This past year our women's mentoring small group at Smyrna First have read this book and it has been a delight to read and discuss with other women.
This book is a compilation of several women authors discussing aspects of of Biblical femininity and is a much needed resources in the feminist culture of the US today. This book is broken into four parts to give a good overview of different parts of womanhood discussed in the Bible.
Part one discusses God's creation of womanhood and discusses finding our identity in who God created us to be as women. Starting at creation different Biblical passages are shared and show us how God created us to be women and that it is a good thing that we are created in His image, different from men. Our identity must be found in who God created us to be, knowing Him as Father and understanding how He sees us.
The second section discusses the challenges we face as women and living out true womanhood in a fallen world. We take an in depth look at Mary, mother of Jesus, to see the portrait of a true woman. While Wolgemuth takes some liberties in this breakdown, it is a very good description of what it means to be a woman after God's own heart. There is also a much needed discussion on discretion and what it means to live modestly in all areas of our lives.
In the third part we are reminded of the joy of living in submission to our husbands and the freedom we have in being their helpers. There is a great look at the joy of living in submission to our husbands as we live in submission to God. We also get a good look at the Trinity and the beauty of submission within it. The Holy Spirit is called our Helper, the same word used for wives. It is a privilege to live out the helper role and fulfill our God given purposes.
Part four goes into the joy of being bearers and nurturers of life and the privilege of bringing up another generation for the LORD. Whether biological, adopted or younger women in your life another way, we are all called to teach, train and encourage those younger than us in the fear and admonition of the LORD, teaching them His ways and His Word. This is our Titus 2 responsibility. This section was so encouraging as I'm learning to raise a daughter in Biblical womanhood and femininity for the LORD.
I highly encourage and recommend this read. Some of it may be hard to hear as it is completely counterculture to our feminist society, but even parts of this show women of feminists who have realized something is desperately wrong. This book is an excellent overview of the way we are to live as women of the Word.
5 Stars for this compilation.
Reading Challenges:
For the Tim Challies 2020 Reading Challenge this is my book Targeted at my Gender in the Light section of the challenge
For Jami Balmet's 2020 Christian Reading Challenge for Women this is one of my books on Biblical Womanhood
Monday, June 29, 2020
Sunday, June 28, 2020
Our Five-Year-Old Nehemiah
Our precious Nehemiah is five years old today! So much has happened in his short life and we are so blessed to have this spunky little boy in our family.
Nehemiah loves to laugh and loves to live. He is small in stature but he has a huge personality. His imagination runs wild and he comes up with the best stories. His on going story is "Big Hero Pirates" and he instructs his siblings on how to play the story. Nehemiah also loves to be outside, but not by himself. He could run around in the yard for hours. Nothing outside gets to him. He loves his siblings and wants someone to be with him while he plays. He loves to be active.
Nehemiah also loves to learn. He's done an amazing job this year learning how to read and do basic math. He loves to get his books and and work on his phonics and numbers. He also enjoys learning science and discovering how things work. But as stated before, he loves creating stories and telling stories. He is so much fun. It's a blessing to watch him learn.
Recently, Nehemiah has been growing in learning the Bible as well. He does an amazing job with catechism and Scripture memory. He enjoys drawing pictures of God, Jesus and other stories that we talk about in the Bible. So thankful for how God is giving Nehemiah a love for His Word. He also is growing in prayer and says he wants to believe. How we pray God will grow the seeds into flowering plants!
If Nehemiah is not outside or doing book work, he enjoys watching educational shows, watching movies with the family or playing games/doing puzzles. He has gotten very good at doing puzzles and can put some difficult ones together pretty quickly. He really just enjoys being with the family and doing things together.
Nehemiah is a lot of fun! He adds so much life to our family. We are so thankful for this little boy and that we get to raise him for the LORD.
Father, Thank You for the gift of Nehemiah. You have given him such a zeal for life. I pray that You will save him by Your grace and give him a deep zeal for life with You. Thank You for giving him the desire to want to believe. Reveal the depths of his sin to him and lead him to repentance and faith. Thank You that you are working on him. Continue to give him a love of learning and a love for life. Please, give him a deep love for You above all else. In Jesus Name, Amen!
Nehemiah loves to laugh and loves to live. He is small in stature but he has a huge personality. His imagination runs wild and he comes up with the best stories. His on going story is "Big Hero Pirates" and he instructs his siblings on how to play the story. Nehemiah also loves to be outside, but not by himself. He could run around in the yard for hours. Nothing outside gets to him. He loves his siblings and wants someone to be with him while he plays. He loves to be active.
Nehemiah also loves to learn. He's done an amazing job this year learning how to read and do basic math. He loves to get his books and and work on his phonics and numbers. He also enjoys learning science and discovering how things work. But as stated before, he loves creating stories and telling stories. He is so much fun. It's a blessing to watch him learn.
Recently, Nehemiah has been growing in learning the Bible as well. He does an amazing job with catechism and Scripture memory. He enjoys drawing pictures of God, Jesus and other stories that we talk about in the Bible. So thankful for how God is giving Nehemiah a love for His Word. He also is growing in prayer and says he wants to believe. How we pray God will grow the seeds into flowering plants!
If Nehemiah is not outside or doing book work, he enjoys watching educational shows, watching movies with the family or playing games/doing puzzles. He has gotten very good at doing puzzles and can put some difficult ones together pretty quickly. He really just enjoys being with the family and doing things together.
Nehemiah is a lot of fun! He adds so much life to our family. We are so thankful for this little boy and that we get to raise him for the LORD.
Father, Thank You for the gift of Nehemiah. You have given him such a zeal for life. I pray that You will save him by Your grace and give him a deep zeal for life with You. Thank You for giving him the desire to want to believe. Reveal the depths of his sin to him and lead him to repentance and faith. Thank You that you are working on him. Continue to give him a love of learning and a love for life. Please, give him a deep love for You above all else. In Jesus Name, Amen!
Friday, June 26, 2020
That Hideous Strength by C.S. Lewis
I chose this book for this year's Back to the Classics Challenge as a Genre Classic.
This third book in C.S. Lewis's Space Trilogy is by far the best. While still deep and very strange, it has a coherent story line that can be followed.
It follows Mark and Jane Studdock in their mediocre marriage as they are pulled in different directions by their individual lives. Mark, a progressive academic, desires to move his way up in the ranks of the university and society he has come to work in. Jane, a homemaker but also an academic, is plagued by realistic dreams that she cannot talk about with her husband, seeks the company of a woman who takes in students as her own to comfort her.
These two in their circles are drawn into a battle for Earth. It is a battle of ethics, science, faith and wills. It is a tale of spiritual warfare like never told before that draws you into a world that feels familiar yet not quite here yet. The NICE is progressive and wants to bring great evolution to the human race with science and technology. The group at St. Anne's is working to save humanity from the terrible force that seeks to destroy it.
As the two sides seek to work out their plans, the husband and wife are pulled apart to learn what is going on the world and who they really are.
Like all of Lewis's books, it is deep and will make you think. He has clear observations about humanity and has a deep view of the human psyche that will grow and stretch your own understanding. While mythical in nature, it is still very probable that many things in this book could happen. Many things feel like some of the conspiracies going around today.
For deep thinkers this is a good read. If you want to be challenged this is a good read. Definitely a better read than the previous two books in the triology.
I would give this book 4 stars.
Reading Challenges:
Back to the Classics Challenge as a Genre Classic
2020 Reading Challenges with Tim Challies a Book by an Author who is now Deceased in the Committed Section
The Modern Mrs. Darcy 2020 Reading Challenge as a Classic I Didn't Read in School
This third book in C.S. Lewis's Space Trilogy is by far the best. While still deep and very strange, it has a coherent story line that can be followed.
It follows Mark and Jane Studdock in their mediocre marriage as they are pulled in different directions by their individual lives. Mark, a progressive academic, desires to move his way up in the ranks of the university and society he has come to work in. Jane, a homemaker but also an academic, is plagued by realistic dreams that she cannot talk about with her husband, seeks the company of a woman who takes in students as her own to comfort her.
These two in their circles are drawn into a battle for Earth. It is a battle of ethics, science, faith and wills. It is a tale of spiritual warfare like never told before that draws you into a world that feels familiar yet not quite here yet. The NICE is progressive and wants to bring great evolution to the human race with science and technology. The group at St. Anne's is working to save humanity from the terrible force that seeks to destroy it.
As the two sides seek to work out their plans, the husband and wife are pulled apart to learn what is going on the world and who they really are.
Like all of Lewis's books, it is deep and will make you think. He has clear observations about humanity and has a deep view of the human psyche that will grow and stretch your own understanding. While mythical in nature, it is still very probable that many things in this book could happen. Many things feel like some of the conspiracies going around today.
For deep thinkers this is a good read. If you want to be challenged this is a good read. Definitely a better read than the previous two books in the triology.
I would give this book 4 stars.
Reading Challenges:
Back to the Classics Challenge as a Genre Classic
2020 Reading Challenges with Tim Challies a Book by an Author who is now Deceased in the Committed Section
The Modern Mrs. Darcy 2020 Reading Challenge as a Classic I Didn't Read in School
Thursday, June 25, 2020
This short children's book is a book in our Core C program from Sonlight.
Philomena is a little orphan girl who grew up in a village just outside of Prague with Babushka. When she turns twelve, Philomena, like all girls in her village, go to Prague to hire themselves out until sixteen to grow in their domestic skills and earn a dowry.
This story follows Philomena after Babushka dies and Philomena goes to Prague to find her only family, Aunt Liska whom they have not heard from in years. Philomena gets into some interesting situations as she learns and looks for her aunt before returning to her village.
This is a charming and interesting book. It gives you a peek into the older culture of Prague and how the people of this village think. It brought up lots of interesting conversations as Philomena "talks" to Babushka in Heaven to seek advice as well as comparing the differences in culture and belief.
I think it is a good book for discussion, though I can't say I loved the book. I do appreciate the ending that is left in a neutral tone, making it different from your happily ever after endings.
For me I'd give the book 3 stars.
Reading Challenges:
I'm counting this book as A Book that Looks Easy to Read in the Avid section of the 2020 Reading Challenge with Tim Challies.
Philomena is a little orphan girl who grew up in a village just outside of Prague with Babushka. When she turns twelve, Philomena, like all girls in her village, go to Prague to hire themselves out until sixteen to grow in their domestic skills and earn a dowry.
This story follows Philomena after Babushka dies and Philomena goes to Prague to find her only family, Aunt Liska whom they have not heard from in years. Philomena gets into some interesting situations as she learns and looks for her aunt before returning to her village.
This is a charming and interesting book. It gives you a peek into the older culture of Prague and how the people of this village think. It brought up lots of interesting conversations as Philomena "talks" to Babushka in Heaven to seek advice as well as comparing the differences in culture and belief.
I think it is a good book for discussion, though I can't say I loved the book. I do appreciate the ending that is left in a neutral tone, making it different from your happily ever after endings.
For me I'd give the book 3 stars.
Reading Challenges:
I'm counting this book as A Book that Looks Easy to Read in the Avid section of the 2020 Reading Challenge with Tim Challies.
Monday, June 15, 2020
Revelation: The Spirit Speaks to the Churches
I am grateful that our pastor let Jim borrow this commentary on the book of Revelation, as I love to study eschatology and learn more about hermeneutics. This was even more fun to read as Dr. James M. Hamilton Jr. was one of Jim's professors at seminary and it's always exciting to learn from great teachers.
On the whole I greatly enjoyed reading this book. I love the book of Revelation and discussing its implications on history and the world today. I love thinking about what God is going to do and the new age that is to come when Jesus returns and makes everything truly new and we can worship God perfectly forever. How I long for that day! And this book made me long for it all the more.
I absolutely appreciate Dr. Hamilton's candor in how he speaks of the book of Revelation and does not shy away from difficult implications and ideology that are found throughout the book of Revelation. He is clear about where he stands from his study of the Scripture and gives clear reasoning against some other positions in different places. The chapters are broken down into bite sized pieces making it easier to focus on one section at a time. While a strength, at times I struggled with this personally as even with an outline at the beginning of each chapter, I would get lost in the timeline.
Each chapter is laid out with an intro, showing the need God is revealing in that section, the main point, overview of the section and context of the passage before diving into the text. The consistency is extremely helpful as you know what to expect and know what to look for in each chapter. My one desire would have been to have the text printed in full before diving into the commentary. Dr. Hamilton does print out each verse as he discusses it, which is good, but it would have been nice to have the passage as a whole. Yes, I know you can go to your Bible, but if you have someone studying this who may not have a Bible it would be a nice addition. I also appreciate how Dr. Hamilton included references from Daniel and showed parallels from the end times prophecies found there next to that in Revelation.
While well written and quite thorough, I did struggle with some of the analogies used to explain things. Most of the time he explained the passage and points quite well, but I did find some areas that I would have considered holes that needed to be filled. I also struggled with when Dr. Hamilton used literal vs figurative translation. I am not saying that he is wrong in his interpretation, but I did find it strange in a few places that, to me, appeared to be in congruent with a previous point. I also found some of his explanations to lack proper full Scripture hermeneutical interpretation, but it would not keep me from recommending this book.
Personally, I was hoping it would help me pinpoint my own theological view of the end times, but sadly it made me more confused. But I'm OK with that because wrestling with Scripture is part of the walk with God. I also found some of his points against one of the other eschatological views confusing. Again, this would not keep me from recommending this book. In fact I'd love for others to read it so we can talk about it and help each other out!
I would give this commentary 4.5 stars for the reasons mentioned above, but still highly recommend it to anyone who wants to seek to better understand the book of Revelation, even if you do not agree with Dr. Hamilton's conclusions.
Reading Challenges:
This book is being used as a Commentary on a book of the Bible in the Avid section of Tim Challies's 2020 Reading Challenge.
I am also using this as a book in the category of Theology for the 2020 Christian Reading Challenge for Women with Jami Balmet.
On the whole I greatly enjoyed reading this book. I love the book of Revelation and discussing its implications on history and the world today. I love thinking about what God is going to do and the new age that is to come when Jesus returns and makes everything truly new and we can worship God perfectly forever. How I long for that day! And this book made me long for it all the more.
I absolutely appreciate Dr. Hamilton's candor in how he speaks of the book of Revelation and does not shy away from difficult implications and ideology that are found throughout the book of Revelation. He is clear about where he stands from his study of the Scripture and gives clear reasoning against some other positions in different places. The chapters are broken down into bite sized pieces making it easier to focus on one section at a time. While a strength, at times I struggled with this personally as even with an outline at the beginning of each chapter, I would get lost in the timeline.
Each chapter is laid out with an intro, showing the need God is revealing in that section, the main point, overview of the section and context of the passage before diving into the text. The consistency is extremely helpful as you know what to expect and know what to look for in each chapter. My one desire would have been to have the text printed in full before diving into the commentary. Dr. Hamilton does print out each verse as he discusses it, which is good, but it would have been nice to have the passage as a whole. Yes, I know you can go to your Bible, but if you have someone studying this who may not have a Bible it would be a nice addition. I also appreciate how Dr. Hamilton included references from Daniel and showed parallels from the end times prophecies found there next to that in Revelation.
While well written and quite thorough, I did struggle with some of the analogies used to explain things. Most of the time he explained the passage and points quite well, but I did find some areas that I would have considered holes that needed to be filled. I also struggled with when Dr. Hamilton used literal vs figurative translation. I am not saying that he is wrong in his interpretation, but I did find it strange in a few places that, to me, appeared to be in congruent with a previous point. I also found some of his explanations to lack proper full Scripture hermeneutical interpretation, but it would not keep me from recommending this book.
Personally, I was hoping it would help me pinpoint my own theological view of the end times, but sadly it made me more confused. But I'm OK with that because wrestling with Scripture is part of the walk with God. I also found some of his points against one of the other eschatological views confusing. Again, this would not keep me from recommending this book. In fact I'd love for others to read it so we can talk about it and help each other out!
I would give this commentary 4.5 stars for the reasons mentioned above, but still highly recommend it to anyone who wants to seek to better understand the book of Revelation, even if you do not agree with Dr. Hamilton's conclusions.
Reading Challenges:
This book is being used as a Commentary on a book of the Bible in the Avid section of Tim Challies's 2020 Reading Challenge.
I am also using this as a book in the category of Theology for the 2020 Christian Reading Challenge for Women with Jami Balmet.
Friday, June 12, 2020
16 Years of Marriage
As the years go by and the number of years of marriage creep up, I become more and more aware of the amazing grace of God. At 20 and 21 we were ready to build a life together and start this adventure full of hope and basic plans: go to nursing school together, work a little, start a family and live life.
A year later, our first mission trip to Moldova shook our world in a good way. We began to see God's heart for the world clearly and wanted to be part of that mission of taking the Gospel to the nations. We finished school, went on more trips to Moldova and began working as nurses. We had our first child and in that time, God started prompting us toward seminary. Steps of faith and after 6 years of marriage and two children we took a leap and moved to Louisville, KY to follow God in international mission work.
Our time in Louisville was full of family, work, school, church and life that had many highs and many lows. We helped with internationals in our apartment complex and learned everything we could. We enjoyed having Becca live with us as our family grew from 4 to 9 in seven years! We learned together and grew together in ways that I still cannot believe to this day. And as Jim neared graduation, God clearly said go back to Smyrna First!
This is not what we had planned. Not at all! But another leap of faith returned us to Smyrna/Mableton and we have been back almost three years (adding three more little ones come July). This last step has grown our marriage in ways I could not even fathom as a 20-year-old newly wed. And in many ways this last year has been the sweetest one yet.
Except for the national health crisis this past quarter, this has been the most stable year of our life. By stable I mean consistent schedule, no major moves, same job, same hours, no school and no major changes. I didn't know it was possible. But in that stability we have found each other in deeper ways, enjoying life together, raising children, working, being part of the local church and doing life for the glory of God.

This year we have found a rhythm that puts God first, marriage second, children/home third and everything else that needs to be prioritized in its place. That's not to say we always get it right. There is always tweaking and sometimes second guessing. But we are seeing the joy that comes from following God's design for marriage, family, home, church and ministry that gives life in the only way following God can.
While every year is a gift, a precious treasure to not take for granted, this year has been extra special. And what makes it even better is there is no particular reason why! It just has been. Most likely because by the grace of God we love each other more today than we ever have before and today we are more like Jesus because of the work the Holy Spirit has done in our lives. We still have a long way to go, but by God's amazing grace each year will be sweeter than the last and we will know even deeper the mighty love of God together.
A year later, our first mission trip to Moldova shook our world in a good way. We began to see God's heart for the world clearly and wanted to be part of that mission of taking the Gospel to the nations. We finished school, went on more trips to Moldova and began working as nurses. We had our first child and in that time, God started prompting us toward seminary. Steps of faith and after 6 years of marriage and two children we took a leap and moved to Louisville, KY to follow God in international mission work.

This is not what we had planned. Not at all! But another leap of faith returned us to Smyrna/Mableton and we have been back almost three years (adding three more little ones come July). This last step has grown our marriage in ways I could not even fathom as a 20-year-old newly wed. And in many ways this last year has been the sweetest one yet.
Except for the national health crisis this past quarter, this has been the most stable year of our life. By stable I mean consistent schedule, no major moves, same job, same hours, no school and no major changes. I didn't know it was possible. But in that stability we have found each other in deeper ways, enjoying life together, raising children, working, being part of the local church and doing life for the glory of God.

This year we have found a rhythm that puts God first, marriage second, children/home third and everything else that needs to be prioritized in its place. That's not to say we always get it right. There is always tweaking and sometimes second guessing. But we are seeing the joy that comes from following God's design for marriage, family, home, church and ministry that gives life in the only way following God can.
While every year is a gift, a precious treasure to not take for granted, this year has been extra special. And what makes it even better is there is no particular reason why! It just has been. Most likely because by the grace of God we love each other more today than we ever have before and today we are more like Jesus because of the work the Holy Spirit has done in our lives. We still have a long way to go, but by God's amazing grace each year will be sweeter than the last and we will know even deeper the mighty love of God together.
Thursday, June 11, 2020
A Prayer for BIPOC
As I read the Psalms over the last couple of days, my heart has been even heavier at the events that have taken place against those in the BIPOC community. Every time I hear of another murder, more violence against them, my heart breaks at the injustice of it all. I have been praying, but failed to speak because words fail me in these moments. But reading the Psalms has given me words to pray for the BIPOC community.
Father, You are a God of justice and grace. Today, I ask You to be gracious to Your creation that are being hurt, murdered, trampled on because of the way You have made them. Vindicate those who have been hurt and killed without cause because Your justice is true. Bring Your healing to their hearts, their minds, their bodies as they are pining away from the flows of injustice. They ask "How long?" Father, rescue their souls because of Your lovingkindness. They are weary from sighing and their beds are dissolved in tears. Their eyes are wasting with grief because of their adversaries. Please, intervene today! Let them see that You have heard their cries, the voice of their weeping. Let them know that You have heard their supplication, receiving their prayers for justice. Let all those who see to do them harm be brought to shame and greatly dismayed.
In You alone is where refuge is found. Please, be their Refuge! Be their Shield! Be their righteous judge. All that has been done against Your creation, the blacks and indigenous people of color bring it to light and do not let any evil stand. You judge all in righteousness. You execute judgement with equity. You see the hearts of man. Be gracious to the BIPOC. I know You see their affliction from those who hate them. Demolish the hate and lift up those hurting by Your grace. Vindicate those who are being oppressed and show Your justice against those who seek to bring them more harm. Let the oppression of the BIPOC end. Bring Your equity here!
In the Powerful Name of Jesus here these pleas and bring Your justice here!
(From parts of Psalms 6, 7, 9, 10 and 43)
Father, You are a God of justice and grace. Today, I ask You to be gracious to Your creation that are being hurt, murdered, trampled on because of the way You have made them. Vindicate those who have been hurt and killed without cause because Your justice is true. Bring Your healing to their hearts, their minds, their bodies as they are pining away from the flows of injustice. They ask "How long?" Father, rescue their souls because of Your lovingkindness. They are weary from sighing and their beds are dissolved in tears. Their eyes are wasting with grief because of their adversaries. Please, intervene today! Let them see that You have heard their cries, the voice of their weeping. Let them know that You have heard their supplication, receiving their prayers for justice. Let all those who see to do them harm be brought to shame and greatly dismayed.
In You alone is where refuge is found. Please, be their Refuge! Be their Shield! Be their righteous judge. All that has been done against Your creation, the blacks and indigenous people of color bring it to light and do not let any evil stand. You judge all in righteousness. You execute judgement with equity. You see the hearts of man. Be gracious to the BIPOC. I know You see their affliction from those who hate them. Demolish the hate and lift up those hurting by Your grace. Vindicate those who are being oppressed and show Your justice against those who seek to bring them more harm. Let the oppression of the BIPOC end. Bring Your equity here!
In the Powerful Name of Jesus here these pleas and bring Your justice here!
(From parts of Psalms 6, 7, 9, 10 and 43)
Monday, June 1, 2020
White Stallion of Lipizza
This book was a part of our Sonlight Core C curriculum and was such a fun and inspiring story.
Hans is the son of a baker who loves horses and wants to be a rider for the Ballet of Lipizzaners. Being the son of a baker, his dream seems far out and unreachable. Every Sunday Hans hitches his own horse to the bakery wagon for deliveries and makes sure he is early to see the horses cross the road from their stables to the arena for their show. There is one who his horse seems to notice and Hans grows an affection for.
Since Hans is still in school he must wait until he finishes to attempt going after a spot in the riding school, but he spends his evening time after studies learning all he can about the Lipizzaners and their tricks. He is given the opportunity to go see a performance and his love for the art grows even more. While his parents do not discourage his dream completely, they are very realistic with Hans and what will likely be.
Follow Hans as he follows his dream and watch the growth of an ambitious young boy as he deals with life, loss and searching for his heart desire.
The children and I thoroughly enjoyed this book! I was completely surprised that I loved it as much as I did and even found myself tearing up as I read the end. There are so many points for discussion: doing what is right and necessary over what you want, dealing with loss and heartbreak, learning how to overcome disappointment, patience and maturity.
I absolutely recommend this book. I give it 5 stars as it is well written, very realistic and engaging. This is an excellent family read.
Reading Challenges:
I'm using this book as a book by an author I've never heard of under the obsessed section in Tim Challies 2020 Reading Challenge.
I wish this was NOT a picture book so I could use it for my classics challenge, but alas it is full of pictures and does not count.
Hans is the son of a baker who loves horses and wants to be a rider for the Ballet of Lipizzaners. Being the son of a baker, his dream seems far out and unreachable. Every Sunday Hans hitches his own horse to the bakery wagon for deliveries and makes sure he is early to see the horses cross the road from their stables to the arena for their show. There is one who his horse seems to notice and Hans grows an affection for.
Since Hans is still in school he must wait until he finishes to attempt going after a spot in the riding school, but he spends his evening time after studies learning all he can about the Lipizzaners and their tricks. He is given the opportunity to go see a performance and his love for the art grows even more. While his parents do not discourage his dream completely, they are very realistic with Hans and what will likely be.
Follow Hans as he follows his dream and watch the growth of an ambitious young boy as he deals with life, loss and searching for his heart desire.
The children and I thoroughly enjoyed this book! I was completely surprised that I loved it as much as I did and even found myself tearing up as I read the end. There are so many points for discussion: doing what is right and necessary over what you want, dealing with loss and heartbreak, learning how to overcome disappointment, patience and maturity.
I absolutely recommend this book. I give it 5 stars as it is well written, very realistic and engaging. This is an excellent family read.
Reading Challenges:
I'm using this book as a book by an author I've never heard of under the obsessed section in Tim Challies 2020 Reading Challenge.
I wish this was NOT a picture book so I could use it for my classics challenge, but alas it is full of pictures and does not count.
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