These past 3 years have flown by. My little 6 lbs baby girl is now a preschool girl. Yes, she is still little, but she has grown so much. Her verbal skills always amaze me. Something has clicked recently and her sentences are grammatically correct much of the time. Her vocabulary is every growing. Her love of learning Scripture is my favorite though. I realize that all children can memorize vast amounts of information, but her love of saying Bible verses is amazing. She knows Psalm 23, Proverbs 31:10-31 and most of Psalm 67 along with other verses throughout the Bible.
I love her hugs. I love that she wants be snuggle and be near me. I pray that I will cherish and guide these moments so that she is looking at God, the giver of life and all good things, and not me. She has the most beautiful smile and bright eyes. She loves life!

Lillian loves flowers and blowing the dandelions in our yard. She loves skirts and dresses but also loves her pants. She loves her "baby" and is learning how to take care of it in the way a 3 year old understands. She is becoming a mama hen and it is cute though many times oversteps her bounds. It is a beautiful thing to see her already showing a caring spirit, the nurture side of a woman.
Lillian loves her brothers and often times does not know what to do when they are not around. I pray that they will all have a close relationship and that she will learn from them about boys, but I also pray for wisdom in teaching her how to do things on her own or with others but without her brothers.
God is truly at work in her life right now and I am so thankful that He is! God has blessed us so much with Lillian's life and I praise Him for her life. God has grown all of us because of her and I know that He will continue to use her life to reach others for His Name and for His glory.
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