Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Jesus Had Nothing to Prove, and Neither Do You

Recently I have been reading about Jesus’s arrest and crucifixion. It is always challenging and interesting reading about this time as I reflect on what Jesus went through for me. But this time, the Holy Spirit whispered a new revelation to my heart about this passage.

Jesus had nothing to prove, and neither do you!

How it hit my heart like a knife. How often do I try to justify my parenting, my homemaking, my homeschooling, my life to others? I must do everything right so that people think I’m doing the right thing. But this is just not true! We are called to follow Jesus in whatever we do. So much of life is grey and we need to walk in that grey with bold confidence that we’re following what God has for us to do in the way we parent, keep our homes and teach our children. When we clearly sin, we repent and start over again. But we have nothing to prove to anyone. Not even God.

As we watch Jesus in the garden, before pilot, on the cross and as He died, it is clear that He knew He had nothing to prove. He was silent while they hurled insults. Jesus says Himself that God would give Him twelve legions of angels if He just asked for it. But He went willingly to the slaughter because He knew who God says He is, He knew His mission. As they hurled insults, taunting Him to come down, He listened and asked God to forgive their ignorance and stayed to take our sin. He knew they thought He was a liar, a lunatic, but He died anyway. Jesus had nothing to prove.

What are you trying to prove? Who are you trying to impress?

Stop and just be who God created you to be and live the life He has given you to live.

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