7876. Waking with the kids and still getting about 10 hours of much needed sleep
7877. Smooth breakfast time
7878. Washing my hair
7879. Getting needed errands run
7880. Talking with Ann for a few minutes
7881. Hearing Ann's family is currently planning to stay in Louisville for awhile
7882. Leftovers for lunch
7883. Hearing from Dawn
7884. Hearing from several workers
7885. Seeing God move
7886. Productive afternoon
7887. Getting almost everything packed
7889. Beginning to pack the car
7890. Good rest time
7891. Getting more written
7892. Being able to leave a little earlier than we thought
7893. Getting all clothes washed
7894. Frozen pizza
7895. Hot blueberry tea
7896. Jamey wanting to hold my hand
7897. Getting a decent amount of cleaning done
7898. Being ready to visit family
7899. Kids being excited about going to North Carolina and Georgia
7900. Lillian asking all day when we were leaving
7901. Lillian's excitement and enthusiasm for life
7902. Reuben singing
7903. Leftovers for dinner
7904. Getting most of our fridge cleared out
7905. Having little to do in the morning
7906. Watching a movie together
7907. Snuggling with Reuben for most of the movie
7908. Playing Sudoku
7909. Smooth bedtime
7910. Getting all diapers in the wash early
7911. Time to relax
7912. Getting more of my story typed
7913. Having over 43,000 words total
7914. The actual possibility of completing my book this month!
7915. Getting caught up on blessings
7916. Quiet evening with Jim
7917. Being ready to hit the road before the morning
7918. Getting a few things in the car ahead of time
7919. Sleep
7920. Early wake up call
7921. Good breakfast and cleaning out most of our food
7922. Everyone ready to go by 8 am!
7923. Getting loaded and on the road early
7924. Good music to listen to
7925. Talking about who God is and how great He is
7926. Deep conversations
7927. Kids reading in the car
7928. Working on Bible verses
7929. Not losing it while sitting in ridiculous traffic
7930. Taco Bell for lunch
7931. Talking to the workers
7932. Real Sweet Tea!!!!!
7933. Snacks
7934. Getting to Asheville by dinner time
7935. Pizza for dinner
7936. Hanging out with the Griffins
7937. Interesting conversations
7938. Nice hotel room
7939. Reuben staying with the Camps
7940. Movies on TV
7941. Lillian and Jamey sharing bed
7942. Comfortable mattress and pillows
7943. Finding the down before going to sleep!
7944. Ice and water
7945. Getting some sleep
7946. Waking early with the kids
7947. Full hot continental breakfast
7948. Biscuits and gravy!!!
7949. Kids eating a huge breakfast
7950. Exploring the hotel
7951. Making plans for the day
7952. McDonald's
7953. Huge indoor playgrounds
7954. Jamey playing with other kids at the playground
7955. Reuben exploring
7956. Lillian playing with other kids
7957. Reading my Bible
7958. Time to journal
7959. God teaching me in everything
7960. Good conversations

7962. Reuben and Gabriel napping well
7963. Taking Jamey and Lillian to the pool
7964. A pool that I could touch all the way around
7965. Putting my feet in the hot tub
7966. Talking
7967. Britney, Kyle and Kylee making it to the hotel
7968. Hanging out
7969. Talking about future plans
7970. Watching the kids play
7971. Talking about the week

7973. Yummy pasta and garlic bread
7974. Kids eating at a table on their own
7975. Interesting discussion
7976. Celebrating Christmas with family
7977. Hess trucks
7978. Lots of fun
7979. Jamey playing with the dogs
7980. Lillian finally not freaking out with the dogs

7982. Pretty lights
7983. Being reminded that God is the one who guides our steps
7984. God being in control of all things
7985. Kids doing well with a late evening
7986. Crashing at the hotel
7987. Kids going to sleep fairly smoothly
7988. Movies on TV for the family
7989. Making it through the night
7990. Everyone sleeping until 7 am!
7991. Gabriel turning 1!

7993. Great breakfast
7994. Kids eating a big breakfast
7995. Talking to Daddy
7996. Eating some breakfast with the Emers
7997. Kids playing
7998. Hanging out with Molly
7999. Hearing what God is doing at the church the Griffin's attend
8000. Being reminded how big God is
8001. God is good
8002. Family together for Thanksgiving dinner
8003. Yummy food
8004. Being in Asheville for Thanksgiving

8006. Seeing Wendy
8007. Lots of food
8008. Margo cooking
8009. Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade
8010. Kids enjoying the parade
8011. Hanging out
8012. Working through conflict
8013. Learning to talk through things
8014. God using different things to grow us
8015. Family pictures
8017. Costco birthday cake
8018. Enjoying the day
8019. Gabriel being messy and enjoying his cake
8020. Gabriel and Reuben both napping at the Griffins without fuss
8021. Being with family
8022. Getting a lot of writing done
8023. Jamey reading
8024. Lillian playing with the toys
8025. Kids doing well with another late night
8026. Smooth bed time
8027. Time to talk
8028. Despicable Me coming on TV
8030. Decent nights sleep
8031. Comfortable mattress and pillows
8032. Early wake up call
8033. Another really good breakfast
8034. Lots of choices for breakfast
8035. Getting packed and ready in a timely manner
8036. Catching a couple of episodes of "House Hunters"
8037. Feeling the baby move
8038. Getting on the road
8039. Easy drive to GA
8040. Getting to the Murdocks house before noon
8041. Finally meeting Stephen
8042. Kids making themselves at home
8043. Really good chili and macaroni for lunch
8045. Kids playing outside
8046. Reuben taking a good nap
8047. Talking about life now
8048. Sharing hard things in life
8049. Learning ways to pray for others
8050. Good conversation
8051. Encouraging each other
8052. God at work
8053. Getting to my parents house in a timely manner
8054. Yummy dinner
8056. Kids eating well
8057. Cherry cheesecake
8058. Kids staying at my parents house
8059. Getting to stay at Brit's house
8060. Comfortable bed
8061. Sleeping in a dark room
8062. Getting OK sleep
8064. Oatmeal for breakfast
8065. Kids putting together the out door nativity
8066. Nostalgia
8067. Teaching Jamey
8068. Cousins working together
8069. Getting ready in a timely manner
8070. Getting out to Powder Springs
8071. Lunch with half of Jim's family
8073. Meeting Abigail
8074. Gifts for the kids from Max
8075. Catching up a little with Aly
8076. Gabriel and Abigail playing together
8077. Younger 3 kids eating a lot
8078. Jim catching up with Jon
8079. Connecting
8080. Natural opportunity to talk about Jesus
8081. Overall lunch going very smoothly
8082. Productive afternoon
8083. Reuben and Gabriel napping well
8084. Watching Planes
8086. Georgia Tech almost beating Georgia
8087. Yummy hamburgers
8088. Sisters eating dinner together
8089. Laughs
8090. PJ night
8091. Kids getting to bed relatively early
8092. Time to talk to Brit
8093. Sleep
8094. Waking without an alarm before it was time
8095. Time to read
8097. Butter bread filled with cherry for breakfast
8098. Getting the car packed up
8099. Noemi getting to come by for a few minutes
8100. Noemi bringing us 2 bags of goodies!
8101. Getting to church by 9
8102. Kids getting checked in smoothly
8103. Learning the new system
8104. Seeing lots of friends
8105. Kids ready for class
8106. Coffee!
8107. Seeing Julie and catching up a little
8108. Great discussion in Sunday School
8109. Time to talk to many people
8111. God showing us the love of others
8112. Meeting new people who also love missions
8113. Connecting
8114. Being given an opportunity to share an update in Sunday School
8115. Good discussion in SS
8116. God showing us His greatness
8117. Hearing a good message about why we need to support the mission of God
8118. Seeing Harmina
8119. Having a soon to be reason to visit Canada
8120. Lunch at Old South
8121. Filling lunch
8122. Interesting discussion with Daddy and Jim
8123. Getting clothes changed
8124. Getting on the road earlier than expected
8125. Deep conversations
8126. All 4 kids sleeping in the van
8127. Having an alternate way to get home
8128. Safe drive
8129. Good music to listen to
8130. Getting home in one piece and mostly sane
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