Thursday, February 13, 2014

Turning 30!

Today I am 30 years old! I have now been on this planet for 3 decades. That is a bit crazy to me and has certainly caused some reflection. As I think about these 3 decades it is interesting to see that I never stopped growing and changing.

The first decade, 0-10, of anyone's life is full of rapid growth and change as you go from a newborn infant to a pre-teen. During my first decade I remember very little, except my sisters being born when I was 9 and spending time with Jessie and Blair.

The second decade, 11-20, is also full of change. You begin to become a woman physically, but are still young emotionally. Middle school, high school and the beginning of college all fall in this decade. So much happens during those years. You begin to seek to be more mature while thinking you know everything and simply want to experience life. I was married when I was 20 and thus began the next decade different from many women today

The third decade, 21-30, for people varies greatly. As I said I was married at age 20 and so this decade has been a time of tremendous growth and as I think back over the past 3 decades, I might even say it is the decade with the most growth. I say this because my spiritual life has taken off, especially in the last 3 years. As I grow spiritually I also grow mentally, emotionally and physically because my reliance becomes more on God and not myself. There have been times when I've felt like I took 2 steps forward and then 3 or 4 steps back, but generally speaking I feel like I have been moving forward with the Lord.

When I was 21 I went with Jim to Moldova on a mission trip that changed both of us and sent us on the trajectory we are on today. At that time I could not have imagined what God would do with us.

Today we are so close to finishing our seminary journey and seeking out what God has next for us. We have also been blessed with a beautiful family with our 5th child joining our family in several weeks. Having kids has also brought much growth.

God is faithful to grow His people and I am so thankful to be a child of God. Because of that I have peace as I begin my 30s but desire to make the most of the time God is giving me to grow and teach others. I have wasted a lot of time throughout my first 30 years, but by God's grace I will learn to not waste time in the next 30 and make the most of every moment.

So here's to the 30s! Bring them on!

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