Monday, July 11, 2011

Princess Protection Program

Anybody who knows me knows I am not into the princess thing or anything really girly. Overall most of that stuff tends to really bother me for whatever reason. I am also not a huge fan of Disney. There are maybe a handful of movies that I love from them and that's about it. But this movie, Princess Protection Program, has really caught my attention, in spite of the fact that it is a Disney movie about princesses.
It is focused on a girl and her dad who protects princesses world wide through a secret organization. The father rescues a princess from an island country who is being threatened. The princess comes to live with his daughter and him and there it begins. The daughter hate princesses! Go figure right. It is also time to vote for homecoming queen at her school, which she hates even more. Threw events the daughter and the princess are both nominated for homecoming queen. During this time, the princess educates the girl on what it really means to be a princess. Now how realistic this is for true royalty, only God knows, but she teaches her about giving, turning the other cheek when wronged and that not everything is about pretty dresses and jewels.
This is what really impressed me as I think about raising a daughter. I pray that one day she will accept the salvation God gives us through Christ and become God's princess and those are qualities I pray that she will possess as His princess. Learning so much of this now it overwhelms me at times thinking about teaching Lillian how to be God's princess, but I know by God's grace we will both learn. I pray she will learn about giving of herself completely to the Lord. I pray she will learn turning the other cheek when she is wronged. I pray that she will know it's not about what she wears that makes her beautiful, but a heart that is full of the Love of God, that is generous, gracious and merciful that makes her beautiful. I pray that I too will remember these things and model them for her as I continue to learn.
In Christ we are royalty. Are you reflecting the kingdom of God?

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