Twelve years. How is it even possible that this amazing and brilliant boy who made me a mother is now twelve years old!?
I don't think I can quite find the words to express how much I love and cherish the life of James. He is full of life, sharp as a tack and loves to learn everything he can. James is kind, loving, eager to help and takes the little ones under his wing to teach and train them in everything from letters and numbers to birds and trees to the very Word of God and anything else he knows he passes along his knowledge. His creativity knows no limits and he loves to "invent" crazy machines and envision how they could be made. He comes up with new creatures, writes stories, draws and sculpts, makes buildings with LEGOs and fully taps into the creative side of being an Image Bearer. He also loves the drums and everyday is growing in his rhythm skills. He wants to play during worship services one day.
James regularly thinks about the least of these. Whether some one younger or not as strong or someone who is without, he quickly recognizes their need and seeks to meet it in whatever way he can. I see God's care of us in the way James cares for others and he is always eager to do more. His current project is making bags to have ready to hand out to anyone we see when we're out driving. He wants to be prepared to help. He is also so tender with his little brothers and sister. Timothy is his little buddy and they spend a lot of time learning and playing together.

His love of learning knows no bounds. If he could, James would learn everything in the world. He spends hours reading, learning, studying and would continue if we did not tell him to take a break for his own good. Right now he is very interested in nature and seeing how God's glory is displayed in nature, languages, architecture and math. He is quickly becoming a Latin scholar and is beginning to study Biblical Greek and wants to learn as many modern languages as possible starting with Spanish so he can communicate with our Hispanic neighbors. He's also working very hard on math and drawing because he desires to become an architect to design fun buildings as well as houses and churches for people around the world.
Following in my footsteps, James is working on his first book and is working on editing his fifth draft. He is extremely excited about Ivart and is hoping to finish it this year. As part of writing this book he is designing his own planet and developing the language of Ivart's planet. It is amazing to watch him develop these things! To help with his writing, he also enjoys reading. James is currently in the middle of The Two Towers in The Lord of the Rings trilogy by J.R.R Tolkein. He loves telling us what they messed up in the movie and what he's learning from the books. We're also reading The Wingfeather Saga as a family and he cannot get enough of these incredible books! He would rather read than watch a movie any day of the week.
James also loves nature and looking at all that God has made. In his studies he has investigated many element of God's creation, but birds continue to remain his favorite. One of his favorite outdoor activities is cutting down our bamboo and constructing bird arbors around our yard. As we make plans for how to cultivate and manage our property he makes sure we know the importance of having trees for local birds to next in. It's amazing to see how he connects all of nature together the way God intended it to work together to bring life to all.
Every morning James delves into the Word, spending time with his God in Bible reading, prayer and journaling. I have learned so much from James as God teaches him and he shares with us during our family Bible time. This past year we studied Revelation and it was James who pointed out the connections between Revelation and Daniel and the Beasts described in both! I had never realized this and I have studies both books before. What a blessing it is to see God teaching and instructing James and he then showing us the congruity of the Word of God! What a joy to see that God is sufficient and that He is at work in the life of your child!
James is also memorizing as much of the Bible as he can. He is working on the book of James and currently has half of chapter 1 memorized along with many Psalms and other verses he has learned from drill. He takes seriously God's command to hide God's Word in his heart that he might not sin against God.
This young man, James Marshall Jr. is such a gift from God. He loves to be with family and wants to do everything he can as a family. Our family continues to be richly blessed by his life as he grows and follows after the LORD.
Father, I thank You for the gift of James. Thank Your for saving him from the death of sin and giving him new life in Christ. Thank You for how You continue to teach and grow James in Your Word and in Your way. Thank You for the work You are doing in Him. Please guide James on Your path for him and grow him into the man You have created him to be. Give him a deep love for You and for others and continue to give him Your heart for the least of these. Teach him Your humility and graciousness that he may serve You well in everything. Keep his eyes fixed on You and on heavenly things that he may take up his cross daily and follow You. I pray this in Jesus Name. Amen.