were a guarantee but nothing until December, and that job did not seem like it would really work. But we took it, knowing we needed something and God provided.
Then the hours that Jim was told he would have did not happen. And several times he was canceled due to patients not being at home. We thought, this is never going to work! In this time we started looking at houses again, but the hours we needed to buy a house were not there. Our hands were tied and we could not move forward.
So we stayed, feeling defeated again. Jim had an interview for another job. It looked really promising. He even went to shadow, with a couple of months before it started. He called, he emailed. Nothing! We prayed, "God what is going on???"
What was going on, was God teaching us patience, obedience, endurance, connecting, trust, crying out to Him and relying on Him for everything. During these months our family grew together, worked through tough times together, and learned what it meant to cry out to God together.
Jim and I began working together, combining our strengths to launch 2 of the sites God had been laying on our hearts: Psalm 127 Ministry, the parent site for all of the ministry we desire to do, and Childbirth Conversations, a rebirth of my previous blog. (We would love for you to check them out and sign up for our mailing list!)
Then two weeks ago, Jim found out about a new patient, oriented, and started last week with a five day work week with more than what we need. God has provided! In His perfect timing, God has given us what we need. In fact, all that we envisioned before we came here is coming to fruition, just completely differently than we thought it would be.
We put an offer on a house and by God's grace everything will come through with it soon. God is providing what we need, what He wants us to have.
God is good and His timing is never slow!
Thursday, February 22, 2018
Our 9 Year Old, James
What can I say about our James? This boy is such a gift and I am so grateful for such an amazing first born. This has been such a year of growth for James as God has worked in him and saved him from his sin in Jesus! This entire year we have watched him wrestle with God, the truths of the Word and come to repentance from sin. On the 4th Jim had the privilege of baptizing James as he followed Jesus in obedience and going public with his faith. There is not much greater in life than seeing your children be saved by the amazing grace of God!
With this we have also seen growth in James in all other areas of life. He has become such an amazing big brother, playing with his siblings, taking care of them and stepping up in responsibility. He has grown in his diligence in work, his creativity and how he handles stressful situations. It has been amazing to watch him grow, and I am so thankful to God everyday for the work He is doing in James's heart.
James does not know a stranger. He will ask you anything and has very little filter because he tells you how it is. While a bit embarrassing at times, I greatly appreciate his honesty, as we see God growing him in honesty. James loves to write and draw. He is very creative and has recently finished his first book, illustrations included! He also enjoys coming up with games for everyone to play together. God has made him a natural leader and it is exciting guiding him in learning how to be a leader under God's authority.
James tells us he wants to be a builder so he can build churches! He has mentioned being a pastor before as well, but being a builder he talks about more. It will be exciting to see how God grows him in these areas.
We are so thankful for James, and the life he adds to our family.
Father, thank You for James! Thank You for saving him! Thank You for how You are working in his life to grow him in You and make Him more like Jesus. We pray that he will grow in wisdom, in stature and in favor with God and man. We pray his desires would be Yours and that You will guide all his steps. Give us grace to teach him what it means to follow You in everything with all that he is. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen!
With this we have also seen growth in James in all other areas of life. He has become such an amazing big brother, playing with his siblings, taking care of them and stepping up in responsibility. He has grown in his diligence in work, his creativity and how he handles stressful situations. It has been amazing to watch him grow, and I am so thankful to God everyday for the work He is doing in James's heart.
We are so thankful for James, and the life he adds to our family.
Father, thank You for James! Thank You for saving him! Thank You for how You are working in his life to grow him in You and make Him more like Jesus. We pray that he will grow in wisdom, in stature and in favor with God and man. We pray his desires would be Yours and that You will guide all his steps. Give us grace to teach him what it means to follow You in everything with all that he is. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen!
This is the cake James wanted for his birthday, a book that said "Eat This Book"! I love the creativity of this crazy boy! |
Thursday, February 15, 2018
Year 34
Tuesday I turned 34. Each year becomes more and more reflective as you realize how little time you really have. This past year has been a crazy and very unpredictable year for our family, and it has caused me to stop and really think about what life is.
As a Christian, I know it is to bring God glory. I have always known that intellectually. But as I think back, I realize that generally I live life as if it is mine and not God's. My 34th year on earth has really been opening my eyes to the fact that I must seek God in everything because I need God for everything.
Without Him I have nothing. He gave Jesus, His only Son, to die for me! In Jesus, God has brought be from spiritual death into spiritual life. Why, then, do I think I can live life how I want? Why do I think I can feed the flesh and still honor God? How much more God shows me that this is how we all live and that following God takes prayer, reading the Word and intentional living in everything. It takes community and a life with other believers. It take repentance and fighting the flesh. And by His daily grace, I can do these things.
We lost a beautiful Sister at our church recently, and the theme throughout her funeral that she had learned was, "So teach us to number our days, that we may get a heart of wisdom." Psalm 90:12. And this is what God has been teaching me as well. Father, teach me to number my days and live in Your wisdom!
Because that is what life is about. Living for God's Kingdom for God's glory. We do that by living the life He has called us to and doing this beside His people in the lives He has called them to.
So learning this so deeply in year 34, I pray that I will live this in year 35 and beyond. To seek God in everything and to live His way in the life He has given me. So bring on year 35 with God!
Thursday, February 1, 2018
Isaac Maxwell
This story has to start at the beginning: August 18, 2017 was the day we found out I was expecting baby number 8. Movement had alerted me to that I might be pregnant in spite of not feeling pregnant at all and we were right. But I thought I was maybe 24 weeks or so. I ended up having to get emergency medicaid, which put me at 33 weeks! All of this was a huge surprise, but so exciting and amazing. It took another 2 weeks to get an appointment.
I ended up going to a group chosen because they accepted my insurance and women who were farther along in pregnancy. I knew nothing about them, I just had to trust God knew what He was doing and would take care of us.
Around 10 am the pitocin was started. Not long after this Carson, my midwife for the day, came in to meet me and see how I was doing. She was happy with the level of contractions, so we talked L&D and shared previous experiences. She was wonderful! She allowed me to stand up and attempted to get a cordless monitor working on me. During this time Jim got our essential oil diffuser going and my labor playlist running. We turned down the lights and I walked around the best I could while talking and singing praise. It was such a wonderful time. Tonya also told us how Kennestone is mama baby friendly as well as natural friendly, which was a huge blessing! I even got a lunch tray! I couldn't believe it. It was exactly what I needed to keep me going in my labor.
Around noon Carter checked me for herself and there was no progress. She realized we should have done something different, but with the pitocin we could not do a cervidil as well. We talked about a Cook's Catheter to put pressure on my cervix from both sides and decided that would be the best option. They got the catheter in place and I stood back up to keep the baby in place, as he kept popping up out of position when I sat or lied down.
The Cook's Catheter was the right decision. It made the pressure and contractions stronger, doing it's job! Within a couple of hours the catheter fell out, meaning I was around 5 cm dilated. We debated on whether or not to just have her break my water and get it done, but the baby was still too high to safely break it. With the Cook's Catheter out, the labor was less intense for awhile but still consistent.
The contractions continued to get stronger and I was hopeful. Around 5:30 pm my lets started to give out. I had been standing almost constantly since 10 am. My feet were incredibly sore! I decided to get out and attempt to lie down for a few minutes. I was so tired!
With my water broken and the head well applied, I was able to sit in the bed! What a relief after standing for 9 hours! They put me in high fowlers so I could be upright and still relax. I had to say good-bye to Tonya who had been amazing! Sarah came in after her. I got situated and dozed off and on for about half an hour as the contractions got stronger.
Around 7:50 pm I felt like I needed to pee, so I got up to go to the bathroom. As I reached the door I had a strong contraction hit and my legs started to give way. I grabbed on to Jim and Sarah walked in and caught me. She told me I needed to get back in bed. The baby was pressing hard! I kept apologizing for getting up as she put me back in the bed with Jim behind us with the IV pole. She called for help but everyone else was tied up. They got me back in bed and Carson came in. Baby was right there. Carson and Jim got gowned up and I pushed.
It took him a minute to really perk up. They worked on him and he started to pink in the warmer. They brought him to me for kangaroo care, hoping that would help him to level out. Jim and I finally got a good look at him as he rested on my chest. We decided to name him Isaac, "he laughs". The whole situation was wrought with laughter from only finding out 6 weeks before I was pregnant to welcoming our 7th boy into our family. Jim had also been wanting to name a son Isaac and now seemed like the perfect time. It took a few minutes to come to a decision about the middle name, but we decided on Maxwell, Jim's dad's name, Jim's brother's middle name, and meaning "from the great well," which Isaac had been with such high fluid level. It was perfect, Isaac Maxwell Manor.
While on my chest Isaac was grunting terribly and was clearly struggling to breathe. They came back in to check him out but he was obviously struggling. These nurse parents, especially NICU dad knew something wasn't right. They took him to the nursery and soon admitted him to the NICU. That was so hard, but we knew it was the best thing. We decided to sleep that night and get started with pumping in the morning. Best decision!!!
For 10 days we went back and forth, pumping and praying for healing. Finally on October 14th, Isaac was able to come home! We were so thankful.
It's been a crazy, almost 4 months since Isaac's birth, but God has been so faithful. Father, thank You for Isaac. He is such a blessing to our family! Please save him and grow him in You. Let him know Your laughter. Let him be a great joy to all who are around him because he is overflowing with Your joy! Thank You for how You have used Isaac already for Your glory. Please continue to use his life to point others to You!
Thank you to Nichole Begerow for our newborn photo!
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