3447. Having lists made to prep for the week
3448. Not having school (though the kids wanted to have school)
3449. Having a short grocery list
3450. Getting laundry started in a timely manner
3451. Kids helping clean
3452. Eating leftover mamaliga
3453. Getting almost everything packed throughout the day
3454. Becca, Rachel, Daddy, Mom, Brendon and Kylee getting here safely
3455. The excitement of cousins seeing each other
3456. Cleaning out a lot of leftovers
3457. Jamey eating a lot at dinner (this rarely happens)
3458. Laughter
3459. Kids playing outside
3460. Relatively smooth bed time
3461. Getting up and going early
3462. Everybody packed, in the car and leaving the house before 8 am
3463. Yummy breakfast at Wendy's
3465. Really good oatmeal bars for $.99
3466. Sweet Tea
3467. Jim buying iced coffee
3468. Kids doing fairly well in the car
3469. Listening to Casting Crowns
3470. Good conversation
3471. Getting to the Creation Museum in a timely manner
3472. The excitement of the kids in finally getting to the museum
3473. Learning more about dragon lore
3475. Teaching all of the kids about Creation vs Science
3476. Teaching Bible and history
3477. The wonder of children
3478. Being reminded of the truths of Scripture
3479. Teaching Truth to the kids
3480. Jamey and Lillian doing a puzzle together
3481. Lillian "helping" Jamey to look at one of the exibits
3483. Really good turkey and cheese sandwich
3484. Jamey and Brendon talking
3495. All of my kids eating well at lunch
3496. Explaining the global flood
3497. Family bathrooms
3498. All of the interesting resources available through the Creation Museum
3499. Feeling like a normal person with 4 kids
3500. Being surrounded by many other large families
3501. Great hotel to stay in
3502. Subway for dinner
3503. Mt. Dew
3504. Space
3506. The energy of kids at 6 pm
3507. Swimming in an outdoor pool
3508. Reuben getting more daring in the water
3509. Lillian getting off the stairs for a minute
3510. Meeting new people in the pool
3511. Cool water
3512. Relaxing evening in the room
3513. Kids doing well sleeping in a hotel bed
3514. Watching Full House ! (Nostalgia moment :) )
3515. Graeter's ice cream
3517. Biscuits and Gravy! (the best tasting breakfast food)
3518. Learning about possible stricter abortion laws!
3519. Getting ready, packed and out of the hotel before 10 am
3520. Fun pictures
3521. Nice walk through the gardens
3522. The kids exploring the petting zoo
3524. Watching the peacock
3525. Making observations in nature
3526. Taking pictures in the Japanese garden
3527. The cousins eating lunch together
3528. Gabriel doing really well throughout both days
3529. Meeting Becky
3531. Talking about head coverings
3532. Talking about the joys of home school
3533. Family conversation
3534. Looking around the book store
3535. Meeting Sarah- an Amish woman from Illinois
3536. Hearing Sarah talk about her culture
3537. Sarah telling us Amish is her lifestyle not her Savior!
3538. Meeting Sarah's family of 11 children
3539. Sarah's patience with us as we asked her about her lifestyle
3540. Sarah asking me about my head covering
3541. Meeting Rachel and her family
3542. Getting fun family pictures
3543. Getting back on the road at a good time
3544. Rain
3545. McAlister's Deli
3546. A really good salad
3547. Reuben eating ALL of his dinner
3548. Fun evening
3549. Brendon playing with our neighbor
3550. Jamey learning to put together small gliders
3551. Fun times for all the kids
3552. Smooth bed time
3553. Getting pictures traded
3554. Talking with Jim
3555. Getting to bed at a decent hour
3556. Gabriel sleeping until 6:30!
3557. Getting a little extra sleep
3558. Eggs for breakfast
3559. Playing a game with Jim
3560. Working on uploading pictures
3561. All the cousins playing together one last time before Brendon and Kylee had to leave
3562. Taking Reuben our with just Daddy and Mama
3563. Super yummy burgers with a groupon
3564. Reuben eating all of his hot dog
3565. Being given the opportunity to speak Truth into people's lives
3566. Jamey declaring he does not want to sin anymore!
3567. Seeing God at work in Jamey's life
3568. Running into Brittany and Alexander at Target
3569. More encouragement
3570. Getting a movie for family movie night
3571. Nice Rest time
3572. Starting a book for fun (though so far not very impressed)
3573. Getting all pictures uploaded to one of my photo sites
3574. Getting pictures uploaded on Facebook
3575. Family movie night watching Despicable Me
3576. Kids enjoying a new movie
3577. Sitting with Lillian and Reuben
3578. Lillian saying "I'm your daughter" to tell us she needed to sit with us
3579. Working on my blessings
3580. Seeing God's blessings throughout the week
3581. Learning more about the spiritual needs around the world
3582. Just taking a break
3583. Learning to relax
3584. Giving the house a "Sabbath"
3585. Waking up even though exhausted
3586. Having a more relaxed morning
3587. Getting ready for playgroup early
3588. Finding the park with little problem
3589. Lots of space for the kids to run and play
3590. Jamey loving the "merry-go-round"
3591. Jamey getting back on the "merry-go-round" after falling off
3592. Lillian exploring
3593. Reuben playing in the splash park
3594. All of the kids eating all of their lunch!
3595. Gabriel getting in the water for a few minutes
3596. A really fun morning
3597. Taking a nap
3598. Jim getting a decent nap
3599. Dancing with Lillian
3600. Finding other ways to get exercise (need to find creative ways to get this in with the kids)
3601. Shrimp, green beans and mac & cheese for dinner (for some reason this was especially yummy to me tonight :) )
3602. Listening to the kids say Psalms
3603. Lillian begging to say Proverbs 31
3604. Relaxing evening
3605. Getting blog posts written
3606. Sleeping until almost 7:30!
3607. Jamey playing quietly so everyone else could sleep until almost 7:30
3608. Getting a card written
3609. Attending a Mother Blessing
3610. Meeting new Sisters
3611. Great conversation
3612. Yummy brunch food
3613. Taking pictures
3614. Praying over Shannon
3615. Making plans to discuss childbirth!
3616. Finding out Lisa had her baby boy
3617. Restful afternoon
3618. Finishing vacation mode
3619. Getting caught up on email in a timely manner
3620. Encouraging blogs
3621. Learning to not compare myself to others
3622. Seeking how to arrange my days
3623. Jim sleeping well
3624. Jamey and Lillian doing fairly well without a nap
3625. Great dinner and reading time
3626. Starting The Horse and His Boy
3627. Quick bath time
3628. Early bed time
3629. Smooth bed time
3630. Lazy and relaxing evening
3631. All sleeping a little later (after the 4 am invasion)
3632. Jim getting to sleep quickly after getting home
3633. Reading 3 days worth of my chronological Bible reading plan (I'm catching up)
3634. Kids playing well this morning
3635. Getting to church at a good time
3636. Sitting with Cory and Courtney
3637. Church picnic!
3638. Fun at Shelby Park
3639. Kids eating well
3640. Kids playing well
3641. Reuben loving the water ground
3642. Lillian playing with Katherine
3643. Jamey playing with Isabella
3644. Meeting new people
3645. Catching up with people I have not seen in a while
3646. Being outside
3647. Collapsing!
3648. Kids doing fairly well without naps all day
3649. Fun conversations at dinner
3650. Funny kids
3651. Jamey reading everything he sees
3652. Kids playing
3653. Smooth bed time
3654. Finding a couple of good deals
3655. Meal planning with Jim
3656. Being reminded that God is sovereign over all things
3657. Learning more and more everyday how to relinquish control
3658. Knowing that I can trust God with everything
3659. Being blown away by the complexities of God and His nature
3660. God's patience and graciousness with me
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