We came up here a family of 4: Jim, Emmie, Jamey and Lillian. Today we are a family of 6, adding Reuben and Gabriel in the 2 following years. Last year we also added Becca to our home, which has been a blessing in so many ways.

We came with a desire to learn and grow. I cannot even begin to tell you how much we have learned. Part of keeping this blog is to share some of what we have learned, but what I have written does not even scratch the surface. And we have grown. We have grown in Christ and grown in our understanding of the Gospel. We have grown closer to God and closer to each other. We have also learned that it is an up and down roller coaster even at the best of times, but that's part of the journey. We have learned theology, relationships, Bible, more about prayer and life. We have grown in our understanding of God, but in some ways have many more questions. That's part of the journey too.
We came to Sojourn and learned a different way of doing church. We have learned band music and community groups. We have learned elder board and "grass roots" ministries.
We have grown in our love for the work around the world. Our hearts have been burdened more for others to love and support the work as well as to go. We have met so many who share this love as well as this burden. That has been such a blessing. We have had the opportunity to share with the nations at our door and learn more about where they are.
Our life looks quite a bit different than we originally thought it would this far into our seminary journey, but that's the beauty of God and His sovereignty. We see Him at work all around us as well as in us and in our home. We have learned so much about God's amazing grace and see His grace imprinted all over our lives. As we seek to bring our children up in the fear and admonition of the Lord, there is no where else I would rather be since we are clearly where God has led us to be.
May the next 3 (or 10) years in Louisville exponentially increase what we have learned here and bring us to a deeper understanding and knowledge of our great God and His Son, Jesus Christ.
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