- Good sermon on work
- Restful afternoon
- Being together as a family
- God's great mercy
- New month
- Jim having extended time with God
- Lillian turning 6!
- Fun family day
- Not being on the computer or having the TV on for 2 days!
- Learning to let go
- Meeting another Mom of Many
- Good productivity and fun together
- Productive day
- Cleaning up some of the bathroom
- Becca hanging up the shelf
- Norwex site up again
- Being home all day
- Good time at CG
- Field trip attempt
- Seeing friends
- Jim finishing his spring class!
- Long date evening
- Pistachio gelato at Sweet Frog
- Discount
- Time with the Felix family
- Pizza, apples and cookies
- Friends in Jesus
- Finishing the school week strong
- Cleaning and some organizing
- Teaching
- Jericho Prayer
- Dunkin Donuts
- Grocery shopping by myself and not over spending
- Testing the Car Wash Mitt (It's Great!)
- Great sermon on who God is vs who we are
- Writing blog posts
- Being disciplined with the computer
- Pictures
- Cleaning and organizing the whole kitchen
- Visit from the Vander Weerts
- Encouragement
- Sam praying
- Switching beds around
- Talking to Becca
- Learning more about how Jesus feels
- Reading 2 chapters
- Gabriel growing in prayer
- Meeting the Gunns
- Cleaning our room
- Chick-fil-A
- Good inexpensive coffee
- More in depth prayer
- Time to work
- Growing in fearlessness
- Jamey working hard
- Kids growing in prayer
- Cheap Taco Bell
- Good doctors appointments
- Celebrating Gage's 1st birthday
- Meeting new people
- Great sermon on prayer
- Washing my hair
- God tangibly answering prayer as yes right away
- Finishing "Large Family Logistics"
- Lot's of baking
- Time with the Browns
- Book Club
- Time to talk with Meagan
- Hearing other's stories and evidences of grace
- Good uneventful drive to GA
- Getting package before leaving town
- Seeing people at FBC Smyrna
- Hanging out with Daddy and Brit
- Jim having breakfast with Jeff
- Doing announcements with Mom at school
- Seeing Emily
- Seeing how far God has brought us
- Lunch with Julie
- Seeing Brendon and Kyle
- Spending the morning with the Murdocks
- Cooking out with the family
- Cousins playing together
- Seeing Jacob and Rachel
- Joint SS and Worship at FBC Smyrna
- Seeing many friends
- Safe drive to FL
- Playgrounds
- Jim's mom welcoming us
- Good first meeting for the kids
- Kids doing well at the beach their first time
- God protecting our family
- Time with Laura and Jon
- Taking pictures on the beach
- Taking a nap
- God giving me a clear mind
- Britney having a great Norwex Party
- Celebrating Jim's birthday
- Great discussion in Sunday School
- Great sermon on dealing with hard times
- Getting on the road early
- Getting mostly unpacked
- Being told I was smart for having my kids close together
- Kids sleeping later than they have been
- Time with Jim
- Lillian's music recital
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
May Blessings
May has been full of blessings from our wonderful God! Here is a sample of them.
May Evaluation
- Spend at least 10 minutes praying daily- God has definitely grown my prayer time this month, some days have more prayer time than others, but every moment praying is a blessing
- Spend at least 10 minutes reading and reflecting on the Bible daily- Most days this happened
- Memorize verses with the kids - working on this during school time
- Have extended prayer times 4 times during the year- Jim has had 2 and I have had 1
- Read Christian books (Jim- 1 (not school related), Emmie- 3)- Finished "Large Family Logistics"
- Pray together daily- YES!
- Go out for a date once a week- Sadly No
- Go on a night away once this year- Working on the logistics for this in a couple of weeks
- Read 3 books together this year (read one day a week)- No
- Discuss plan weekly on Saturday afternoon- No
- Spend 15 minutes of one on one time with each child every week- I think this has been averaged as a whole
- Special Outing Alone twice during the year with each child- No outings done this month
- Family fun activity once a month- We went out of town and had some fun family time at the beach
- Write in individual journals at least 3 times this year- No writing this month
- Finish Jamey's 1st year Scrapbook- No work was done on this
- Keep up with cleaning schedule- Did cleaning before heading out of town, but not schedule
- Keep up with my calendar- Getting better
- Being fully present when with my family- I was given a lot of grace to be more present than I have been
- Try 12 new recipes this year- (7) Made double chocolate zucchini bread and avocanana bread
- No TV 2 days a week (watching)- With traveling it's been back and forth, but I think we averaged this
- Begin gardening in the spring- Still nothing yet.
- Continue sending out Prayer List- Yes
- Read a book a month for myself- I finished "Large Family Logisitics"
- Jim read one fiction book- Finally started a fiction book while on our trip!
- Journal 5 days a week- Yes! God is gracious
- Jim Journal 3 days a week- While at home, yes
- Edit novel to prepare for publishing- No work on this
- Book Club once a month- Yes! Love these Sisters
- Continue to meet once a month with writing group- Not this month
- Blog 1-2 days a week- Yes! God has been gracious in this
- Mild Exercise twice a week- Not really, a little here and there, but not much
- Maintain weight until birth- Definitely gained this month
- Lose weight after giving birth-
When you travel for half a month it tends to go by quickly. Travel also plays a little with the goals. Even in all of that God has been very gracious to help us with praying, reading the Word and trusting Him with our lives. This month involved a lot of traveling and seeing family and many other goals that were not specifically stated for the year and that is good! We have learned so much during this month and grown in faith and seeing the blessing of following God in faith. That is what's important. God continues to grow us and our faith. God is so good.
How was your May?
How was your May?
Monday, May 30, 2016
Maybe I Don't Hate The Beach
We just returned from a few days of visiting Jim's mom and brother at the beach. It was such a good trip! I've always hated the beach, but after this visit, I don't hate it as much as I used to. In fact this time around I mostly enjoyed it (except for sunscreen and sand residue).
I sat on the shore holding Nehemiah and watching the others play in the sand and ocean. I looked out into the vastness of God's creation and for the first time in years I felt a calm and a peace that I haven't felt in years! The song "Oceans" by Hillsong came into my mind. I love this song and looking out at the endless sea the metaphor of that song overtook me. I have lived in those moments of life when the depths of life have overwhelmed me and all I had was my Savior, Jesus, to pull me out of those depths. I was ready to swim it, to go into the ocean where my feet could not touch and feel the depth of God's love for me and the power of His hand in a different sense. At that moment I could have done anything because I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that my God was with me.
And God is still with me, even though life is not in that moment where the water is swirling over my head and I'm waiting for Him to pull me out. But how easy it is to forget. I hope in those moments when I allow the sea around me to overtake my thoughts that I will remember that moment of calm when I felt completely at peace. My Prince of Peace, I need you to fill me!
I have enjoyed the beauty of the beach before, but this time was different. I would still prefer the mountains to the beach for just a vacation, but now I would like to go back to the beach more frequently than I have to be reminded once again of the beauty and grace that comes when we allow God to take us into the deep waters of life where we are reminded all we have is Him and He is enough.
I sat on the shore holding Nehemiah and watching the others play in the sand and ocean. I looked out into the vastness of God's creation and for the first time in years I felt a calm and a peace that I haven't felt in years! The song "Oceans" by Hillsong came into my mind. I love this song and looking out at the endless sea the metaphor of that song overtook me. I have lived in those moments of life when the depths of life have overwhelmed me and all I had was my Savior, Jesus, to pull me out of those depths. I was ready to swim it, to go into the ocean where my feet could not touch and feel the depth of God's love for me and the power of His hand in a different sense. At that moment I could have done anything because I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that my God was with me.
And God is still with me, even though life is not in that moment where the water is swirling over my head and I'm waiting for Him to pull me out. But how easy it is to forget. I hope in those moments when I allow the sea around me to overtake my thoughts that I will remember that moment of calm when I felt completely at peace. My Prince of Peace, I need you to fill me!
I have enjoyed the beauty of the beach before, but this time was different. I would still prefer the mountains to the beach for just a vacation, but now I would like to go back to the beach more frequently than I have to be reminded once again of the beauty and grace that comes when we allow God to take us into the deep waters of life where we are reminded all we have is Him and He is enough.
Sunday, May 29, 2016
Today Jim is 33! It's been a crazy and busy year in our home. It's been such a joy to see Jim grow as a husband and father this year as it's also another year growing in the Lord. Jim has been working hard on day shift for a year now and learning how to balance work and family on a "regular" schedule as well as taking classes to finish his M.Div. It's been a great year of learning for all of us and God has been so gracious in giving us exactly what we need to grow together in Him and to grow Jim as the God-given leader of our family. God has so blessed our family with Jim!
As our family grows Jim is stepping up in leadership and help. I'm so thankful for the man God is growing Jim into. As he learns he teaches us, especially the kids. He loves to play and wrestle with the kids and wants them to know the love of Jesus. What more could you ask for in a dad!
This year was special as just before Jim's birthday we were able to visit Jim's mom. What a special birthday gift for Jim this year! God continues to bless and give.
Thank You, Father, for Jim and how you have blessed him and blessed our family with him. Please continue to grow him in the image and likeness of Jesus. Thank You for giving him a humble and teachable spirit. Thank You for Your continual grace. Please continue to give!
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Product Spotlight #4
Getting back to my Top 10 List, I want to share the Envirocloth (p.6) with you today.
The EnviroCloth is great! It is the most versatile cleaning product I have ever used and works wonders on such a variety of surfaces anywhere from the kitchen to the bathroom to the car. Being able to clean with just the cloth and water is wonderful. Don't have to worry about using harmful chemicals and it works great. An added bonus is being able to hand it to the kids and let them go clean without worrying about them using the cleaning products. The Envirocloth has changed the way we clean and has made us more inclined to clean!
I'm also a huge fan because being pregnant often has hindered how much I can clean since most cleaners are not safe for women who are pregnant to use or inhale. I would have to ask others to help and stay clear of the rooms they were cleaning. Now it's not a problem (except for the baby being in the way :) ) I can pick up an Envirocloth, wet it and clean quickly and easily in very little time.
What do you need to clean quickly and easily?
Please Contact me with any questions
Emmie Manor Independent Norwex Consultant
Catalog (p. 6)
The EnviroCloth is great! It is the most versatile cleaning product I have ever used and works wonders on such a variety of surfaces anywhere from the kitchen to the bathroom to the car. Being able to clean with just the cloth and water is wonderful. Don't have to worry about using harmful chemicals and it works great. An added bonus is being able to hand it to the kids and let them go clean without worrying about them using the cleaning products. The Envirocloth has changed the way we clean and has made us more inclined to clean!
I'm also a huge fan because being pregnant often has hindered how much I can clean since most cleaners are not safe for women who are pregnant to use or inhale. I would have to ask others to help and stay clear of the rooms they were cleaning. Now it's not a problem (except for the baby being in the way :) ) I can pick up an Envirocloth, wet it and clean quickly and easily in very little time.
What do you need to clean quickly and easily?
Please Contact me with any questions
Emmie Manor Independent Norwex Consultant
Catalog (p. 6)
Monday, May 23, 2016
Little House in the Big Woods
This book is part of our Core A curriculum from Sonlight. The kids really seemed to enjoy this book. They enjoyed the stories and adventures of their Pa and Grandpa. I liked it OK. It's not my favorite, but it was interesting learning more about how people lived back then. I would love to learn some of the skills they use. I also appreciated the Biblical lessons that you can teach from the things that the family goes through.
One of the hard parts with this book was the variation in the chapter lengths. Some drug on a little with detail. There was also a lot of legalistic moralism which is challenging.
I give 3 stars to this book.
Saturday, May 21, 2016
Large Family Logistics
A friend from book club recommended this book and seeing that I have a large family, I wanted to give it a read. Thank you to Jo for letting me borrow it!
As a whole, I really enjoyed this book. The beginning is very good and is a great look at the Proverbs 31 woman. Part 1 is about the spiritual elements of keeping a home which I really appreciated. Part 2 was more practical and everyday implementation of homemaking concepts. My family has become very large very quickly, so some of what she had so say was a bit overwhelming. Her kids were spaced out a bit more so some of the systems for me were hard to interpret. But I do think she had great ideas if you are able to take general ideas and personalize them. I hope to use this to grow in that.
I also had some difficulty with some interpretations of ideas. It's not that I think she is wrong per se, but sometimes circumstances don't always fall in cut and dry lines.
I do think this book could be very beneficial for all homemakers whether you're single or have 50 kids. I would recommend this book to anyone.
4.5 stars for this book
As a whole, I really enjoyed this book. The beginning is very good and is a great look at the Proverbs 31 woman. Part 1 is about the spiritual elements of keeping a home which I really appreciated. Part 2 was more practical and everyday implementation of homemaking concepts. My family has become very large very quickly, so some of what she had so say was a bit overwhelming. Her kids were spaced out a bit more so some of the systems for me were hard to interpret. But I do think she had great ideas if you are able to take general ideas and personalize them. I hope to use this to grow in that.
I also had some difficulty with some interpretations of ideas. It's not that I think she is wrong per se, but sometimes circumstances don't always fall in cut and dry lines.
I do think this book could be very beneficial for all homemakers whether you're single or have 50 kids. I would recommend this book to anyone.
4.5 stars for this book
Thursday, May 19, 2016
Product Spotlight #3
Today I'm taking a pause from my Top 10 list to share about the Norwex Car Wash Mitt (p. 57). This is a two-sided mitt that dose a great job of picking up up dirt and grime
Our family recently got to try out the Car Wash Mitt washing our 12 passenger van and it did a great job! We did not have access to a hose so no pre-rinse like Norwex recommends, and it still cleaned the entire van with one rinse of the mitt during it. I love it!
Jim says:
The car mitt works great and is very easy to use. When we used it, it washed the dirt and road grime off with such ease, even when our 6 year old daughter was using it! It worked wonderfully. I would recommend getting the car cloth to use with it to help keep water spots from forming after you wash your car. It was great being able to wash the car with just the mitt and water, didn't have to mess with soap or rinsing the car off after we scrubbed it down. Have to love being able to do it all in basically one step!
Do you have a guy in your life that loves washing his car? This is a great month to gift him with a great set of car cleaning equipment!
Please Contact me with any questions
Emmie Manor Independent Norwex Consultant
Catalog (p. 57)
Our family recently got to try out the Car Wash Mitt washing our 12 passenger van and it did a great job! We did not have access to a hose so no pre-rinse like Norwex recommends, and it still cleaned the entire van with one rinse of the mitt during it. I love it!
Jim says:
The car mitt works great and is very easy to use. When we used it, it washed the dirt and road grime off with such ease, even when our 6 year old daughter was using it! It worked wonderfully. I would recommend getting the car cloth to use with it to help keep water spots from forming after you wash your car. It was great being able to wash the car with just the mitt and water, didn't have to mess with soap or rinsing the car off after we scrubbed it down. Have to love being able to do it all in basically one step!
Do you have a guy in your life that loves washing his car? This is a great month to gift him with a great set of car cleaning equipment!
Please Contact me with any questions
Emmie Manor Independent Norwex Consultant
Catalog (p. 57)
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Product Spotlight #2
Today I want to share my #2 from my Top 10 Norwex List, the X-Large Bath Towel (p. 53).
This towel is amazing and has been such a blessing to me. I hate feeling wet or damp. One of the things I hate with exiting the shower is not really being able to get dry. With the Norwex X-Large Bath Towel I can get my body dry! No more clothes sticking to my skin or skin drying out from air drying! I actually feel clean when I leave the shower now!
Between the Body Pack and the Bath Towel, showers have completely changed for me. I cannot recommend them enough!
Jim also loves the Bath towel. He says:
"I absolutely love the towel. It is so soft, absorbent, and it dries off very efficiently. It is thin, which is great for storing it, but unlike most thin towels I have used it is still soft and works wonderfully. It is easily one of my favorite products and I highly recommend it!"
What's even better? This month Norwex has a special on the Body Pack and X-Large Towel! Now is the time to get these products and see how wonderful they really are!
Have you tried the bath towel? What are you're impressions? How does it compare to other towels?
Please Contact me with any questions
Emmie Manor Independent Norwex Consultant
Catalog (p. 53)
This towel is amazing and has been such a blessing to me. I hate feeling wet or damp. One of the things I hate with exiting the shower is not really being able to get dry. With the Norwex X-Large Bath Towel I can get my body dry! No more clothes sticking to my skin or skin drying out from air drying! I actually feel clean when I leave the shower now!
Between the Body Pack and the Bath Towel, showers have completely changed for me. I cannot recommend them enough!
Jim also loves the Bath towel. He says:
"I absolutely love the towel. It is so soft, absorbent, and it dries off very efficiently. It is thin, which is great for storing it, but unlike most thin towels I have used it is still soft and works wonderfully. It is easily one of my favorite products and I highly recommend it!"
What's even better? This month Norwex has a special on the Body Pack and X-Large Towel! Now is the time to get these products and see how wonderful they really are!
Have you tried the bath towel? What are you're impressions? How does it compare to other towels?
Please Contact me with any questions
Emmie Manor Independent Norwex Consultant
Catalog (p. 53)
Sunday, May 8, 2016
Jericho Prayer
In Joshua 6 God tells Joshua and the Israelites to go take the city of Jericho. To knock down their walls He tells them to walk around the city once a day for 6 days. On the 7th day, they are instructed to walk around the walls of the city 7 times and the 7th time to blow trumpets and shout. The Israelites did this and God knocked down the walls of Jericho so that Israel could conquer them.
Several years ago some friends of ours felt impressed to do the same, only with prayer. Oh how important prayer is! Instead of marching, they and others drive around a city to pray for the city to bring down the walls of darkness that surround that city and to ask for God, who conquers all, to conquer the souls and the powers of darkness that hold the city.
It was such a blessing and a privilege to participate in this this year! Yesterday our family loaded up and drove around Louisville to pray for our city. It was such a good time to remember the love God has given me for this city. It was a great time to remember areas of the city that we have forgotten and for God to show us just how much lostness there is here. The Spirit moved as we drove! He compelled many thoughts and prayers and it was such a blessing to be used in this way! God does not need us and yet He uses us, His people and our prayers to show us His power and His greatness. It's just amazing.
I don't know of anything specific or direct that was answered from our prayers, but I know God was honored and He is on the move.
What city do you need to pray for? If you would like to do something like this, let me know and I would love to share with you more about this prayer ministry.
Several years ago some friends of ours felt impressed to do the same, only with prayer. Oh how important prayer is! Instead of marching, they and others drive around a city to pray for the city to bring down the walls of darkness that surround that city and to ask for God, who conquers all, to conquer the souls and the powers of darkness that hold the city.
It was such a blessing and a privilege to participate in this this year! Yesterday our family loaded up and drove around Louisville to pray for our city. It was such a good time to remember the love God has given me for this city. It was a great time to remember areas of the city that we have forgotten and for God to show us just how much lostness there is here. The Spirit moved as we drove! He compelled many thoughts and prayers and it was such a blessing to be used in this way! God does not need us and yet He uses us, His people and our prayers to show us His power and His greatness. It's just amazing.
I don't know of anything specific or direct that was answered from our prayers, but I know God was honored and He is on the move.
What city do you need to pray for? If you would like to do something like this, let me know and I would love to share with you more about this prayer ministry.
Monday, May 2, 2016
Our 6 Year Old Lillian
Six years ago after a very strange 24 hours and the protection of God, we welcomed our only daughter, Lillian. She came to us a flurry and she continues to live like this. Slow is not an option for her. She loves life! She loves to run and play and work hard. She desires to please and is a diligent worker. She loves having school work to do and wakes early to get it done. She is growing in her love of house work as she desires to be a mom and have a family one day. She is bold and enthusiastic. When she makes a connection or remembers something she will tell you with such energy you can't help but be excited too. She has so much spunk!
This year Lillian started kindergarten at home and is thriving in it. She is self motivated and loves learning with her brothers as well as by herself. She loves having individual work to do everyday and she is proud of the work she does. It will be exciting to see how God uses this for His Kingdom as she grows, we pray, in love with Him and His way.
Lillian loves to laugh! She thinks most everything is funny and definitely inherited her daddy's sense of humor. It is such a joy to hear her laugh! But she is also very tender and emotional. I love how she wants to sit and snuggle with us just because she can. She loves hugs and kisses and just being loved on.
Recently Lillian has gotten into reading her Bible daily and wants to read along when we read out loud. She is quick to memorize verses and know them when we ask about them. We pray that God will use this to draw her to Himself and show her the deep love of our Father and the saving grace of Jesus!
Thank you, Father, for our precious Lillian. She is such a joy and pleasure to have in our family. Please grow her in faith and love that she may know You and follow hard after You and not the things of this world. Let her know You and Your ways that she may live for Your Kingdom! Thank You again for her precious life!
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