Six years ago after a very strange 24 hours and the protection of God, we welcomed our only daughter, Lillian. She came to us a flurry and she continues to live like this. Slow is not an option for her. She loves life! She loves to run and play and work hard. She desires to please and is a diligent worker. She loves having school work to do and wakes early to get it done. She is growing in her love of house work as she desires to be a mom and have a family one day. She is bold and enthusiastic. When she makes a connection or remembers something she will tell you with such energy you can't help but be excited too. She has so much spunk!
This year Lillian started kindergarten at home and is thriving in it. She is self motivated and loves learning with her brothers as well as by herself. She loves having individual work to do everyday and she is proud of the work she does. It will be exciting to see how God uses this for His Kingdom as she grows, we pray, in love with Him and His way.
Lillian loves to laugh! She thinks most everything is funny and definitely inherited her daddy's sense of humor. It is such a joy to hear her laugh! But she is also very tender and emotional. I love how she wants to sit and snuggle with us just because she can. She loves hugs and kisses and just being loved on.
Recently Lillian has gotten into reading her Bible daily and wants to read along when we read out loud. She is quick to memorize verses and know them when we ask about them. We pray that God will use this to draw her to Himself and show her the deep love of our Father and the saving grace of Jesus!
Thank you, Father, for our precious Lillian. She is such a joy and pleasure to have in our family. Please grow her in faith and love that she may know You and follow hard after You and not the things of this world. Let her know You and Your ways that she may live for Your Kingdom! Thank You again for her precious life!
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