Thursday, January 16, 2014

Teach Them To Obey

"Children OBEY your parents in the Lord for this is right." Ephesians 6:1

In our culture this seems to becoming more and more of a foreign concept, but the Bible clearly commands children to obey their parents and for parents to train their children. I was thankful for the reminder that it is good and right to expect first time obedience. I know this, but I am horrible at actually following through with any kind of discipline when there is not first time obedience. But first time obedience is what God expects from us, so why should we expect less from our children. In teaching them first time obedience, we are teaching them what the Lord expects. We are also showing them their need for a Savior as it is impossible to have first time obedience without the help of the Holy Spirit.

A good tip for this is having the kids repeat to you the instructions that you have given them. I love this idea as my kids do not seem to process verbally well much of the time. This way you know they understood what you said and can tell if they are seeking to obey or defying you. 

It is also helpful to remember that our kids need both discipline and encouragement. Both go a long way in training them in the ways of God. Is this not what God does for us? May God give us His Spirit to train our children in obedience the way He trains us.

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