2222. Time to pray and read my Bible this morning
2223. Good breakfast

2225. Jamey trying to swim some in the pool
2226. Stealing a few moments alone with Reuben in the water
2227. Jamey going along the wall by himself
2228. Gabriel enjoying the pool
2229. Hot Tub!
2230. Leftovers for lunch (YAY for cleaning out some of the fridge)
2231. Playing outside
2232. More garden work
2233. School in the afternoon
2234. Getting 3 days done in 1
2235. Jamey paying attention
2236. Seeing the excitement of learning
2237. Reuben saying "I love you" to me
2238. Reuben helping Gabriel drink his bottle
2239. Lillian's mothering nature coming out in feeding and changing Gabriel
2240. Jamey feeding Gabriel
2241. Jamey playing with Gabriel and making him laugh
2242. Reuben making Gabriel laugh
2243. Lillian staying dry most of the day
2244. Lillian pooping in the toilet!
2245. Playgroup
2246. Lunch at the park
2247. Fellowship
2248. Learning more about different schooling options
2249. Getting geared up for school next year
2250. Getting 2 weeks of Language Arts done
2251. Meeting 3 new people at community group
2252. Meeting a couple from Georgia (looking forward to getting to know them better)
2253. CG in the park
2254. Discussing our community and ways to serve
2255. Prayer walking
2256. Hearing from Sisters around the world
2257. Great post-op visit for Jamey
2258. Learning to rely on God fully for my strength and rest
2259. Reading more as a family
2260. Not using the TV much!

2262. Getting tomato plants from Melanie!
2263. Getting plants in the ground
2264. More growth in the garden
2265. Getting more seeds planted
2266. Being able to trust God even when we see injustice
2267. Talking about God's attributes
2268. Great conversations
2269. Having a God who is personable
2270. Some time to pray and cry out to God
2271. Reuben wanting to learn (cannot wait to start schooling him more formally in August!)
2272. Learning to embrace where God has brought me and what He has called me to do
2273. Playing outside as a family
2274. Fun school time
2275. Jamey continuing to learn and wanting to do more of the "creative writing"
2276. Dinner with friends
2277. Seeing more of God's path for us here
2278. More opportunities to learn and grow
2279. Great time of women's prayer
2280. Hearing about a Sister's coming work
2281. Finding out Noemi is coming to visit!!!!!
2282. Learning that Pastor Nathan is CANCER FREE!!!!!
2283. Having the privilege of praying
2284. Being part of an eternal Family
2285. Nice rest time
2286. Getting a review written
2287. Being encouraged by books
2288. Realizing more of what it will take to write
2289. Consistently being reminded of what's most important
2290. God never leaving me
2291. God never giving up on me
2292. Gabriel sleeping until after 6!
2293. Spending some time outside
2294. A whole row of cucumbers sprouting!
2295. Taking pictures with Becca of our yard
2297. Taking some pics of Gabriel
2298. God blessing our garden
2299. Doing some Russian
2300. Napping a little
2301. Resting with Jamey and Lillian
2302. Realizing it's worth bug bites and sweat to watch your kids learn and explore
2303. Yummy dinner
2304. Hearing the kids say their memory verses with confidence
2305. Lillian cheering on her brothers
2306. Lillian staying dry all day
2307. Kids all going to bed early
2308. Little issue with going to bed
2309. Getting a project ready to tackle
2310. Getting pictures uploaded
2311. Getting up and ready in a timely fashion with only 3 adults again
2312. Gabriel getting his first tooth
2313. Getting to know Heather a little better

2315. Connecting with people at church
2316. Spending a couple hours outside
2317. God blessing our gardening efforts (we have so many sprouts right now! God is so good)
2318. Learning about the eternality of God
2319. Hearing that there is no right to privacy, God knows everything
2320. Being encouraged to view life in light of eternity
2321. Spending time thinking about what right now should look like in light of eternity
2322. Exploring outside with my kids
2323. Talking with Becca (so thankful she lives with us)
2324. Uploading most of our pictures
2325. More coupons for printing stuff
2326. Family movie night
2327. Going to bed semi early
2328. Talking
2329. God' gift of life and growth
2330. God being eternal
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