4372. Becca getting the kids breakfast
4373. Really yummy breakfast
4374. Going to the grocery store
4375. Time to pray in the car
4376. Doing really well at the grocery store
4377. Finding good deals on a couple things we wanted to try
4378. Jim getting a lot of the yard work done
4379. Jamey cleaning the dryer vent without being asked
4380. Very good sandwiches for lunch
4381. Lillian scarfing down her food
4382. Reuben loving the ham
4383. Gabriel loving to eat
4384. Having Gabriel at the table with us
4385. Teaching Jamey how to rest again
4386. All 4 kids napping in the afternoon
4387. Finishing Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
4388. Learning to pray even more
4389. Wrestling with God
4390. Wrestling with myself
4391. Making dinner
4392. Dinner being really good and low calorie
4393. Losing 3lbs at my weigh in!
4394. Lillian pooping the toilet
4395. Jamey and Lillian asking to say Bible verses
4396. Getting to the Climax of The Horse and His Boy
4397. Really enjoying reading together as a family (even if the kids are not fully into it yet)
4398. Having over 20 tomatoes growing
4399. Having some green beans and a watermelon growing
4400. God blessing our garden
4401. Dancing together
4402. Laughing together
4403. Being together
4404. Kids going to bed smoothly after napping
4405. Watching a movie and playing a game
4406. Keeping connections

4408. Lots of time to pray and wrestle with God
4409. Jamey and Lillian mostly chilling this morning
4410. Eating cheese grits with our eggs this morning
4411. Gabriel eating yogurt
4412. Time to read before leaving the house
4413. Going to Willow Park
4414. New mulch at the park!!!!!
4415. Meeting new people
4416. Lots of kids to play with
4417. The kids playing well with others
4418. Lots of energy expended
4419. Teaching the kids to climb the ladder
4420. Pretending with the kids
4421. Eating lunch at the park
4422. Kids eating well at the park
4423. Jamey's imagination going
4424. Jamey asking to start school again
4425. Staying at the park for 2 hours
4426. Playing the dance game with Lillian (she loves that game)
4427. All 4 kids napping
4428. Time to write in my journal
4429. Stretching

4431. Working on things
4432. Writing on the blog
4433. Gabriel pulling himself to standing without help!
4434. Remembering you must be careful what you say around kids :)
4435. Watching the first half of The Two Towers

4437. Playing more dance game
4438. Chick-fil-A for dinner
4439. Dinner with our CG
4440. Laughter with friends
4441. Kids doing well at dinner
4442. Kids playing in the playground
4443. Gabriel smiling at Courtney while they played
4444. Very smooth bed time
4445. Getting out of bed after feeling like I had not slept
4446. Getting breakfast for the kids while in a complete fog
4447. Reading more of What Jesus Demands from the World
4448. Taking the kids to the library
4449. Seeing Dave and his kids
4450. Seeing Noelle and her kids
4451. Kids getting there prizes for summer reading
4452. Jamey singing "It's a super trendy hat" when getting his reading hat
4453. Kids reading a little at the library
4454. Finding a couple of fun books for the kids
4455. Becca making lunch
4456. Yummy lunch that was well balanced and low calorie
4457. Taking a nap
4458. Dinner with Jim
4459. Trying a new Mexican restaurant Sol Aztecas (really good!)
4460. Sweet Tea
4461. Checking out 4th Street Live (don't understand the hype)
4462. Running errands with Jim
4463. Finding PJs on clearance for Jamey
4464. Good deals on soap and shampoo
4465. Free plus money back on nail polish!!!!!
4466. Finding a few great supplement workbooks for the kids
4467. Getting a coffee maker
4468. Nice night out with Jim
4469. Getting to sleep until 9 am!!!
4470. Getting a general plan and schedule made for the semester
4471. Preparing for the school year
4472. Getting our science kit
4473. Everyone getting excited about a new school year

4475. Kids having a good rest time
4476. Hanging out with the family
4477. Reading together
4478. Going on a double date with the Robinettes to the Melting Pot (Yay for groupons!)
4479. Learning more about each other
4480. Talking about community
4481. Eating really good food
4482. Laughter
4483. Sharing and being real
4484. Life together
4485. Better sleep
4486. Coffee!!!
4487. Playgroup at Ashley's
4488. Lots of kids!

4490. Seeing Amy
4491. Seeing Andrea
4492. Talking homeschool
4493. Learning more about foster care
4494. Talking kids and parenting
4495. Talking writing and blogs
4496. Finding out Amy is also a writer
4497. Being encouraged
4498. My kids playing really well with all the other kids
4499. Pizza for lunch with friends

4501. My kids volunteering to help J & J with their yard work
4502. Sharing with like minded people
4503. Having great Sisters to share with
4504. Really good chicken for dinner
4505. Jim getting to nap
4506. Just hanging out
4507. Relatively smooth bed time
4508. Reuben doing well today without a nap
4509. RAIN!!!!! (we have been needing it for days)
4510. Quiet evening
4511. All kids sleeping until after 6 and no one getting up during the night!!!!!
4512. Very nice breakfast and smooth morning
4513. Jim getting to sleep quickly
4514. Making a run to Walmart with all the kids
4515. Teaching the kids about buying gifts for other people
4516. Jamey picking out a couple things for Phin
4517. Finding most of what we needed to get
4518. The kids all doing well and enjoying shopping
4519. Getting shopping done in a timely manner
4520. Getting home right at snack time
4521. Gabriel doing OK without a morning nap (he refused at the store)
4522. Reuben growing in his communication
4523. Getting lunch ready quickly
4524. Kids growing in playing together well
4525. Reuben napping with little fuss
4526. Dancing with Jamey and Lillian
4527. Jamey actually playing the dance game with a remote
4528. Lillian napping in her bed
4529. Snuggling with Jamey
4530. Becca being able to go for a run
4531. Jim sleeping well during the day
4532. Nice family dinner
4533. Good dinner table discussions
4534. Kids answering questions
4535. Reuben "praying" (this was so precious though I understood nothing but Amen!)
4536. Only 1 chapter left in The Horse and His Boy
4537. Sitting in the floor
4538. Hanging out with my kids
4539. Watching too much TV (this will be ending this week so it is a blessing :) )
4540. Jim getting off to work well
4541. All the kids waving to Jim as he left for work
4542. Lillian playing with my hair
4543. Teaching Lillian how to take out a braid
4544. Popcorn for snack that was already made
4545. Very smooth bed time
4546. Relaxing evening alone
4547. Reading Walk Two Moons in 1 day (I am not really a fast reader so this is really a blessing)
4548. Reading a home birth story
4549. Playing a game
4550. Remembering to pray before lying down for sleep
4551. Waking up well (even if it was early)
4552. Getting breakfast ready in a timely manner
4553. Cinnamon rolls for breakfast
4554. Jim getting home safely
4555. Kids getting ready for church mostly on their own
4556. Walking to church
4557. Talking as we walked
4558. Helping stuff bulletins
4559. Gidget coming to church
4560. Helping get Margot checked in
4561. All of the nursery people being friendly and helpful
4562. Introducing Gidget to people
4563. Finding out a Sister is pregnant
4564. Seeing Pastor Robert and Karen
4565. Sitting with Cory and Courtney
4566. Starting our year long series in John!
4567. Commissioning many new CG leaders
4568. Learning about more groups
4569. Talking to Jamey about what he learned in Sunday school
4570. Jamey beginning to process more
4571. Reuben praying
4572. Kids resting well
4573. Jim getting a good nap
4574. Making meal plans
4575. Going to the grocery store (having to find a new time for this)
4576. Learning more about advocate teams for workers
4577. Sharing a little of what is happening with our workers
4578. Time to pray
4579. Learning about expectations for advocate leaders
4580. Being encouraged that we are on the right track for advocate leaders
4581. Meeting more women
4582. Learning about more prayer groups for workers
4583. Being given more responsibility in Sojourn International
4584. God using me where He has put me
4585. Yummy left overs for dinner
4586. Just hanging out
4587. Not turning on the TV
4588. Working on daily schedules for the week
4589. Gearing up for the start of school
4590. Going to bed well before 10 pm!
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