Today at 4:34 p.m., our precious baby, Reuben Yates, turned 1 year old. I cannot believe it has already been a year since I gave birth to our little man. It has been a year full of adventure and changes. He has grown so much and is so big. Reuben is our little adventurer. He crawls everywhere and climbs on everything. He wants to see everything and be involved with everything going on around him. Reuben is not afraid to make himself heard and loves for anyone to talk to him. He is beginning to show some interest in possibly walking, but since the others were late walkers I am not holding my breath. Overall, Reuben is so much fun! I love his laugh, his hugs, his kisses, his smile. He is truly a blessing from the Lord and I am thankful He has given Jim and I the privilege of raising him. Happy Birthday, Reuben! I cannot wait to see what all the Lord has in store for you.
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