Thursday, February 28, 2013

February Evaluation

  • Read through the entire Bible in a year following a chronological reading plan (got behind here and there but have been able to catch up and currently on track)
  • Memorize a verse a week (for full disclosure I am starting with verses that I have previously memorized but have lost full memory of) Yes! Thanks to a class I have far exceeded this goal memorizing Psalm 145:8-10, Hebrews 4:14-16, Psalm 105:1-3 (working on 4-5 this week) and John 15:7-8
  • Spend 30 minutes daily concentrated on prayer and Bible reading (this has been a struggle, especially the last 2 weeks, but I have done many days)
  • Continue to record daily blessings to cultivate thankfulness (Goal is 10,000 things) Doing my best to keep up
  • Praying throughout the day for specified things (still developing lists and plan for this) Getting better but still not where I want to be. Planning to finalize my list system this week
  • Read a book a month apart from SWI matrerial (I got really behind on some things so this went by the wayside until this week. I am half way through The Story Template and plan to finish it next week and read another book as well in March)
  • Journal 5 days a week (Failed miserably this month! working on reworking my day and priorities)
  • Write (working on books) 5 days a week (Again failed miserably, see notes from above)
  • Finish my first fiction book (not currently on track to do this, but I believe it can be accomplished by God's grace)
  • Write 3 blog posts a week (Still not doing so well on this, but should do it this week and hope to fill in my blog calendar to have an outline, again reordering priorities)
  • Continue to meet once a month with writing group (YES! Met Feb 2nd and Next meeting this Saturday)
  • Have one day a month for personal retreat time to pray, read the Bible and write (Yes! Praise God for this time, very helpful)
  • Complete Level 1 of Rosetta Stone Russian (still on track to do this)
  • Begin working on a Christ-centered prenatal/delivery/postnatal education (developed a plan to get this started and have had many conversations to aid in knowing what things to concentrate on)
  • Go on a date once a month (Yes! Had a great night out and Love Groupons and free sundaes to help) 
  • Go on one overnight trip away (Have plans in the works for this :) )
  • Read together for 30 minutes once a week (Still have not done this)
  • Discuss and plan the week to come on Sunday afternoon (Doing this most of the time, ongoing process )
  • Take each child on a "date" once a month (I am pretty sure this happened, my memory is a little fuzzy)
  • Spend individual time with each child at home once a week (at least 20 minutes) Still working on getting this more regular, but it has happened some
  • Work on memorizing Psalm 23 with Jamey and Lillian (Doing very well and are close to having all memorized)
  • Finish current Pre-K curriculum with Jamey and Lillian (Still on track)
  • Continue going to playgroup on Tuesdays (YES!)
  • (I need to develop more educational goals, so I guess a goal for this year will be learning to do this for next year)
  • Begin a garden planting at least tomatoes (hoping to do more) This month we began digging up our spot for the garden and got and put together a compost bin! Also planning what we want to do
  • Try 1 new recipe a month (Did not happen)
  • Keep up with cleaning calendar (Fell off the wagon! Will be cleaning in the morning and then getting back on track next week)
  • Develop general cleaning schedule (definitely thinking this through and may use my own schedule for some things and the cleaning calendar for those things that I would other wise forget)
Health and Fitness
  • Exercise for at least 30 minutes 3 days a week (I have gotten 2 days a week regularly and every once and a while other days)
  • Lose 30 lbs (still losing slowly but surely. Did not lose as much this month as I would have liked)
  • Continue hosting Women's prayer once a month (YES!)
  • Email workers once a month (YES!)
  • Send 2 encouraging notes a month (Fail! Need to put this on my calendar so I will do these!)
I am thankful I was consistent for 6 weeks before falling off the band wagon. I am thankful for God gently nudging me back to my goals this week. I am so tempted when I fail to simply give up, but having my quiet alone time helped me to rethink as well as actually journaling yesterday. God is reminding me about consistency and priorities, the priorities HE has given me. When I fell sway to things that were not priorities I began feeling depressed and alone. As I have thought through these things the past couple of days I realized I need to make necessary adjustments and do the things God has given me to do.

How was your February?

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