- Reuben and Gabriel sleeping until after 7 and pooping in the toilet!
- Gabriel and Sam playing together
- Sam praying
- CG dinner
- Kids playing well together
- Writing blog posts
- Moments with Jim throughout the day
- Talking with Jamey about what it means to be a Christian
- Learning to have a date night at home
- Getting a duck!
- Talking through more hard feelings
- God's great grace
- Kisses from Neo
- Teaching Jamey natural consequences
- God stirring my heart to pray more
- Napping with Lillian
- Reading with the middle boys
- Learning together
- Making granola by myself
- Getting school work completed
- Writing end of year letter
- Dealing with hard circumstances with the kids while Jim was at work
- Women's gift exchange
- Lillian going with us
- Catching up with friends
- Bec going to the gift exchange
- Productive afternoon
- Family movie night with friends
- Learning about the tabernacle
- Talking about the sermon with the kids
- Kids napping
- Talking and resting with Jim
- Celebrating Hanukkah
- Latkes and donuts
- Productive school day
- Make-shifting a recipe from things we had in the pantry
- Going to bed early
- Jim being home
- Getting 8 hours of sleep
- Getting a good report form lead people and inspection bid getting done quickly
- Good conversation at Starbucks
- Adventure
- Waking early
- Getting through the day by myself
- Good member meeting
- Taking the kids caroling
- Help from Becca and Ryan
- God's grace to get through
- Jamey understanding a joke
- Getting some emails written
- Connecting with people
- Kids wanting to draw instead of watching TV
- Cleaning out some email
- Low-key evening
- Coffee with Amy N
- Finishing school week
- Learning more about myself
- packages
- Making class plans with Jim
- Good time at writing group
- Remembering Kimberly
- helping Margaret
- Getting plans for the week figured out
- Adult movie night
- Good conversation with Jim
- Norwex party
- Connecting with other ladies
- Graduation party
- Seeing Jen
- Meeting Kathy
- Last night of Hanukkah
- Fun family evening
- Good wake up
- Working through stressors together
- Getting 2 days of school work completed
- Getting some of the to-do list done
- Finishing The Man Who Was Thursday and the Back to the Classics Challenge 2015
- Getting some extra work completed with Jamey
- Low-key yet productive day
- Working through things
- Time at CG
- Sleep
- Getting more restful sleep
- Becca being home much of the day
- Getting stuff done
- Having a good day overall
- God's grace
- Sam being sweet to Neo
- Obedience
- Being calm
- Making it through 3 days in a row
- Time to reflect
- Sam giving Neo kisses
- Sharing with Jim
- Mandy taking the kids for the day
- Opening a new account!
- Getting our room more organized
- Relaxing evening at home
- Good coffee date
- Talking through hard things
- Taking a nap
- Jim having a productive afternoon
- Talking through calendar with Bec
- Am Vet Christmas party
- Time with Jessica
- Early bed time
- Great concluding Exodus sermon
- Becca and Ryan going to church with us
- Time to rest and talk
- Iron Chef
- Early bedtime
- Movie night in
- Time to rest
- Low-key day
- Leftovers for dinner
- Talking through emotions
- Being together
- Getting through the day
- Working on emails
- Updating address list
- Jamey feeding Nehemiah
- God's great to get through
- Snuggling with Lillian
- Baby number 7!
- Sleeping in
- Getting errands run in 3 hours
- Medicine for Jim's arm- not neuro pain
- Low-key evening
- Snuggling with Lillian
- Reading after dinner
- Early bed time
- Jim being off of work
- Brunch date
- Christmas eve service with 4 kids
- Mac and Cheese dinner
- Teaching Jamey and Lillian how to play "Sequence"
- Home made hot cocoa
- Talking with Becca and Ryan
- Sleeping in
- Pancakes
- Wathing "The Nativity Story"
- Celebrating Jesus's birthday
- Relaxing family day
- Duck, homemade rolls, twice baked potatoes and green bean casserole
- Jim's cooking ability
- Telling kids about the baby and their excitement
- Parents getting here safely and early
- Low-key morning
- New PJs
- Nice encouragement from Jim
- Good sermon on loving God and loving others
- Pieology!
- Good conversation with Becca, Daddy and Ryan
- Gifts with the whole family
- Jim getting a lot of reading completed
- Nehemiah turning 6 months!
- Good, deep sleep
- Low-key day
- Repair guy coming by
- Creation Museum
- Live Nativity and Christmas lights
- Prayer
- Wrestling with God
- Talking with Daddy
- Honesty
- Pie Kitchen from Becca
- Relaxing evening at home
- Finishing the Old Testament!
- Sleeping in
- Movie day
- Getting blog posts written
- Finishing Challenges
- Talking through goals for 2016
- Connecting with Jim
- Being together
- Left overs
- Becca making soup for everyone
- God's great grace in 2016
Thursday, December 31, 2015
December Blessings
December has flown by in so many ways. It has been good and busy but also challenging in different ways. God has continued to bless our family far more than we deserve and we are reminded of this everyday. Here is a glimpse of the blessings from this month.
December Evaluation
Due to circumstances this past year, I'm not really changing my goals. Some will go that are not top priority, but I'm keeping the ones that fit with the overarching goal of having a God-centered life and the things I see Him leading me to right now. So thus far this is how it goes:
- Spend at least 10 minutes praying daily- Yes, I'm working more directed prayer into my day
- Spend at least 10 minutes reading and reflecting on the Bible daily- Yes!
- Memorize verses with the kids - We have memorized 13 verses together
- Memorize Scripture- Doing this with the kids in school time
- Go out for a date once a week- Yes
Go on a night away once this year- Yes we went away for our anniversary!- Read 3 books together this year- Did not read any this month, this goal will not be met
- Discuss plan weekly on
SundaySaturday afternoon- We are discussing plans but still need improvement on consistency and sticking to our plans as much as it depends on us
- Spend 30 minutes of one on one time with each child every week- Getting better at this, still have a lot of growing, but at least we are progressing :)
- Go to playgroup each Tuesday- Did not really happen this month and this one will likely be going away
Write in individual journals at least 3 times this year- I have met this goal!- Finish Jamey's 1st year Scrapbook- Need to go through pictures with Jim so this is on hold currently
- Keep up with cleaning schedule- Not at all, did some cleaning, but there is still no consistency here
- Keep up with my calendar- Status quo, still need improvement here
- Being fully present when with my family- Getting better at this but always room for improvement
- Continue sending out Prayer List- Yes
- Read a book a month for myself- Yes! This month I read "A Christmas Carol" and "The Man Who Was Thursday" to complete the Back to the Classics challenge I have been doing this year
- Journal 5 days a week- Yes! God has really been giving me opportunity to do this in the morning
- Write (books) 3 days a week- I have written down some ideas for my nonfiction book I'm working on, and looked at part of a section with my writing group
- Edit novel to prepare for publishing and research publishing options- No additional work on this during the month
- Finish Rosetta Stone Russian level 1 - Have not worked on this
- Continue to meet once a month with writing group- YES! So thankful to have a new Sister in the group
- Blog 3 days a week- Thanks to all the book reviews I did I met this goal!
Go to water aerobics once a week- Started back to find out that our instructor was moving and they are going to begin charging for classes so only did this half the month and this will be no moreMaintain weight until birth- Did well with this, still gained some but far better than other pregnancies- Lose weight after giving birth- Just maintained this month
December and 2016 is at an end. It's so hard to believe that another month and year have come and gone. As I look at my goals for this year, I am reminded once again that God is ultimately in control of all things and that our goals are good for guidance, but God ordains our days. As our family grows and the stages of life change, different things have a greater priority and for a season life looks different than it did before. As Jim and I look forward to 2016 priorities are going to look a little different because the size of our family has grown, our kids are older, and we desire to do life together as much as possible, something that has not really happened since moving to Louisville. This means some goals that have been present will go and other things will be added. But we know God is working in all of this and by His grace we will grow in being a family that He wants us to be.
How was your December?
How was your December?
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Back to the Classics Challenge Final Wrap-Up
I did it! I finished all 12 categories in the Back to the Classics Challenge 2015 that I participated in. I really enjoyed doing this challenge as I read books that I have been wanting to read for quite some time. These books challenged me and helped me in wrestling through everyday life as portrayed in literature. If you do not read classics, I recommend trying it. You can be part of the 2016 Back to the Classics challenge or just plan to read 1 this year and see how it broadens your appreciation of literature.
I read everything that I put in the beginning post except for changing my Shakespeare play to "The Comedy of Errors". Below are links to all 12 of the classics I read.
19th Century Classic: A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens
20th Century Classic: Lady Chatterly's Lover by D.H. Lawrence
Classic by a Woman Author: Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton
Very Long Classic: War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy
Classic in Translation: The Odyssey by Homer
Classic Novella: The Time Machine by H.G. Wells
Classic with a Person's Name in the Title: Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens
Humorous or Satirical Classic: The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis
Forgotten Classic: The Man Who Was Thursday by G.K. Chesterton
Nonfiction Classic: The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx
Classic Children's Book: Understood Betsy by Dorothy Canfield Fisher
Classic Play: "A Comedy of Errors" by Shakespeare
I read everything that I put in the beginning post except for changing my Shakespeare play to "The Comedy of Errors". Below are links to all 12 of the classics I read.
19th Century Classic: A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens
20th Century Classic: Lady Chatterly's Lover by D.H. Lawrence
Classic by a Woman Author: Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton
Very Long Classic: War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy
Classic in Translation: The Odyssey by Homer
Classic Novella: The Time Machine by H.G. Wells
Classic with a Person's Name in the Title: Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens
Humorous or Satirical Classic: The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis
Forgotten Classic: The Man Who Was Thursday by G.K. Chesterton
Nonfiction Classic: The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx
Classic Children's Book: Understood Betsy by Dorothy Canfield Fisher
Classic Play: "A Comedy of Errors" by Shakespeare
I hope you enjoy these reviews and that you will be encouraged to read more classics!
The Man Who Was Thursday by G. K. Chesterton
I have completed my 12th book for the Back to the Classics Challenge I have been participating in this year. This is in the category of Forgotten Classics.
The Man Who Was Thursday was a very interesting read. The beginning half in particular was very much like reading a suspense novel and had me wanting to read more and more. In fact the subtitle is "A Nightmare." The conversation is deep and intellectual. The descriptions capture your imagination and put you into the story. The suspense of what is happening drives the story.
Near the end of the book it got a little weird in that, "what is really going on" sense, and I lost a little momentum. But the conclusion was interesting and extremely ethereal. I do not want to spoil the ending, but it was very interesting to say the least. I would like to read this again and look for more clues throughout the book, now that I know how it ends.
I would recommend this book and would love to read more of Chesterton's works.
4.5 stars for this forgotten classic.
The Man Who Was Thursday was a very interesting read. The beginning half in particular was very much like reading a suspense novel and had me wanting to read more and more. In fact the subtitle is "A Nightmare." The conversation is deep and intellectual. The descriptions capture your imagination and put you into the story. The suspense of what is happening drives the story.
Near the end of the book it got a little weird in that, "what is really going on" sense, and I lost a little momentum. But the conclusion was interesting and extremely ethereal. I do not want to spoil the ending, but it was very interesting to say the least. I would like to read this again and look for more clues throughout the book, now that I know how it ends.
I would recommend this book and would love to read more of Chesterton's works.
4.5 stars for this forgotten classic.
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Dolphin Adventure
This was one of our read-alouds with our Core A Sonlight curriculum.
This book was a quick and easy read that my kids enjoyed and so did I. Who doesn't like dolphins? Though simply written you can feel everything going on in the words expressed on the pages. And it really is an adventure.
I would highly recommend this book as a good family read.
4.5 Stars
This book was a quick and easy read that my kids enjoyed and so did I. Who doesn't like dolphins? Though simply written you can feel everything going on in the words expressed on the pages. And it really is an adventure.
I would highly recommend this book as a good family read.
4.5 Stars
Saturday, December 26, 2015
Here's A Penny
This is one of our read aloud books from our Core A Sonlight curriculum.
Our family really enjoyed this book! These are fun stories about a little boy called Penny because of his bright copper hair. What I love the most about this book is that Penny is adopted and so it allowed for many conversations with our kids about adoption and how God adopts us. The last few chapters had the tears flowing in a good way.
A couple of the chapters were a little long, but they were still enjoyable.
I would highly recommend this book.
4.5 stars
Our family really enjoyed this book! These are fun stories about a little boy called Penny because of his bright copper hair. What I love the most about this book is that Penny is adopted and so it allowed for many conversations with our kids about adoption and how God adopts us. The last few chapters had the tears flowing in a good way.
A couple of the chapters were a little long, but they were still enjoyable.
I would highly recommend this book.
4.5 stars
Thursday, December 24, 2015
Mary On Horseback
This book was part of our Core A curriculum with Sonlight.
It was interesting reading these stories as they take place in Appalatia, not far from where we live, and is about nursing care (my husband and I are both nurses). These stories are very serious stories, but still very interesting. I can't say my kids enjoyed reading them because of the solemnity of the stories, but it was a good look at rural life in our country and brought about good discussions.
If your kids are really sensitive, I might not read this book to them or at least preview it to see if they can handle the stories. Otherwise I would recommend this book.
4.5 stars
It was interesting reading these stories as they take place in Appalatia, not far from where we live, and is about nursing care (my husband and I are both nurses). These stories are very serious stories, but still very interesting. I can't say my kids enjoyed reading them because of the solemnity of the stories, but it was a good look at rural life in our country and brought about good discussions.
If your kids are really sensitive, I might not read this book to them or at least preview it to see if they can handle the stories. Otherwise I would recommend this book.
4.5 stars
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
My Father's Dragon
This book is part of our Core A Sonlight curriculum. It is good story of a boy sailing to an island to rescue a dragon. The boy uses cleaver devices to trick the animals of the island as he explores and looks for the dragon. My kids really enjoyed this book. I highly recommend this book, especially for a family read.
4.5 stars
4.5 stars
Thursday, December 17, 2015
The Boxcar Children
This classic children's book was the first read aloud in our Core A curriculum from Sonlight.
Even though I have read it several time, it does not fail to disappoint. It is a story of 4 orphans seeking to survive on their own and not be found by their grandfather, of whom they are very afraid. I love the ingenuity of the kids as they figure out how to make a refrigerator, a ladle, and a swimming pool, among other things. I really enjoyed pointing these things out to Lillian as we read this together. I also appreciate that the kids are hard workers, all of them, which is a great encouragement to me.
The ending is a little too "happily ever after" for my taste, but as a whole I like the book very much.
5 stars for this book.
Even though I have read it several time, it does not fail to disappoint. It is a story of 4 orphans seeking to survive on their own and not be found by their grandfather, of whom they are very afraid. I love the ingenuity of the kids as they figure out how to make a refrigerator, a ladle, and a swimming pool, among other things. I really enjoyed pointing these things out to Lillian as we read this together. I also appreciate that the kids are hard workers, all of them, which is a great encouragement to me.
The ending is a little too "happily ever after" for my taste, but as a whole I like the book very much.
5 stars for this book.
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Animals Animals
This was the poetry book in our P4/5 curriculum through Sonlight. Though poetry is not my thing, this book is not too bad. I like that it has a variety of poetry types and poetry from different cultures. The pictures are done by Eric Carle, which make them interesting to fit with the poems.
4 Stars
4 Stars
Saturday, December 12, 2015
A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens
I finished my 11th book in the Back to the Classics Challenge I am doing! This was my book for 19th century classic and even though I am very familiar with the story I really enjoyed reading it.
If you have been around for any length of time you have probably seen or heard some rendition of this story, but it is worth the read. It is clearly written, which is a great comfort as some classics can get lost in the words. I also appreciated that this book was short and a quick read, but still deep. There are certainly many thought provoking statements. It also is sobering to think of yourself and how you treat people. It would be great if it were truly Christian, but for not being a Christian work it was very good.
I am really glad I read it and recommend it for others.
4.5 stars for this classic!
If you have been around for any length of time you have probably seen or heard some rendition of this story, but it is worth the read. It is clearly written, which is a great comfort as some classics can get lost in the words. I also appreciated that this book was short and a quick read, but still deep. There are certainly many thought provoking statements. It also is sobering to think of yourself and how you treat people. It would be great if it were truly Christian, but for not being a Christian work it was very good.
I am really glad I read it and recommend it for others.
4.5 stars for this classic!
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Stories from Around the World
This book was part of the read alouds in our P4/5 Curriculum from Sonlight. As with any story book, you will not necessarily like them all, but I did enjoy the majority of the stories in this book. It is fun to see different folk tales from around the world and compare them to each other. Lillian enjoyed reading these stories and learning a little more about the cultures we were talking about.
4 stars
4 stars
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Leading Little Ones To God
This book was given to us as our devotional book for Core B in our Sonlight Curriculum. It is a good basic book for introducing and explaining truths to children. The wording makes it evident that it was written awhile again and can feel awkward to read, but it was not bad. There were also times I did not agree with how they said something, so I wish I had read it ahead of time to know it was coming. These were very few and easy to correct.
As a whole I would recommend this as a devotional book for kids.
4 Stars
As a whole I would recommend this as a devotional book for kids.
4 Stars
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Lady Chatterly's Lover by D.H. Lawrence
My 10th book for my Back to the Classics Challenge, was Lady Chatterly's Lover for the category of 20th Century Classic.
I bought this book years ago, I think in high school, so I was a little leery of reading it for likely obvious reasons. But I was quite surprised by this book. It wasn't excellent, but I was intrigued by many of the passages in this book. The words and pictures painted, though very vivid and risque, were similar to the pictures painted in the Song of Songs. It was a complete admiration for one another and the way, I believe, God wants us to look at our spouses. It is frustrating that this is such a secular view of this, but much can be learned in it.
I do not condone the actions in the book at all. I will say it is also a good picture of how easy it is to become disenchanted and abandon what you know to be true and right, no matter who you are.
At times it was difficult to read as parts were written in a cockney-esc dialect. The beginning was also slow and a bit unnecessary.
I also appreciate that there is an open-ended ending with no idea as to when, if ever, they will be together.
Does that mean I recommend this book? Yes and No. If you know yourself and have good control of your mind, you may be able to read this book and enjoy it as I did. If you are single, DO NOT READ IT! And if you have problems handling romance, I would not recommend this either.
I give this book 3 stars.
I bought this book years ago, I think in high school, so I was a little leery of reading it for likely obvious reasons. But I was quite surprised by this book. It wasn't excellent, but I was intrigued by many of the passages in this book. The words and pictures painted, though very vivid and risque, were similar to the pictures painted in the Song of Songs. It was a complete admiration for one another and the way, I believe, God wants us to look at our spouses. It is frustrating that this is such a secular view of this, but much can be learned in it.
I do not condone the actions in the book at all. I will say it is also a good picture of how easy it is to become disenchanted and abandon what you know to be true and right, no matter who you are.
At times it was difficult to read as parts were written in a cockney-esc dialect. The beginning was also slow and a bit unnecessary.
I also appreciate that there is an open-ended ending with no idea as to when, if ever, they will be together.
Does that mean I recommend this book? Yes and No. If you know yourself and have good control of your mind, you may be able to read this book and enjoy it as I did. If you are single, DO NOT READ IT! And if you have problems handling romance, I would not recommend this either.
I give this book 3 stars.
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
The Comedy of Errors by Shakespeare
The Comedy of Errors is my 9th classic in my Back to the Classics Challenge and is the book for the "classic play" category.
Like most Shakespeare comedies, I quite enjoyed this play. It was a quick and easy read, which I greatly appreciated.
It was certainly funny, but sadly overly predictable. Act 1 Scene 1 allowed me to guess the play without having read it and without ever hearing a synopsis of the play. The ins and outs were not as predictable, which kept the humor for me.
Because I enjoy Shakespeare and this play kept well to the fashion I enjoy, I give it 4 stars, deducting 1 for the giveaway at the beginning of the play.
Like most Shakespeare comedies, I quite enjoyed this play. It was a quick and easy read, which I greatly appreciated.
It was certainly funny, but sadly overly predictable. Act 1 Scene 1 allowed me to guess the play without having read it and without ever hearing a synopsis of the play. The ins and outs were not as predictable, which kept the humor for me.
Because I enjoy Shakespeare and this play kept well to the fashion I enjoy, I give it 4 stars, deducting 1 for the giveaway at the beginning of the play.
Monday, November 30, 2015
November Blessings
In this month of counting our blessings, I have so much to be thankful for. God has really grown our family this month and provided for us in the midst of chaos. He has given our family so much this month, mostly closer relationships with each other, but it is far more than I had expected. God truly is the giver of all good things, especially of those things that money cannot buy.
What are you thankful for this month?
What are you thankful for this month?
- An extra hour of sleep
- Hearing what God says about adultery
- Restful afternoon
- Reuben and Gabriel playing nicely together
- Jamey playing a board game with Jim and me
- Planning to plan
- God revealing more of our hearts to us
- Learning to function steadily in a chaotic day
- Finding consistency
- Growing in grace
- Seeing the Wilburn Family before they left for India
- Smoothie!
- Walking
- Good CG time at our house
- Leandro hanging out with the kids
- Working through things
- God giving me grace to help a boy having a seizure
- Making it through the day with 4 hours of sleep
- Jim and I really working through emotions
- Realizing so much of God's grace before I met Jim
- Jamey making me a card
- Time to relax for a few minutes
- God working in everything
- Going to bed early
- Going to see Jim at work
- Smoothie
- Getting most of the weeks school work completed
- Time to read
- God's continued grace
- Time with Jim
- Sleeping in a little
- Productive day
- Being together as a family
- Working through things
- Kids playing well together
- Having fun
- Learning about stealing
- God's conviction
- Growing with Jim
- Yummy sandwich at Flanagan's
- Good conversation
- Kids' napping
- Playing together
- Jamey helping the middle boys with recitation
- Getting up early
- Getting a lot of pictures uploaded
- Many Gospel conversations
- "Cupcake Wars"
- A freezer full of breast milk
- Kids ahead in individual work
- Jamey reading to Nehemiah
- Productive school day
- Productive house day
- Learning a new game
- Running errands alone
- Last day of co-op for the semester
- Secret Sisters
- Getting to co-op early with Jim at work
- McDonald's Breakfast
- Getting to see Jim at work for a few minutes
- Kids letting me sleep in a little
- Productive school and home day
- Talking through the resurrection
- Kids beginning to play well together
- Getting uploads finished
- Finishing up the school week early
- Dinner and Display with our co-op
- Good time with family
- Kids growing
- Evening with Jim at home
- Writing group
- Margaret joining us
- Family day at home
- Learning to work on things together
- Sam Growing in communication
- Learning about taking risks for God and living fully
- Commissioning service and reception for international workers
- Prayer
- God continuing to expose my heart to me
- Time with Gabe
- Car not being expensive to fix for now
- Kids playing well together
- Week off of school
- God working on me and helping me to grow
- Getting over a chapter read in my book
- Working on cleaning together
- Talking with God
- Hot shower
- Jamey teaching the younger kids
- Showing kids glow in the dark stuff
- Jim talking to the kids
- Lunch date at home with Jamey
- Productive afternoon
- Teaching kids to clean
- Feeling more normal mentally
- Very productive day
- Jim getting called off
- Putting kids clothes away
- Cleaning and organizing
- Getting most pictures uploaded
- Finishing Lady Chatterly's Lover
- Productive morning
- Nice day out
- Talking through family and personal mission statements and goals
- Really communicating
- Neo doing well
- Catching up with Lindsay
- Good day out
- Yummy Panera
- Life planning with Jim
- Growing together in the knowledge of God and what He has for our family in this season
- Learning about coveting and how God wants us to view life
- Lunch with my sisters
- Hanging out as a family
- Kids welcoming Jacob
- Putting avocado on my eggs
- Productive day at home
- Growing with Jim
- Learning as a family
- Great encouraging time at book club
- Neo eating and pumping 4 oz
- Jamey reading from the Bible and taking notes
- Kids learning the Bible
- Good dialogue at CG
- Working through emotions more calmly
- Sam and Neo giving each other kisses
- Kids memorizing Scripture
- Coffee date with Jim
- Growing in working through things together
- Seeing my own sin
- Sleeping until 7:40!
- Spending the day with the McMillin family
- Daddy's surgery going well
- Lot's of good food
- Time and a half
- Kids being fully welcomed
- Celebrating Gabriel's birthday
- Hanging out with Becca and Ryan
- Pizza
- Ice Cream Cake
- Jamey loving Fireproof
- Growing as a family
- Finishing several projects
- Gabriel turning 3!
- Kids playing well together
- Talking with Becca
- God continuing to grow my heart
- Working with God and Jim to live life
- TV staying off until after dinner
- Learning about God's mission for His people
- Jamey asking how God redeems us
- Lots of leftovers
- Ryan and Becca getting us really yummy tacos
- Taking a nap
November Evaluation
Due to circumstances this past year, I'm not really changing my goals. Some will go that are not top priority, but I'm keeping the ones that fit with the overarching goal of having a God-centered life and the things I see Him leading me to right now. So thus far this is how it goes:
- Spend at least 10 minutes praying daily- Yes, I'm working more directed prayer into my day
- Spend at least 10 minutes reading and reflecting on the Bible daily- Yes!
- Memorize verses with the kids - We have memorized 10 verses together
- Memorize Scripture- Doing this with the kids in school time
- Go out for a date once a week- Yes
Go on a night away once this year- Yes we went away for our anniversary!- Read 3 books together this year- Did not read any this month, this goal will not be met
- Discuss plan weekly on
SundaySaturday afternoon- We are discussing plans but still need improvement on consistency and sticking to our plans as much as it depends on us
- Spend 30 minutes of one on one time with each child every week- Getting better at this, still have a lot of growing, but at least we are progressing :)
- Go to playgroup each Tuesday- Did not really happen this month and this one will likely be going away
- Write in individual journals at least 3 times this year- A little behind in this but will be done soon
- Finish Jamey's 1st year Scrapbook- Need to go through pictures with Jim so this is on hold currently
- Keep up with cleaning schedule- Did some cleaning later in the month, but still not consistent hoping to grow in this next year
- Keep up with my calendar- Status quo, still need improvement here
- Being fully present when with my family- Getting better at this but always room for improvement
- Continue sending out Prayer List- Yes
- Read a book a month for myself- This month I read "Lady Chatterly's Lover" (review to come, I'm behind on my other review as well. Hopefully I'll get some blog posts written soon)
- Journal 5 days a week- Yes! God has really been giving me opportunity to do this in the morning
- Write (books) 3 days a week- I have written down some ideas for my nonfiction book I'm working on, and worked on the introduction with my writing group
- Edit novel to prepare for publishing and research publishing options- No additional work on this during the month
- Finish Rosetta Stone Russian level 1 - Have not worked on this
- Continue to meet once a month with writing group- YES! So thankful to have a new Sister in the group
- Blog 3 days a week- Not at all
Go to water aerobics once a week- Started back to find out that our instructor was moving and they are going to begin charging for classes so only did this half the month and this will be no moreMaintain weight until birth- Did well with this, still gained some but far better than other pregnancies- Lose weight after giving birth- Just maintained this month, need a plan for this, but other things are taking priority
It's hard to believe November is at an end. This month involved a lot of ups and downs. We took a week off of school to teach cleaning and do major planning. Thanksgiving week was completely thrown off. But through it all, God has been faithful and is growing Jim and me together, giving us vision for our family and what we believe He wants it to look like. We are still struggling with execution, but hopefully during December we will get plans settled and 2016 will be a year of great growth for our family.
What was November like for you?
What was November like for you?
Saturday, November 28, 2015
Today my fourth child is 3 years old! How quickly the time has gone. Gabriel surprised us by coming a week before he was due, and he has continued to be a go-getter ever since then.
As rough and tumble as he is, Gabriel is still sensitive and easily gets his feelings hurt. He loves hugs and kisses, but only when he wants them.
We started him with a preschool program this year and he gets so excited about learning. He loves to write and gets out his writing board for fun to practice writing.
I am so thankful God has given this precious boy to us. He is such a blessing to our family. God has used his life so much already.
Father, thank You for our precious Gabriel! Please make him into a mighty man of You and a man after Your own heart.
Photo shoot by Becca Camp
Saturday, October 31, 2015
October Blessings
What can I say about October? It was so full and God has been constantly teaching us. We have had so many blessings. So thankful to be able to share some with you!
- Spending some quality play time with Reuben
- Getting all needed school work finished with a late start
- Figuring out how to roast broccoli and cauliflower without a recipe
- Cheap balanced dinner
- Sleeping until 9
- Getting good work done with the middle boys
- Homemade pizza for lunch
- Redeem Marriage
- Good reminder of Truth
- Meeting Stephanie- fellow scarf wearer
- Getting school work finished
- Learning how to deal with growing kids
- Helping Becca with her paper
- Making it through a Saturday without Jim
- God teaching me in every moment
- Learning about the 3rd Commandment
- Being sobered
- Napping along with the kids
- Finishing The Accidental Feminist
- Starting the next classic
- Time to write a little
- God working in weird ways
- Great dentist appointments
- Grocery store as a family
- Learning to eat better for cheaper
- Getting emails written
- Homemade granola
- God working
- Sleep
- Getting lead inspection completed
- Heart to heart with Jim
- Prayer walking
- Kids growing in friendship
- Time to hang out with CG
- Milk increasing
- Great day at co-op
- Gleaning from those with older kids
- Encouraging those younger
- Interactive class
- Never ending pasta bowl
- Good date evening
- Growing together
- Reuben singing "A Bushel and A Peck" and giving Gabriel hugs
- Talking to Brit and sharing with each other
- Uploading pictures
- Inspiration
- Kids napping
- More clothes organized
- Girls movie night
- Getting to know Brittany and Heather better
- Going through more clothes
- Finishing picture upload
- Cherry soda and dark chocolate
- Getting some needed cleaning done
- Over half-way through clothes
- Going to the seminary to meet Jim for lunch
- Writing group
- Time with Jim
- Talking about murder
- God working in my heart
- Connecting on a deeper level with Jim
- Fun family afternoon
- Growing in enjoying being together
- Grace to make it through a Monday with a sick child and Jim at work
- Getting through group school time
- Continuing to learn myself
- Teaching Lillian about not letting a schedule control us
- Everyone going to CG
- Showering
- Learning to let go of a perfect day
- Knowing God is always in control
- Learning as a family what is truly important
- Getting coffee with Jim
- Sara coming over to help and hang out
- Getting Bible time done
- Naps for everyone
- Getting laundry finished
- Potatoes for dinner
- Restful evening
- Bed at 10:30
- God healing my stomach
- Time to pray alone
- Feeling more rested
- Washing my hair
- Purging some
- Movie and logic problems
- Sleeping in
- Girls lunch date with Mom, Becca and Lillian
- Neo doing well at home
- Family Shopping trip to Kohl's and the Mall
- Mom getting us new clothes
- Dedicating Nehemiah to the Lord
- All 6 kids making it through the entire church service
- Being together as a family
- Lunch at Olive Garden
- Nice family afternoon
- Left overs
- God speaking to the depths of my heart
- Being reminded of how blessed I really am
- Going to playgroup
- Talking about school stuff
- School work
- Walking with Lillian
- Running into Shannon
- Good CG time of catching up and encouragement
- Seeking advice from those older
- Being surrounded by others who seek to honor God
- Bucca di Bepos
- Running into Chad and Ginger
- God revealing more of my heart
- School time as a family
- Time to talk things through with Jim
- Learning to seek together what God is wanting for us and our family
- Time to reflect
- Heart for the Nations
- Hearing from friends overseas
- Relaxing evening
- Singing with Reuben
- Kids playing together
- Talking through more scheduling adjustments and making plans
- Meeting with Dawn
- International food at SBTS
- Growth in Becca
- Great sermon on Sabbath
- J and L coming to church with us
- Taking a nap!
- Kids reading together
- Bean bag
- Pics of Sam
- Talking to my parents
- Family play time
- Shortened school schedule! Much better
- Quick and cheaper grocery run
- The kids playing well together
- Sam praying and saying Scripture
- Book club
- Sisters in the Lord
- Rainy day
- Kids working well together to learn
- Jamey teaching his siblings different things
- Great discussion at CG
- Getting to co-op mostly on time
- Timely note
- Seeing God work
- Heart to heart
- Jim getting half a paper written
- Good Panera
- Finishing The Age of Innocence
- Jim leaving me a heartfelt note
- Sam volunteering to pray, praying and saying Romans 10:9 with me
- Good school morning
- Productive afternoon
- Reading half of The Comedy of Errors
- Dancing
- Washing my hair
- Good doctors appointments
- Healthy kids
- Free food from Friends
- Becca being OK
- Getting budget and schedules complete
- Finishing The Comedy of Errors in 2 days
- Lillian and Sam dancing together
- Reuben reading to Nehemiah
- More stuff from friends
- Movies
- Sam turning 18 months
- Neo almost sitting up
- Watching some of the World Series with Jamey and Lillian
- God always working
- Mac and Cheese
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