3662. Jamey helping Gabriel after he got up at 6
3663. Getting the kids ready to go and be on time for VBS
3664. Reuben/Mama date
3665. Great deal on Revlon nail polish
3666. Doing really well at the grocery store after forgetting my list
3667. Not giving into sweet temptation
3668. Meeting people in line
3669. Reuben having fun at the store
3670. Jim finishing all his videos
3671. Quick run to get what I forgot
3672. Running into Ann while picking up our kids
3673. Catching up with Beth while waiting to pick up the kids
3674. Being able to help someone get to the church
3675. Lillian taking a nap
3676. Getting a decent amount read in Redeeming Childbirth
3677. Exercising!
3678. Having a Wii
3679. Getting my heart rate up on Wii Fit (this can be difficult to do)
3680. Really tasty black bean burgers and sweet potato fries
3681. Being married to a great cook! :)
3682. Reading more in The Horse and His Boy (really liking this story)
3683. Except for Wii fit the TV being off until time for Wheel
3684. Lillian being old enough to attend VBS this year
3685. Teaching sharing and taking turns
3686. Smooth bedtime shifts
3687. Learning more about my kids every day
3688. Reading some of Faithmapping
3689. Falling asleep early
3690. Kids learning about worship
3691. Sleeping a little later this morning
3692. Walking the kids to VBS
3693. Seeing Karey
3694. Getting to talk with Dana a little bit and get to know her better
3695. Reuben playing in the grass
3696. Getting some more one on one time with Reuben
3697. Gabriel scooting and getting so close to crawling
3698. Meeting Jill
3699. Seeing Beth
3700. Kids learning about serving
3701. Seeing Christine
3702. Meeting Sarah
3703. More confirmation and encouragement

3705. Learning to love being outside even in the heat
3706. Learning to love exercise
3707. Learning what 1500 calories really looks like
3708. Planning out food and exercise for the day
3709. All kids taking an afternoon nap!
3710. Catching up with Bethany
3711. Emailing Dawn
3712. Spending some one on one time with Gabriel
3713. Gabriel's contagious laugh and smile
3714. Gabriel's hugs
3715. Gabriel falling over then turning to me with a huge grin and laugh
3716. Talking to Jim
3717. Jim emailing Jonathan
3718. 3 Years in Louisville!
3719. Fun snack time with Reuben
3720. Reuben playing outside
3721. Getting back to water aerobics
3722. Talking about God's sovereignty
3723. Hearing stories about God's provision and goodness
3724. Sharing a little of our story
3725. Picking up trash on Camp St.
3726. Seeing other Sojourners
3727. Ice cream sandwiches
3728. Fun conversation
3729. Learning more about each other
3730. Funny stories
3731. Spiritual warfare
3732. Getting out of bed
3733. Walking the kids to church again
3734. Seeing many Sisters
3735. God's protection while driving and not getting in a crash
3736. Seeing Nora Allison at Quills
3737. Meeting Chandi Plummer
3738. Sharing my vision with Nora and Chandi for childbirth education
3739. Spending time talking to Shannon about childbirth
3740. God growing me in educating others
3741. Learning to express a well rounded view with facts and experience
3742. Trying a new coffee (this is not something I normally do)
3743. Really good yogurt and granola
3744. Having plenty of time to talk about things
3745. Jim and Reuben having a great morning together
3746. Becca being able to bring the kids home
3747. Gabriel's giggle fits
3748. Good rest time
3749. Lillian napping
3750. Encouragement from unexpected places
3751. Great dinner time
3752. Listening to Jamey sing Scripture
3753. Family movie
3754. Talking to and praying with Jim
3755. Dancing with Lillian
3756. Walking to church with all 4 kids
3757. Meeting Christin and her kids
3758. Being able to help her find her phone
3759. Christin wanting to come to church with us
3760. Seeing Jill
3761. Meeting Julie
3762. Being present in the neighborhood
3763. God blessing my efforts
3764. Running to Target
3765. Seeing Heidi at Target
3766. Building more relationships
3767. Finding out Christine has another resource for me to look at in developing childbirth education
3768. Great lunch time

3770. Spending the afternoon talking with Rebekah
3771. Hearing her story and sharing mine
3772. Praying with Rebekah
3773. Jim and Jamey getting some good one on one time
3774. Pancakes and chocolate syrup for dinner
3775. Trying a different reading routine
3776. Not turning on the TV until wheel
3777. Always learning how to teach our kids
3778. Smooth bed time
3779. CSI: NY on Netflix!!!!!
3780. Getting up in the morning (it was very tough this AM)
3781. Walking the kids to VBS
3782. Talking to Erin
3783. Getting a ride home (I was really struggling)
3784. Finding out Erin's family listens to Adventures in Odyssey!
3785. Being able to show Erin the Sonlight material
3786. Jim getting more school work done
3787. Watching the kids sing songs they learned at VBS this week
3788. Lillian dancing to the music
3789. Seeing many people
3790. Chinese for lunch
3791. Taking a nap
3792. Kids staying in their beds
3793. Breakfast casserole for dinner
3794. Getting Jamey in bed

3796. Talking to Shannon
3797. Talking to Heidi
3798. Learning to love walking
3799. Expressing some of my fears
3800. Admitting lack of faith and learning to ask for more
3801. Kids going down well for Becca
3801. God bringing people together at the right time
3802. God's personal love for people
3803. Reading more in Let the Nations Be Glad (so need to read it again)
3804. Seeing Joanna
3805. Walking a lot throughout the week
3806. Beginning to really appreciate walking
3807. Being able to get up again (another long night)
3808. Not losing my temper this morning
3809. Leaving a little early
3810. Time to read my Bible
3811. Getting 2 days worth of reading read
3812. Realizing I need to long for Jesus more than what He does for me
3813. Yummy breakfast sandwich and coffee at Panera
3814. Writing Group!
3815. Sharing and Praying
3816. Reading our work and helping each other grow in writing
3817. Great time of fellowship and work
3818. Gabriel and Reuben napping well
3819. Jamey and Lillian playing outside well together
3820. Getting some important emails written
3821. Getting emails read
3822. Finding out about a project to publish a lot of old resources!
3823. Having a little time to read more Redeeming Childbirth
3824. Getting to read a little of The Horse and His Boy as a family
3825. Counting calories 4 days this week and doing well
3826. Working on getting pictures uploaded
3827. Having more than one computer in our house
3828. Encouraging blog posts
3829. Getting blog posts written
3830. Dancing with Lillian
3831. Sharing popcorn with the kids
3832. Reuben feeding me popcorn
3833. Jamey's hugs and snuggles
3834. Watching the kids play together
3835. Wrestling boys
3836. Thinking about having a library of 1000 great books
3837. Gabriel beginning to crawl
3838. Watching my kids grow and learn
3839. Realizing I need to be more intentional in teaching my kids how to converse
3840. Getting a card written
3841. Really smooth bed time
3842. Watching The King's Speech with Becca
3843. Enjoying a new movie
3844. Multi-tasking on getting a few things done that did not need full attention
3845. Having Lean Cuisines on hand (yay for sales)
3846. Reading some of The Key a novella I have intended to read for years
3847. Desiring to read more (now just need the discipline to do it)

3849. Good time of prayer
3850. Holy Spirit led prayer
3851. Getting up (yet another rough night)
3852. Relatively smooth morning
3853. Jim getting home
3854. Walking to church
3855. Listening to the band practice before church
3856. Sitting with Chris and Bethany
3857. Seeing Melanie
3858. Learning about God's wisdom
3859. Being reminded that God's wisdom seems backward to human thinking
3860. Learning new songs
3861. Taking a nap
3862. All the kids sleeping a little
3863. Getting everyone ready for our evening with naps
3864. Going to Erin's farewell party
3865. Seeing Janet and meeting Patrick
3866. Talking to Lora and Angela
3867. Talking about childbirth and educational needs
3868. More encouragement
3869. Sharing with Sisters who are having similar thoughts and struggles
3870. Meeting Sameh
3871. Seeing Erin

3873. Seeing lots of friends
3874. Graeter's ice cream
3875. Mediterranean food
3876. Not having to figure out dinner
3877. Relatively smooth bed time
3878. Getting meal planning done (I need an easier system)
3879. Hearing from Dawn
3880. God's grace
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