Sunday, September 25, 2016

August Blessings

So obviously I'm a little late on sharing these blessings since our big one came at the end of the month, but I still want to share what God did for us in August.

  1. Kids playing well together
  2. Growing in imagination
  3. Sam singing praise songs
  4. Reuben singing praise songs very clearly
  5. Getting through the day with little pain
  6. Time to read
  7. Snuggling with my kids
  8. Hearing from people at cg
  9. Getting a lot of business set up
  10. Working on Box Tops
  11. Curry
  12. Someone to help Jim quickly change his tire
  13. Friends coming to play
  14. Playing a game and watching a movie with Jim
  15. Neo doing well with OT
  16. Finishing "Murder on the Orient Express"
  17. Watching Olympic Opening Ceremonies
  18. Snuggling with Lillian
  19. Watching the Olympics
  20. Teaching kids about new sports
  21. Becca being home
  22. DQ breakfast
  23. Great sermon on being the Body
  24. Seeing CJ & Shelly and hearing from them
  25. Hearing from Brienne
  26. Surprise Norwex order!
  27. Doing logic problems
  28. Ice cream sandwich cake
  29. Lots of new people at cg
  30. Honesty from my doctor
  31. Being at peace
  32. Jamey organizing the Tupperware cabinet
  33. God reaching out to me
  34. Jamey helping and being creative
  35. Reuben growing in creativity
  36. Fraps
  37. Talking with the kids about church
  38. Jamey asking questions
  39. Creativity in building
  40. Going to the last book club at Bre's house
  41. Wonderful Fellowship
  42. Sam singing "Made Alive"
  43. Finishing "A Murder is Announced"
  44. Jim cleaning the kitchen
  45. Daddy and Mom getting here safely
  46. Good discussion and encouragement at cg
  47. Reading "The Old Man and the Sea"
  48. A day out of the house
  49. Kids playing for a long time
  50. Shoes
  51. Getting 2017 calendar
  52. Ryan coming to hang out with the family
  53. Celebrating Daddy's birthday
  54. Ice Cream cake
  55. Wrestling with God
  56. People praying for us
  57. Good news from a friend
  58. Helping and talking with Mom and Becca
  59. Frosties
  60. Malachi Edwin joining our family
  61. God's provision throughout labor
  62. Jim helping me through labor
  63. Emily being there
  64. Perfect doctor for this labor
  65. Kids meeting and loving on Malachi
  66. Julianne coming by
  67. James coming by
  68. Jim letting me sleep
  69. Malachi passing his hearing test
  70. Getting home from the hospital
  71. Nehemiah loving on Malachi
  72. Everyone asking to hold Malachi
  73. Making it through our first day at home as a family of 9!
  74. Seeing Tara
  75. Becca being available to help
  76. Robinette's bringing dinner
  77. Kisses from Nehemiah
  78. Samuel being helpful and asking to hold Malachi
  79. God's grace to persevere
  80. Norwex Body Cloth!
  81. Krispy Kreme Donuts
  82. Malachi's first day at church
  83. Starting a series in Acts
  84. New Worship songs
  85. Snuggling with Malachi
  86. Jamey and Lillian helping to organize school material
  87. Kids excited about starting school
  88. Sara bringing dinner
  89. Browns bringing dinner
  90. Seeing Julianne

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