Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I Love My Kids!!!!!

So many things are running through my mind, but right now I want to talk about my kids! I wrote a while back about sanctification through children and behold it continues. Everyday I am pushed, pulled, stretched and molded by the things my kids do, both the good and the bad.
Jamey is in the full swing of being a two-year-old! Tantrums, unprovoked whining, challenging our parental authority. Learning how to discipline appropriately is so difficult! I pray a lot! and think about ways God disciplines us to shape us into His image. Different things work for different offenses but being wise about what to use when and what things can "slide" is so tricky. I'm thankful for the Holy Spirit and that ultimately God is in control. God has given me a great responsibility for training my kids in His ways, but the work of God in their lives is even more important.
And on evenings like this I see that even with all the disobedience and feelings of scorn I get from Jamey at times, I remember that it is all worth it. The diapers finished in the dryer and I was looking for the laundry basket to take them out and fold them. I asked Jamey if he knew where it was but we realized it was in Lillian's room where she was napping. About an hour later she woke up and I went to change her diaper and get her up. While I was doing this Jamey took the laundry basket, went to the dryer, took the diapers and wipes out, put them in the basket and took them to the living room where I fold them! I did not realize until I took Lillian in the living room and when I saw this I was so pleasantly surprised and praised him greatly. I did not ask him to do this! He apparently remembered I was looking for the basket to get the laundry and took the initiative! How amazing! It's those moments that make my heart sing and realize something is getting into their minds about being helpful and putting others before self.
On the down side, teaching this principle is sometimes painful for all of us, especially Lillian. Most of the time when we are teaching kindness and putting others first it's because he has stolen a toy from her, pushed her over, hit her, tried to be her parent or in some other way hurt his sister. The joys of siblings. :) But I love that I am able to teach them this together. Thankfully Lillian is very resilient and loves her big brother even when he has hurt her. This too is a great example for me. It's a reminder of how we are to love God no matter what we are going through and not blame Him but take it all to Him. He is the only One who fully understands. (not an exact parallel but still makes me think of this.)
Lillian is finally starting to understand No and obey! This I love. I remember when Jamey was like that. She's in the pleasing stage where she wants us to cheer and be happy with her. She is also a great eater! And FINALLY starting to pull up and try to walk a little bit! This is so exciting. It's amazing watching her learn. She's picking up on so much and starting to try and talk a little bit. She definitely has clear signs. She loves to sing and clap and sometimes she will dance too. She smiles at almost everyone and loves to give hugs and cuddle. She is such a sweet little girl.
Jamey's vocabulary has grown and it always amazes me what he picks up on. My recent favorite was driving by Red Lobster (he's been there maybe 5 times) and he points to it saying, "You see fish in there." I was blown away! The last time we ate there you could see 2 fish hanging on the wall. And today when he had pushed Lillian I was talking to him about kindness and I asked him if he knew what he did. He said, "I pushed Lillian in there." I almost lost it from shock that he said that. He has never vocalized what he's done when asked. He usually looks around like "I don't know." He is learning more specialized animals. With his new obsession with dinosaurs I love hearing him say T-rex, triceratops and pterodactyls. And his favorite phrase, "what happened?" anytime something happens at all. It is so innocent and precious. He loves whatever explanation we give. He is so smart and says so much. I love talking to him. And I love his curious mind.
I do not know why God decided to bless me with children. He knows I do not deserve these precious ones, but has given them to me anyway and has decided I am to have a third! How wonderful and honor! I am thankful He is using them and all around me to teach and grow me. There are so many other ways to teach and guide, but there is nothing like children to teach us and we teach and guide them.

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