4101. Being able to get out of bed
4102. Granola and yogurt for breakfast (I am really liking this a lot!)
4103. Losing 2lbs this week!
4104. Gabriel turning 8 months (should have been on last weeks)
4105. Jim's knee still being clear
4106. Time to work on class plans while waiting to see Practitioner
4107. Doing really well at the grocery store
4108. Going to the grocery store with Jim
4109. Good deals at CVS this week on things we needed
4110. Subway sandwiches

4111. Seeing Caroline and Joseph at Subway
4112. Kids playing outside
4113. Reuben loving to sleep
4114. Jamey bringing out my creative side
4115. Kids resting
4116. Getting some things organized in our room
4117. Playing a dance game as a family
4118. The great workout you get from playing said dance game
4119. Getting a Honey Baked Ham
4120. Seeing Jim's fun side come out more
4121. Learning to recognize spiritual attacks for what they are
4122. Hearing from friends
4123. Playing Wii Fit as a family (seriously my kids' favorite game)
4124. Kids week on Jeopardy
4125. Playing a game with Jim
4126. Kids going to bed smoothly and out by 8
4127. Time to relax after an early morning
4128. Sleeping until almost 7
4129. Jim getting up at 6:15
4130. Jim making breakfast
4131. Enjoying eating breakfast as a family
4132. Getting out of the door ready to go by 8 am
4133. Going to the Louisville Science Center
4134. Getting into the Science Center for free
4135. Becca being able to stay home with Gabriel
4136. The kids loving the Science Center
4137. All that there is to explore and learn about
4138. Seeing Noelle
4139. Seeing Rosemary

4140. Seeing Jen
4141. Meeting Felicia
4142. Meeting other ladies from Sojourn East
4143. Being able to invite Felicia to Sojourn
4144. Story time
4145. Meeting Gidget
4146. Hearing some of her story
4147. Being able to invite her to community group
4148. Finding out she had a VBAC home birth
4149. More open doors
4150. Meeting Laura
4151. Encouraging moments
4152. Watching J, L and R run around and explore

4153. Reuben building and putting blocks together
4154. Jamey building
4155. Lillian looking at everything
4156. Being able to demonstrate some things we discussed in science last year
4157. A really fun, exhausting morning
4158. Left over Subway for lunch (yay for counting calories!)
4159. Reuben and Lillian napping
4160. Time to read my Bible
4161. Finishing
Let the Nations Be Glad
4162. Thinking through my outline and purpose of class
4163. Hearing from more Sisters overseas
4164. Getting free pictures ordered (with free shipping too!)
4165. Emailing more people
4166. Great dinner time
4167. Time to read as a family
4168. Getting free material figured out and saved onto disk
4169. More Wii Fit as a family
4170. Community Group
4171. Being able rejoice in community
4172. Lots of laughter
4173. Finding out great news from friends
4174. Talking about God's mercy
4175. Being open about our struggles in showing mercy
4176. Encouraging each other
4177. Discussing ways to grow in showing mercy
4178. Praying
4179. Planning a double date
4180. Discussing future CG stuff
4181. Wonderfully fun and productive day
4182. Having both in one day
4183. Waking up to kids playing well together

4184. Time to pray for awhile
4185. Nice time to read my Bible
4186. Working around the house
4187. Working on childbirth class
4188. Journaling for a few minutes
4189. Kids playing outside well together
4190. Teaching Jamey and Lillian when not to pick food
4191. Skype
4192. Getting to see Dawn and talk to her
4193. The kids getting to see Dawn's kids
4194. Being able to pray with Dawn when we are on different continents
4195. Encouraging each other
4196. Time to clean off some stuff off the laptop
4197. Getting the kitchen and living room cleaned up
4198. Jamey helping clean
4199. Good rest time for the kids
4200. Nice down time for us
4201. Getting some emails sent
4202. Shucking corn
4203. Working on our budget
4204. Making really yummy BBQ pork in the crock pot
4205. Meeting Jonathan
4206. Great conversation
4207. Openness
4208. Jim leading conversation well
4209. Finding a lot of common ground
4210. Sharing life stories
4211. Getting blog posts written
4212. Getting a little extra sleep on the sofa this morning
4213. Snuggling with Jamey
4214. Eggs and Oatmeal for breakfast
4215. Time to look at school stuff for next year
4216. The ability to rethink constantly
4217. God teaching us all of the time
4218. Realizing we forgot something needed now instead of when we need it
4219. Kids playing well outside together
4220. Becca enjoying a book
4221. Time to Read and journal
4222. Getting emails written
4223. Getting pictures downloaded
4224. Getting a list completed
4225. Laughter
4226. Jamey being silly
4227. Jamey excited to start school
4228. Thinking about what God will teach all of us with this next semester
4229. Jim and Jamey working in the back yard together
4230. Reuben, Lillian and Gabriel napping well
4231. Getting more organized bit by bit
4232. Beginning to form healthier habits
4233. Forming better routines
4234. Pancakes for dinner
4235. Going to water aerobics
4236. Seeing Liz
4237. Getting a good workout

4238. Washing my hair
4239. Sitting with Lillian
4240. Lillian wanting to wear a scarf
4241. Smooth bedtime
4242. Playing a game with Jim
4243. Watching a movie together
4244. Time to reflect on the day
4245. Hearing from more workers
4246. Sleep
4247. Snuggling with Lillian
4248. Really good breakfast
4249. Satan being threatened
4250. Getting completely ready this morning before everyone came
4251. Meeting Jamie
4252. Having 7 other women here for prayer!
4253. Wonderful time of prayer with Sisters
Praying for our workers together
4255. Praying for each other
4256. Time to talk with Sarah
4257. The kids doing really well today
4258. No fights!
4259. Getting some cards ready to send
4260. Jen staying for lunch
4261. Really yummy sandwiches
4262. Talking about gardening
4263. Sharing hearts
4264. Jamey and Lillian "driving" places and parking together outside
4265. Jamey asking to rest (though he did not sleep)
4266. Good rest time
4267. Having a restful afternoon
4268. Shredding our own cheese for enchiladas
4269. All working together to make dinner
4270. The cheese melting better in the enchiladas
4271. Fun dinner together
4272. Getting to read and say Scripture together
4273. Reuben repeating Genesis 1:1
4274. Reuben asking to pray and holding hands
4275. Enjoying some fun time together
4276. Kids waving to Jim as he went to work
4277. Jamey trying to sing
Video Killed the Radio Star
4278. Very smooth bedtime
4279. Jamey falling asleep very quickly
4280. Watching
Wheel and
4281. Getting cards ready to send
4282. Finding out about the Sausage sensation pizza at Papa John's
4283. Successfully counting my calories all week and doing well with it
4284. Losing weight
4285. Getting diapers done early
4286. Sweet Tea
4287. Popcorn
4288. Movie night with Becca
4289. Getting emails sent

4290. Finding out a Sister had her baby
4291. God moving in mighty ways
4292. Being able to function with very broken sleep last night
4293. Taking advantage of learning opportunities
4294. Learning to control my temper and take my immediate anger and frustration to the Lord
4295. Becca making eggs for breakfast
4296. All the kids eating well at breakfast
4297. Making a quick run to the grocery store
4298. Getting a good coupon for next grocery trip
4299. Kids playing in the whole yard together
4300. Getting a little exercise with Wii Fit
4301. Really yummy lunch (though horrible for you)
4302. Jamey eating all of his lunch without a fight
4303. Gabriel being able to nap upstairs
4304. Getting exercise playing a dance game with Lillian and Becca (Lillian did pretty well)
4305. Having fun together
4306. Nice rest time on a Saturday (these are usually hard)
4307. Writing in my journal
4308. Starting
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
4309. Jamey being very sweet to Lillian during rest time
4310. Jamey and Lillian not fighting during rest time
4311. Jim sleeping well
4312. Having a nice family evening
4313. The kids asking to read the Bible and our book
4314. Seeing God work little by little in our kids
4315. Gabriel taking a 4 hour nap this afternoon (much needed)
4316. Playing together
4317. Very smooth bed time
4318. Kids going to sleep very quickly
4319. Time to relax
4320. Hearing from Gidget

4321. Encouraging blog from Ashley
4322. Jamey eating all 3 meals without a fight today
4323. Extra calories from exercise
4324. Not using all my calories
4325. Learning to love and seek Jesus more than sleep
4326. A relatively smooth morning with crazy sleep 2 nights in a row
4327. Cinnamon rolls for breakfast
4328. Being reminded why we do not eat these for breakfast everyday
4329. Walking to church
4330. Talking to the kids as we walked
4331. Beautiful walking weather
4332. Teaching Jamey new descriptive words
4333. Seeing Heather
4334. Seeing Celenia
4335. Sitting with Karey in church
4336. Becca connecting with a friend at church
4337. Jamey not wanting to leave Church
4338. Learning a little more about our special needs kids ministry
4339. That we have a special needs ministry
4340. Being reminded of how great and mind blowing our God is
4341. Being reminded how great and personal my God is
4342. Being able to gather and worship together freely
4343. Reuben communicating very clearly
4344. Watching Gabriel explore his world
4345. Laughter
4346. Jim and Jamey reenacting movie scenes
4347. Being reminded of God's grace
4348. Having 2 children that want to take naps
4349. Getting meal planning done quickly and painlessly by myself (this is a huge deal!)

4350. Realizing we have dinner plans with 3 sets of friends 3 weeks in a row (also a huge deal and probably will not happen again until after the semester)
4351. God growing us in different ways
4352. Jamey and Lillian learning to communicate with each other and play well together
4353. Reuben napping
4354. Getting August calendar planned for now
4355. Jamey completing a puzzle by himself again (lately he has not been wanting to do that)
4356. Time to read for fun
4357. Getting a notebook to put childbirth writings in

4358. Cleaning out a lot of the fridge eating leftovers
4359. Kids eating well at dinner
4360. Just hanging out
4361. Picking up Tyler for prayer
4362. Praying for our friends in another country
4363. Praying for each other
4364. Good conversation
4365. Sweet tea
4366. A day off from counting calories
4367. Good chips and salsa
4368. Taking Tyler home
4369. Fun laughs
4370. Kids going to bed well