Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Jim's 36th Birthday

Happy birthday, Jim!!!!!

Today Jim is another year older and it's been one amazing year. This time last year we had just bought our current house, striving to get it organized, while working for a home health agency for kids. It was this time the hours greatly dwindled as one of his kids was moving out of home health needs. It was a time of question, wondering, knowing we were exactly where God intended for us to be, but not understanding at all what He was doing.

Jim continued to apply for other jobs, we looked at other possibilities. He worked as much as he could and we ordered our lives as simply as we could over the next few months. Then, late August, the email came from a supervisor he had been in touch with before and an interview was set up. In a whirlwind of events, Jim had a full-time job with great hours, great pay and great benefits, not to mention a wonderful Christian boss to work for. It was far more than we could have hoped for, especially for a hospital nursing position.

This job has been such a blessing the past eight months and we are so grateful for God's provision for our family. In all of it, Jim lead our family well and we learned another level of depending on God together. Even when he was doubting, he led us to pray and seek the Lord together.

Our family is so blessed to have Jim as our head. He continues to grow as a husband and father, teaching our children the ways of the Lord and providing for our family. He's always helping at home and continues to teach our kids how to cook and bake. Recently he has restarted family reading time on evenings when we're home and the kids are loving it. So am I. He's never to proud to say he's wrong and handles my crazy emotions like a pro. He points me to Jesus and reminds me what His Word says, that I may live in those truths and not my crazy sinful head.

Jim teaches us Bible and instructs is in the truth of God's Word daily. He is faithful to God's teaching and seeks what it means to be a Godly Man. I'm still amazed that God has blessed him with nine arrows to send out into the world. What an amazing gift! And these nine arrows keep him humble and always learning. I love that about Jim!

I'm so thankful God gave me to Jim and that I get to be a part of what God is doing in Jim's life as he molds him into the image of Jesus. Thank You, Father for Jim and the privilege of being his wife. You are so good to us. Continue to grow him and shape him. May he have many more years to teach, train and learn for the sake of Your Kingdom. In Jesus's Name. Amen!

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