2332. Spending time in prayer and extra Bible reading
2333. Being able to teach my kids at home
2334. Beginning to learn the difference between childish mistakes and willfulness (seriously seeking God's wisdom and guidance in knowing the difference)
2335. Time to reflect on what I'm learning
2336. Going to the grocery store
2337. Even more sprouts!
2338. Yummy lunch
2339. Coming back down in weight
2340. Going through surveys
2341. Working on outline for Childbirth book/class
2342. Getting pictures completely uploaded
2343. Jim getting a lot of reading done
2344. Great rest time
2345. Wearing a pair of non maternity shorts I already owned!
2346. Gabriel's big hugs
2347. All the older kids helping with Gabriel

2349. Jamey and Lillian playing together nicely for more than 2 minutes
2350. Jamey teaching Reuben
2351. Jamey reading to Lillian
2352. Kids playing school
2353. Jamey reading to himself of his own volition
2354. No TV until Wheel
2355. Kids excited to read the Bible
2356. Kids wanting to say all the passages they know
2357. Reuben wanting to say verses
2358. Reuben communicating much more (I love hearing him talk!)
2359. Slushies
2360. Reuben wanting to read books
2361. Reuben learning to climb the ladder
2362. God's beauty around us
2363. Waking up early again!
2364. Great time of prayer
2365. Getting 2 days of Bible reading done!
2366. Good school time
2367. God's grace to stay calm and still be firm
2368. Getting a Russian lesson done
2369. Playgroup
2370. Spending time with Sisters
2371. Lunch in the park
2372. Jamey and Reuben playing in the sprayground
2373. Kids eating well
2374. Finding my photo back up flash drive!
2375. Getting some emails written
2376. Making more connections
2377. God's ordination of things
2378. Katie willing to write a portion of childbirth book!
2379. Getting 2 packages I was waiting for!
2380. Getting more school stuff (so ready to plan next year)
2381. Getting excited about school next year
2382. Have 2 of the 4 memory boxes
2383. Playing games with J and L
2384. Being overwhelmed at what God has given my children the ability to do
2385. Seeing how far we have come this year
2386. Gabriel growing quickly again
2387. Exercising with the kids
2388. Lillian encouraging everyone in everything they do (perhaps the spiritual gift of exhortation in the making?)
2389. Losing what I had gained back
2390. Reuben's big bear hugs
2391. Wii Fit
2392. More sprouts everyday
2393. Planning for next years garden
2394. Seeing so many blessings in the everyday
2395. Finding a Piper book at a serious discount
2396. Small community group time
2397. Discussing what an eternal perspective may look like
2398. Learning to see things in light of eternity with others
2399. Sgt. Bilko
2400. Lemon pie ice cream (It's from Turkey Hill. You should try some. Seriously!)
2401. Celebrating 9 Years of marriage! I love you Jim!
2402. Having a king sized bed when 3 of your kids want to join you in the morning
2403. Getting 2 days of Bible reading done
2404. Spending extra time on school this morning
2405. Lillian wanting to do school so badly
2406. More Russian! (I love learning languages!)
2407. Jamey saying he wants to learn languages
2408. Hanging out with Brothers and Sisters to celebrate life!
2409. Jamey and Lillian cleaning all of our baseboards, door frames and kitchen cabinet doors and still asking what else they could clean
2410. All 3 kids pretending to clean Andy and Shannon's house
2411. Reconnecting with people
2412. Fun conversations
2413. Kids doing well with a late outing
2414. Ice cream party
2415. Everyone sleeping until 7!
2416. Yummy breakfast
2417. Realizing there is so much I still need to figure out
2418. Good school time
2419. The whole family doing school together
2420. Lillian wanting to learn
2421. Reuben wanting to learn
2422. More Russian lessons
2423. Getting connected with a Brother who is also interested in Eastern Europe
2424. More sprouts
2425. Sprouts beginning to flourish
2426. Lettuce ready to eat
2427. Nice weather
2428. Lillian singing Bible verses and praise songs
2429. Playing catch with Reuben
2430. Scheduling a time to Skype with a friend
2431. All kids taking a nap this afternoon!
2432. Reuben eating the head off of a bug (yes I count this as a blessing since it is potential prep for overseas work. Got to be able to eat anything. :) )
2433. Working on my fiction book (got 4 handwritten pages done!)
2434. Jim getting school work done
2435. Hearing from Dawn
2436. Getting to email Dawn
2437. Arranging to meet with Mrs. Carlson
2438. Getting contacts ordered
2439. Listening to worship music all day
2440. Being led by the Holy Spirit
2441. Night out with Jim
2442. Eating Indian food
2443. Perusing Barnes and Nobel for awhile
2444. Seeing that it is possible to get published
2445. Menchie's Frozen Yogurt that tasted just like an ice cream sandwich (so yummy!)
2446. Talking about possibilities for the future
2447. Talking about opening doors
2448. Seeing more needs
2449. Being encouraged in prayer
2450. Learning how to communicate better
2451. Getting another email written
2452. Rediscovering my love for writing letters
2453. Sleeping all night
2454. Waking more refreshed than I have in a while
2455. Getting some extended prayer time and extra Bible reading
2456. Spending time with the Lord
2457. Learning about God's wisdom
2458. Desiring to be diligent and seeking how to do that
2459. God not leaving us where we are, but guiding and disciplining His children to be more like Christ
2460. Jim and Jamey wrestling
2461. Gabriel's gigantic hugs
2462. Reuben joining the boy play
2463. Jim getting out an email to a Brother
2464. Praying together
2465. Laughter
2466. Lillian being mostly toilet trained!
2467. Reuben telling us when he needs a new diaper
2468. More encouragement
2469. Seeing Mrs. Carlson
2470. Getting a bigger car seat for Gabriel (going to need it soon)
2471. Playing at the playground

2473. Meeting new Sisters
2474. Running into Melanie and Emma
2475. A big nice playground with a spray park
2476. Reuben playing in the water
2477. Jamey not being shy and meeting people at the park
2478. Jamey being somewhat adventurous on the playground
2479. Picnic lunch
2480. Eating sandwiches with lettuce on them from our garden!
2481. God continuing to bless our garden
2482. Nice rest time
2483. Getting more read
2484. Working on cleaning out my overloaded inbox
2485. Some free e-books that I have been wanting (now to read)
2486. Learning to just go ahead and discard emails I know are not important and I'm not going to read
2487. Realizing some of the stuff I am reading is causing more harm than good for my soul
2488. Realizing everyone is called to different things and it will never look the same for anyone
2489. Smooth bed time
2490. Reuben playing peek-a-boo
2491. Watching the boys build together
2492. "Sleeping" until 8:30
2493. Lillian sleeping until 9
2494. Running errands all together
2495. Having school on Saturday (Have I ever mentioned I love the flexibility of home school?)
2496. Outside time
2497. Gabriel beginning to explore the world
2498. Reading my Bible!
2499. Rest time movie with J and L
2500. Watching Jamey build and wondering what God will do with it
2501. Jamey wanting to say Scripture
2502. Getting some thoughts out for childbirth class and book
2503. Early bed time with little fuss
2504. Having a laid back yet productive Saturday
2505. Finally going through all of my emails! (need a practical system to stay on top of it all)
2506. Sleep
2507. Gabriel sleeping until 5:30!
2508. Jamey staying dry all night
2509. Lillian using the toilet on her own!!!!!
2510. Church
2511. Jamey learning to help with the baby
2512. Helping prepare the sanctuary
2513. Listening to the band practice
2514. Remembering the fun of a jam session (lots of nostalgia today)
2515. Connecting with Heather
2516. Seeing Rebekah and her crew! (Miss that girl so much)
2517. Catching up with Ann
2518. Meeting Mandy's dad and step-mom
2519. Learning about the Trinity! (Really good sermon and practical in understanding more of God)
2520. Learning more of what it means to be a part of God's family
2521. Learning about blessing others (really desire to get better at this!)
2522. Seeing Jeremiah and Darlene before they move
2523. Learning to drive ungodly thoughts from my mind
2524. Worshiping the Lord
2525. Hearing from Dawn twice in one week!
2526. Reuben's smile
2527. Kids devouring their lunch (seriously huge blessing. Usually struggling to them to eat recently)
2528. Jim calling his dad
2529. Needed email written
2530. Experiencing being a part of God's family
2531. Yummy lunch for Father's day
2532. Anticipating what God is doing and getting excited
2533. Seeing Jimmy and Emily!
2534. Planning for friends' visit
2535. Watching Jamey and Lillian play soccer together
2536. Working on planning for the fall
2837. Talking about forming good routines/habits for our home
2838. Smooth meal planning time
2839. Getting 2 bottles of loratadine and 2 half gallons of Blue Bell ice cream for less than $20 without coupons!

2841. Reuben helping Gabriel with his bottle
2842. Planning out the week more thoroughly
2843. J and L playing outside for 2 hours!
2844. Almost clearing our fridge of leftovers
2845. Organizing my purse
2846. Jamey building the "Temple"
2847. Reuben beginning to build with duplos
2848. Seeing imagination come out in my kids
2849. Smooth bed time
2850. Being alive
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