Monday, January 20, 2014

Encourage Your Kids

"ENCOURAGE one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing." 1 Thessalonians 5:11

This is something I really need to grow in. I do not encourage easily, it's not in my nature, but I want to grow in encouraging my kids. Kids need to know when they are doing something well. The word encourage means to give courage to, so when we express to our children that they are doing something well we put courage into our kids to do more and grow. We must be intentional in looking for ways to do this. We need to speak their language.

Another aspect that I found intriguing in encouraging them is helping them to fight for areas of glory. This concept sounds a little odd, but what they meant by this is when they can do something well do not let Satan use it to bring them down. We teach our children that those things they can do well are talents that God has given them and we help them, through the Holy Spirit to fight for what they can do well and give the glory to God because they can do it well. We must teach them to point all good things back to God.

How can you encourage your child today?

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