Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Emmie's Day with a 11, 9, 8, 7, 5, 4, 3, 2, and (Almost) 1 Year Old

Every year, Simple Homeschool hosts a series and link up for homeschool families to share their days with each other for encouragement. I've linked up a couple of times and thought I'd take a minute to share our current homeschool day.

Since November, our schedule has been a little elusive from dealing with a struggling baby and morning (all day) sickness. Even in the lack of schedule, we have still sought to maintain basic rhythms to helps with the smoothness of our day.

Most days we are all up and eating breakfast by 6:45 am. We eat together, read and discuss a Bible passage, pray over our day and sing. Daddy leaves for work around 7:20.

After breakfast we have kitchen and room chores and get ready for the day. Everyone pitches in with their job for common spaces and makes their bed.

After breakfast is a little more up in the air. With toddlers running a muck full of morning energy we may go outside first if weather allows. If the weather does not cooperate (as has been the case much of the winter) typically one or more of the older kids will play and read with the toddlers while I work with the middle kids who need help.

Mid-morning we have a snack and then move back to more learning time or outside time if we were unable to get out in the morning.

Right around noon we have lunch. If we're eating something with more prep, our Lillian will start making lunch around 11 and owns it! Lunch time we enjoy read aloud books, history, poetry, art, etc. It's a great time to enjoy learning all together in a laid back environment.

After lunch we have post lunch chores to get the kitchen and dining area cleaned up. This is typically a quick clean and then move into quiet time. This looks different everyday but usually entails finishing up any needed book work, playing with LEGOs or other building toys, reading, writing, drawing, naps and the occasional movie. This is also time for me to do a little work or learning.

After quiet time we get ready for dinner. Our kids love the kitchen, so they work together to get dinner ready and I help when needed. It's fun watching them learn and work together.

Dinner time is Catechism and Scripture memory time along with everyone sharing what they're thankful for that day and praying.

After dinner we have evening chores and get ready for bed.

With a large family we have rhythm, but specific scheduling is a challenge. We are so blessed to have the flexibility of homeschooling so that we can learn together and as individuals while growing in the knowledge of the LORD.

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