So who is God? God is perfect, holy, mighty. God is Creator of the entire universe and He alone holds it together. God is just. God is love. God is God, the great I Am.
Who am I? I'm a sinner. I'm an idolater who takes the name of my God in vain. I'm a Sabbath breaker. I dishonor my parents. I'm a murderer, an adulterer, a thief, a liar, and a coveter. I'm selfish, greedy, unkind, unloving.
But so much more than this, I am Saved. I am Redeemed. I am Chosen. I am Loved by the King of the universe. God calls me daughter and friend. I am a new Creation because of Jesus's death on the cross for all of my sins. I am alive because Jesus rose from the dead and conquered death for me. I am free to live the life that God has called me to and to live it to the best of my ability because He gives me all of His strength through the Holy Spirit living in me. Yes, the God of the universe lives in me and I can be who He has made me without fear, without shame. When I fail, He does not push me away, but I can repent and He still loves me, picks me up and continues to show me His path for me.
So who has God made me? I'm constantly figuring this out. Aren't we all? Here is what I've gotten thus far:
I'm a daughter of God and follower of Jesus
I'm a wife, a mother, a daughter/daughter-in-law, sister/sister-in-law, aunt, granddaughter-in-law
I'm a homeschool teacher, a nurse and educator
I'm a friend, church member, and part of the Body of Christ
I'm a writer, a reader, a movie/TV watcher
I'm a singer and enjoy many types of music
I'm a deep thinker and hate surface level conversations
I like logic problems and trying to figure things out
I love studying the Bible and praying so I can learn more about my Savior
I don't like technology (I know I have 2 blogs but it's true) but learn how to use the basics
I don't like being pregnant, but I do love giving birth and teaching others about birth
I love having a big family and how much God is teaching me through it
I love encouraging women to be who God created them to be and teaching them to read the Word, pray and know God
I love missions and telling others about it
I love learning other languages and learning about other cultures
I like traveling and would love to live in another culture
I'm opinionated and passionate
I'm weak and in desperate need of a Savior to help me through every moment
I love being around people and I love being alone
I like order but I have learned to live with clutter
I'm a perfectionist and God is always working on this
This is not exhaustive as I'm always learning more about who God has made me and who I am as God redeems me and makes me who He wants me to be in the image of His Son.
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